

The Hull Nesting Data Management System Based on .NET Platform

【作者】 刘蒙

【导师】 贾振元;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 船体套料是船体设计制造过程的一个重要环节,套料过程是船体数据管理的集中体现,直接影响船体制造的钢材利用率,关系着造船企业的经济效益。本文以大连船舶重工套料部门的船体套料工作为实际背景,通过套料数据管理系统的开发,实现了船体套料工作的信息化和自动化,提高了工作效率,减少了原材料消耗,缩短了设计周期。本文在总结产品数据管理技术的发展现状和发展趋势的基础上,通过长期的企业实地调研,分析了当前船体套料流程和存在的问题,针对船体套料自动化的发展要求,提出了将产品数据管理技术和计算机辅助设计技术相结合的面向数据管理的构建方法,建立了套料数据管理系统的总体方案和功能模型,详细确定了各功能模块的作用,同时对主要的关键技术进行了研究,提出了动态创建套料信息数据库的办法解决了大数据量信息存储问题,并利用基于角色控制的理论解决了权限划分和系统安全的问题。系统立足于船体套料的实际工作,重点对方案中零件数据管理、套料设计CAD子系统和钢材数据管理进行了需求分析、详细设计和实现。系统基于C/S结构模式,提供强大的客户端功能,选用SQL Server2000作为数据库系统,采用Microsoft Visual Studio2005集成开发环境实现程序的设计和团队协同开发。论文在零件数据管理方面研究了基于DXF文件的零件优化存储问题,实现了图形信息与关系数据库的结合;在套料设计子系统中运用全新的ObjectARX.NET技术对AutoCAD2007进行二次开发,解决了生成块文件和套料图存储等技术难题;在钢材数据管理中,使用统一建模语言UML进行程序流程设计和分析,并给出了部分设计流程图。本论文探索了一种将产品数据管理理念和计算机辅助设计技术结合并成功运用于船体套料设计的方法。系统已经开发完成,并在企业成功实施,获得用户的一致好评。

【Abstract】 As an important part of shipbuilding, hull nesting process is the concentrated embodiment of hull data management, which directly affects the steel using rate of hull manufacture, and has close relation to the economic benefit of the shipbuilding enterprise. In this paper, taking nesting department’s hull nesting work of Dalian shipbuilding industry as its background, the hull nestmg PDM system developed with applying CAD-related technology to the design of PDM system. In the meantime, informationization and automatization in hull nesting work is realized, as well as the work efficiency is improved, the consume of the raw cut down and the design period of processed materials reduced.On the base of summarizing the development situation at present and trend of PDM technology, according to the long-term investigation and research on the spot in enterprise, the actual hull nesting flow and existent problem are analyzed in the paper, an OODM design method which combining the PDM technology and hull nesting technology is carried out to meet the requirement of the hull nesting roboticized, the main part design scheme and the function model of nesting data management system is constructed. Meanwhile, the function of each module is discussed in detail, at the same time , the key technology is also researched. The approaches of dynamic establishing nesting information dada-base to accomplish big data quantity storage are proposed , the problems of access right and system security are also well resolved.This system is established in the actual work, not only the requirement analysis but also the elaborate design are carried out to realize this system including part data management ,nesting design CAD sub-system, and steel data management. Based on C/S structure which can provide powerful client function, SQL Server2000 database system are selected to finish this system in the Visual Studio .NET environment by cooperating with group. By optimizing part storage technology on the part data management aspect, the combination of graphics and relation database is realized; The approaches of applying ObjectARX.NET to the realization of secondary development for AutoCAD2007 are proposed to accomplish such functions as creating block files creating and nesting drawing storage; On the steel data management aspect, using the UML(Unified modeling language), the process flow has been designed and the flow charts have been drawn. This paper presents the approach of integrating PDM with CAD technology which can be successfully used in hull nesting design. At present, the system has been accomplished, and has been applied successfully in corporation, therefore it has been proved that the system can meet the need commendably

  • 【分类号】U662
  • 【下载频次】149

