The Constitutional Dimensions of the Government under the Rule of Law and Researches on Its Possible Approaches
【作者】 叶敏;
【导师】 申来津;
【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 经济法, 2007, 硕士
【摘要】 法治政府建设是法治国家方略的核心组成部分,对其进行研究具有深刻的现实意义。当前学界对法治政府的研究存在某种程度的简单化趋势,即将法治政府建设简单化约为依法行政问题。事实上,法治政府建设是一项系统的社会工程,法治政府的背后蕴藏的是一系列社会经济关系的现代化变革,它关乎到一国政治、经济体制的变迁和调整,也意味着在文化意识上对法治理念的吸收和接纳。法治是西方文明的产物,我们建设法治政府一方面必须从现实国情出发探求适合的法治道路,另一方面又要认识到我们已然置身于一种普遍性的现代化范式之中,我们的各项制度建设必须大胆吸收和借鉴西方政治文明的有益因素。就此而论,现代西方政治文明基本上是一种宪政文明,所以法治政府的宪政内涵必须得到有力地澄清。本文第一章先是对西方法治的源流进行了简要梳理,论述了现代法治的基本内涵,然后在阐述西方宪政的历史样态和现代面貌的基础上分析了法治与宪政的不同之处,最后得出结论,所谓法治政府也就是法治与政府的一种宪政整合。人性、权力,和法律是构建法治政府的基本“质料”,同时它们也是宪政最为关心的问题。所以,本文第二、三,四章着重从人性视角、权力构架,法律位阶三个层面揭示了法治政府的宪政内涵。法治政府的人性视角一方面试图为制度设计提供一个人性的基本预设,即将人视为一种社会性的“经济人”;另一方面就法治政府的目的而言,它肯定是对人性的一种价值依归,所以法治政府建设又必须贯彻人本理念。从权力层面对法治政府的宪政内涵的描述涉及到三个问题,一是我们如何正确认识行政权;二是法治政府的权力结构应该做出合理的规划,就此而言,笔者意在阐述包括行政权的内部分权制约、中央与地方的分权配合,政府与社会的分权合治等三个层面内容构成的现代分权理论的内涵;三是法治政府的权力限度问题。笔者首先分析了有限政府理念的理论基础,然后着重阐述了有限政府理念对法治政府的几个方面的要求。从法律角度而言,宪政对法治政府的要求主要体现在三个方面;一是良法的宪政主义含义;二是法治政府必须强调宪法至上原则;三是法治政府在强调法治的同时必须兼顾道德的作用。本文第五章先是阐述了我国法治政府建设必然是一种“政府推进型”法治道路,然后在当前学界对法治政府实现途径的已有分析的基础上从宪政主义角度对其具体实现途径做出了初步的探讨。
【Abstract】 It takes sense to do researches on the construction of the Government under the rule of Law, because it is the key portion of the policy to be a Country under the rule of Law. Whereas, there is an obvious trend in our researching field which hold an idea that the Government under the rule of Law is just the matter of Administration by Law. Actually speaking, the construction of the Government under the rule of Law is a systemic social project which indirectly means that either our social economic system or our political system should be adjusted and reformed, and it also infers that we should absorb and accept the ideas of the rule of Law in our cultural sense. The idea of the rule of Law is exotic thing from western world. In the process of our project, on the one hand, we must probe a rational way basic on our realistic situation, on the other hand, we also must acknowledge that we have already be put into a universal paradigm of modernization which means that we should absorb and learn the helpful elements from the western political civilization bravely. It is apparent that the Constitutionalism makes up of the western political civilization mostly, and it tells us that the constitutional dimensions of our project must be clarified in an effective way.The article is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter, the author at first gives a brief carding of the western idea of the rule of Law, and then discusses the general meanings of its modern type. To some extant, the idea of rule of Law is differ from the idea of Constitutionalism, so the author also discusses the historical origin and the modern meanings of Constitutionalism, and later the author educes a conclusion that the Government under the rule of Law is nothing but the integration of the idea of rule of Law and the idea of Constitutionalism. Human nature, power, and law are three basic material to construct the Government under the rule of Law, what’s more, they are also be seriously cared by the idea of Constitutionalism. So the later three chapters the author tries to reveal the constitutional dimensions of the Government under the rule of Law in the three important ways. The discussion of human nature serves two issues: one is aimed to give our project a reasonable start point regarding to the institution design; the other is trying to tell us that the process of the construction of the Government under the rule of Law must carry out the human-centered idea. The second constitutional dimension is about power-thinking, in this part; the author discusses the rational attitude to administrative power, and then tell us how to arrange the power structure of our government which in turn refer to a modern type of power-separated theory, at last the author emphasizes our project must get in accord with the idea of limited government. The third constitutional dimension refers to the legal requirements of Constitutionalism to our project, in this part, three points were discussed: the constitutional criterions of good law; the construction of the Government under the rule of Law must carry out the principle of constitution paramountcy; the construction of the Government under the rule of Law must pay attention to the function of morality. With the new constitutional angle, the last chapter, the author tries to analysis the possible ways for the project to be done.
【Key words】 Government under the rule of Law; constitutional dimension; Approaches;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉理工大学 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
- 【分类号】D921
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】287