

Design and Research on Fatigue Testing Machine with Heavy Shock Loads for Steel Rope and Bearing

【作者】 王昊

【导师】 徐兵;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 钢索是传递力和承受作用力的柔性物体,由于其品种多、用途广,在矿山、港口、运输、海洋等行业受到广泛应用。为确保钢索使用时安全可靠,需要试验机对钢索进行性能测试。传统的钢索疲劳试验机所模拟的试验工况是使一小段钢索作单向反复弯曲运动,这与许多生产实际场合差别较大,因此在许多重要的场合需要研制特殊的疲劳试验机来完成钢索抗疲劳性能的试验。特制的钢索疲劳试验机可使被试钢索的受力状态和钢索使用条件基本相似,因此能较准确地代表钢索的质量和使用寿命。轴承作为钢索使用时的配套元件,也需要研制相应的寿命试验机来完成其性能试验。论文通过对钢索、轴承使用中的实际工况分析,进行了钢索冲击疲劳试验机与钢索轴承疲劳寿命试验机的模拟设计。从总体上进行了试验机结构的设计,设计出相应的试验机液压系统并完成液压系统的仿真分析研究。论文的主要结构如下:第一章,综述了国内外钢索、轴承疲劳寿命试验与试验机的发展状况以及现状,分析了常用的冲击、加载试验方法。简要介绍了本课题的研究意义,概述了论文主要的研究内容。第二章,在对实际工况进行分析的基础上,完成了钢索冲击疲劳试验机的方案择优与结构设计。介绍了试验机的结构特点与工作原理;对冲击器、支撑台架等部件进行结构设计与理论计算分析。第三章,主要对液压冲击系统进行了设计。介绍了液压系统的工作原理,对液压元件进行了选型和设计,并完成了冲击时间、速度的理论计算。第四章,利用仿真软件,对油缸座和横梁的应力和变形情况进行了有限元分析。采用AMESim软件建立了液压系统的模型,进行各项特性仿真研究,结果表明设计的液压系统能满足设计要求。第五章,对轴承疲劳寿命机进行了方案设计。分析了设计的难点以及论证了现有方案的可行性,介绍了试验机的工作原理;设计出相应的液压系统并完成了液压系统的仿真分析。第六章,总结了本论文所做的研究工作进行,并对未来的研究工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 The Steel Rope as a flexible object can be used to transmit and withstand the force. It is widely used in mining, transportation, ocean industry because of its high quality of strength and flexibility. In order to ensure its safety and reliability, it is necessary to test the capability of steel rope by using the testing machine. The simulation of traditional steel wire fatigue testing machine is to make a short testing-rope bend in one direction repeatedly, this operating mode is different from the actual, and therefore it is necessary to design a testing machine which can simulate the actual operating mode of the steel rope, then the quality and the service life of the steel rope can be accurately tested. The bearing work along with the steel rope, so it is necessary to design the lifetime testing machine to test it.The impacting fatigue testing machine of the steel rope and the fatigue life testing machine of the bearing are designed after their actual operation are analyzed. The machines and their hydraulic systems are developed, and the simulation of the hydraulic system is done to verify its feasibility. The thesis is organized as follows:In chapter 1, the history and current research status of the testing machines are introduced based on a lot of the publications. The general test methods of the impact or load test are analyzed. Consequently, the research and the goal of the project are brought forward.In chapter 2, the steel rope impact fatigue testing machine is designed based on the analyses of the rope’s actual operating mode. The characteristics and the working principle of the testing machine are introduced. The impacter and support part are designed, and the related theoretical analyses are done.In chapter 3, the hydraulic system of the fatigue testing machine is developed. The working principle of the hydraulic system is introduced and its components are selected. The impacting time and the speed of the steel rope are analyzed.In chapter 4, the strength of the cross beam and the mounting panel are analyzed by using the finite element software Ansys. Mathematical models of the system are established in AMESim and the simulation is carried out. Simulation results show the hydraulic system can meet the specification.In chapter 5, the scheme design of the fatigue life testing machine for bearing and steel rope is done, the difficulties and the feasibility of the current scheme is analyzed. The hydraulic system of the machine is brought forward.In chapter 6, conclusions and further expectation of the project are given.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】TH871.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】515

