

A Study on English Self-efficacy in the Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies

【作者】 刘品

【导师】 宋黎;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自我效能感是指某人对自身能否成功地从事某项任务或某种行为活动的一种能力判断。而学生对英语学习或对从事与英语相关的活动任务所产生的能力感知就是英语自我效能感。自我效能感在学生们的学习成败以及个性品格方面都有着及其重要的影响。词汇学习策略是为促进对目标语词汇的内化、储存、提取和使用而有意识地采用的具体行为、步骤、技巧、方法或路子。所有的学生在词汇学习时都会有意无意地运用词汇学习策略。如果学生较少运用有效的学习策略,缺乏学习技能,那么他们不可能会对英语学习产生较大的自信。因而,学生在语言学习过程中的“效能”和“技能“都是取得学业成功必不可少的重要条件。因此本研究对大学生的英语自我效能感和英语词汇学习策略进行了显著性和相关性的研究,以期获得显著结论,从而使教师对提高学生的英语业绩和个性品格有所启示。被试为大连大学的100名学生所在的四个组:英语专业一年级、三年级和非英语专业一年级、三年级学生,调查了他们的英语自我效能感,同时还探索了大学生的英语词汇学习策略使用情况,并且就英语自我效能感和英语词汇学习策略的关系进行了分析。所得数据均使用SPSS软件进行分析。根据本次的研究目的,获得了以下结论:(1)中国大学生英语自我效能感普遍较低。虽然大多数学生对他们自身学习英语的能力持有积极的态度,但是对可能取得的学习结果缺乏足够的信心。(2)在总体的英语自我效能感方面,男女生之间不存在性别差异。但是在具体的英语词汇学习的自我效能感上,却存在着一定的性别差异。(3)英语专业一年级、三年级和非英语专业一年级、三年级学生所在的四个组在词汇学习策略的使用情况上存在着一定的相似性和差异性。(4)英语自我效能感与英语词汇学习策略运用之间存在显著正相关关系。所有的元认知策略,大部分的认知策略和情感策略都与英语自我效能感呈及其显著正相关,但英语自我效能感与社会策略之间的相关性不显著。

【Abstract】 Self-efficacy refers to beliefs about one’s ability to perform any given task or behavior successfully. Students’ perceived abilities in English learning or performing English related activities are referred as English self-efficacy. Their self-efficacy exerts significant influence on their learning success and personal qualities. Vocabulary Learning Strategies are specific behaviors, steps, techniques, methods or approaches that students use to facilitate their progress in internalizing, storing, recalling and using the target language vocabulary. In fact, all the students will use some kinds of strategies when they are learning vocabulary. If they seldom employ some efficient learning strategies and sufficient learning skills to help their studies, students cannot get much confidence in English learning. Therefore, both their wills and their skills in language learning are indispensable to students’ academic success.This thesis attempts to carry out a research on English self-efficacy and Vocabulary Learning Strategies in the hope of getting significant results, thereby giving implications for teachers in the improvement of students’ English performance and personal qualities. All the 100 students are from Dalian University. They are divided into 4 different groups: both English majors and Non-English majors in Grade 1 and 3 respectively. This thesis studies the English self-efficacy and Vocabulary Leaning Strategies use. Meanwhile, it explores the correlations between them. Data from the questionnaire are calculated by SPSS.In accordance with the research purposes, the following findings are obtained:(1) Chinese university students have low self-efficacy beliefs about English learning. Even though most students hold positive views about their capabilities in English learning, they are not so confident in the learning outcomes they produced.(2) The differences between two genders on the sense of general English self-efficacy are not found. However, when narrowing down the attention to the effects of self-efficacy in vocabulary learning specifically, there are significant gender differences.(3) There are similarities and differences between the four different groups in the use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies.(4) Significant and positive correlations are discovered among English self-efficacy and the use on Vocabulary Learning Strategies. All the Metacognitive Strategies, most Cognitive Strategies and Affective strategies are correlated significantly with English self-efficacy. While English self-efficacy has no significant relations with Social strategies.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】781

