

Design and Research on the Prop-blade Barycenter Measurement System

【作者】 林虎

【导师】 梁延德;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 大型船用推进器的螺旋桨桨叶铸造完成后,其实际的重心矩和重心位置与图纸(理论)要求有较大差别,这种差别会对船只的多项性能指标造成很大影响,这就需要对桨叶的重心位置进行测量和修正,以使重心处于较理想的位置。采用传统的平面投影重心力矩平衡法来测量重心,不但测量误差较大,而且对于较大规格的桨叶来说,测量还具有一定的不安全性。针对螺旋桨的桨叶表面形状复杂,支承和测量都比较困难的问题,本文提出并设计了一套自动化程度和检测精度都比较高而且使用安全的桨叶重心检测系统。螺旋桨桨叶重心检测系统的检测原理是利用理论力学的静力矩平衡原理和线性代数的空间几何方程来进行重心位置的测量和力矩的计算。该系统采用伺服稳定支承结构设计方案,解决了桨叶重心检测时支承和测量的难题,使用滑动丝杠支承保证了竖直支承结构的刚度和对不同桨叶规格的适应能力,使整个测量系统安全可靠。设计了球形的自定心称重支承可以使桨叶更容易达到所需要的平衡位置。设计了自动控制系统和数据检测系统来完成重心检测的自动化控制和提高测量的精度,选用高精度的称重传感器和位移传感器,保证了位置测量的准确性。选用的伺服控制系统和微机数据采集系统可以保证测量的准确和提高测量的自动化程度。编制了基于Visual C++的软件程序来进行人机交互和数据交换,数据的采集主要是通过数据采集卡和运动控制卡将各种传感器传来的数据信号转换成微机可以识别的数字量后,再由程序读取,经过程序的变换计算后显示到屏幕,也可以保存到变量或文件,以供相关人员参考。该重心测量系统是集机械结构设计、数据采集与处理和软、硬件自动控制的机电一体化系统。该系统装置从理论上解决了大连船用推进器厂所使用的传统的螺旋桨桨叶重心检测方法所存在的一些不足,并且为其它具有相似结构的物体的重心检测提供了有价值的借鉴。本课题所设计的重心测量系统不但使测量精度和操作的安全性提高了,而且还提高了生产效率。本课题设计的测量装置适用于单桨叶规格从20kg到600kg的范围。

【Abstract】 The barycenter of the founded blade is bias from the theoretic design which is requested to install in the prop correctly and accurately .This kind of departure results in the differences of the gravity moment and influences the sail’s operation, especially the marine ships. As the surface of the blade is complex and composed of splines, it is difficult to underprop and measure in the conventional method. To the above question, this discourse is given a cg measurement system which is automatic, accurate and more safety.The principle of this system is based on the balance of torque and moment, and the spacial geometrics. The cg measurement system for the prop blade solves the above stated problems radically. This paper adopts sliding guideway and sliding screw bolt to support and engage in the measurement and control, which ensure the structure safety and steady. Utilizing the spherical supportor to contain the loading-scale transducer makes the system supportors fit the blade surface, the spline surface perfectly and easily left the blade balanced. In orde to improve the measurement precision and the opetation automatic extent, this paper selects and designs automation control system and data acquisition system. The Visual C++ programme is used to data exchange and for GUI.All the datas are transformed from the sensors to the acquisition cards.All the analog values are changed into digital ones to the computer in order to show the aimed figures on the screen or saved in the variables and files.This system is the composition of data acquisition, hardware and software, automatic control and other compound technologies. This discourse has improved the Dalian marine prop company’s conventional measuring method, and also provides the use for reference to other objects in measuring cg system. The system provides a proficient and efficient procedure in the prop-blade manufacturing. The GUI and the calculation procession are actualized through Visual C++ and this system is available for the specification from 20kg to 600kg.

【关键词】 螺旋桨桨叶重心测量数据采集
【Key words】 PorpBladethe Center of GravityMeasurementData Acquisition
  • 【分类号】U664.33
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】199

