

A Preliminary Design of the Silicon Flexural Accelerometer Based on Plane Helix

【作者】 梁萌

【导师】 宋开臣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 加速度计是惯性导航系统的关键部件之一,石英挠性加速度计因体积小、响应快、灵敏度高等优点,在我国航空航天、交通运输等领域都得到了广泛应用。最近十多年来,我国在武器研究领域,特别是短程导弹、运载火箭以及新式拦截武器方面取得了非常大的进步,但是作为导航装置的核心部件,石英挠性加速度计多数仍然是仿制西方发达国家的早期产品,且其中不少关键工艺都存在问题,产品性能距离世界先进水平还存在很大的差距。因此,深入研究石英挠性加速度计,对我国惯性导航技术的自主发展有着非常重要的意义。本课题的主要工作包括:通过分析原有石英挠性加速度计存在的稳定性问题,对平面线圈式石英挠性加速度计的整体结构、加工工艺进行设计,并完成最终制作;对加速度计的伺服电路进行设计;组装样机,对样机进行功能性测试。本文共分六章:第一章综述石英挠性加速度计的发展现状和存在的问题,并以此为背景,提出课题主要的研究目标和内容。第二章通过对课题研究目标和相关关键技术的具体分析,阐述平面线圈式石英挠性加速度计的总体设计方案。第三章着重从挠性支承、平面线圈、磁极和磁芯等几个方面具体阐述加速度计的结构设计方案和加工工艺。第四章设计模拟伺服电路,并对最终电路的性能进行测试。第五章详细介绍加速度计样机的装配工艺,进行功能测试,并对测试结果进行分析。第六章对整个课题进行总结。本课题的创新点在于:制作粘结型超顺磁磁芯,用于新型通电线圈磁场支承装置,可以有效增强磁场强度,并且没有磁滞;利用光刻工艺在摆片上制作平面螺旋线圈作为力矩线圈,不仅解决了原来粘接工艺复杂,粘接后易老化失效的问题,也有效的减小了摆片的质量。

【Abstract】 The silicon flexural accelerometer, which is the most important component of the inertial navigation system, is used abroad on navigation and spaceflight field, traffic and transportation field for its little cubage, fast response, high sensitivity In the recent several years, our country acquired rapid progress in the weapon research field especially in the short range guided missile, carrier rocket, new celerity intercept weapon and so on. As the kernel components of the inertial navigation system, our country’s silicon flexural accelerometer still depend on the copy the West’s advanced products, at the same time, there are many pivotal technics that we can not do well, the performance of our own products is dropped behind the replicated products very much. It’s very valuable to lucubrate the silicon flexural accelerometer, for the independent development of our inertial navigation technology.The mostly work of this task is investigating the problem of long-term stability in the presently conventional silicon flexural accelerometer and designing the new silicon flexural accelerometer based on plane helix’s whole fabric and manufacture technics, designing the serve control system circuit, assembling the sample machine and testing it.The thesis is composed of six chapters as following:Chapter 1 summarizes the development actuality and the existent problem presently of the silicon flexural accelerometer, the objects and tasks of this thesis are also put forward on the foundation above.Chapter 2 detailedly expatiates the whole designation scheme of the new silicon flexural accelerometer based on plane helix by strictly analyzing the research object and relative key techniques.Chapter 3 expatiates the fabric and manufacture technics especially on the flexure joint, helix printing, magnetic pole machining, magnetic core making.Chapter 4 brings forward the designing method of the absolute component serve circuit by analyzing the conventional silicon flexural accelerometer serve circuit and introduces the performance of this circuit.Chapter 5 expatiates the assemblage of the whole accelerometer system, and introduces the system’s performance.Chapter 6 summarizes and expects the research in this thesis.Innovation of this thesis can be summed to the aspects as following:The felt superparamagnetic iron oxide magnetic core used in the new magnetic supporting equipment can enhance the magnetic induction strength effectively, and has no hysteresis loss, but the superparamagnetic material’s special characteristics determine the magnetic core’s manufacture technics would be very difficult. It’s a new apply of the superparamagnetic material in magnetic core. Machining plane helix to replace the conventional moment helix reduces the difficulty of adhibiting technics, and reduces the quality of the silicon flake effectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期
  • 【分类号】TH824.4
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】416

