

Studies on South China Tiger’s Behaviors in Semi-wild Conditions and Its Potential Habitats in China

【作者】 曹青

【导师】 胡德夫;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文应用全事件取样法和目标取样法,对散养条件下不同年龄段的华南虎种群进行了行为谱、行为时间分配、日节律等方面的研究。同时,应用地理信息系统,对我国周边虎历史分布区内的剩余潜在栖息地进行了基于生态适宜性指标的分析。行为研究首次建立了华南虎PAE行为编码系统,并记录到了117种散养华南行为,证明散养条件下华南虎行为的丰富程度大大提高,散养条件对于部分弹性行为的恢复有着积极的意义。在时间分配上,华南虎的成体组、亚成组、幼体组的行为时间分配差异显著,其中社会行为、玩耍行为等差异较为明显。日节律变化在不同组间也呈现显著正相关或负相关,但总体较为无序。成体组的行为相对固化,刻板行为占过高比例,而亚成组与幼体组的行为弹性较大,是行为拓展的黄金时期。我国境内及周边仍然存在适宜虎生存的野生环境,但栖息范围已大大减少,且均受到栖息地破碎化的危胁。在综合考虑了土地覆盖、灌溉类型、人口密度、地形地势、最小可持续种群等因素后,整个南方地区的潜在栖息地一共聚类为20个栖息地群,作为虎潜在放归的核心区。但是,这些栖息地群中绝大多数受到保护面积过小的问题。建立更多的保护区、加强栖息地间廊道建设、进行有针对性的保护与植被猎物恢复等等,是提高现有潜在栖息地能力的重要手段。

【Abstract】 In this paper, we used All-Occurrence Sampling Method and Focal-Animal Sampling Method to study the ethogram, time budget and daily rhythm of South China Tiger at different age groups in Semi-wild Circumstances. Meanwhile, using Geographic Information System (GIS), we analyzed potential habitats left in tiger historical range in and around China based on the habitat suitability index.In behavioral study, we set up the world’s first PAE Behavioral Code System for South China Tiger, with which we recorded 117 behaviors in Semi-wild conditions. The result showed under semi-wild circumstances, tigers can display much more new behaviors than in small fence, and this condition had positive effects on the recovery of some tiger’s flexible behaviors.In time budget study, we found there were great differences between three age groups’ daily time budget, especially on social behaviors and playing behaviors. Daily rhythm study showed that, different group in different time period of the day may have either positive relevance or negative relevance, but in general they were not in order. The adult group’s behaviors were more stable and the stereotype behaviors took a very large amount. The juvenile and cub groups displayed their behaviors more elastically, which showed they were in the best periods for the development of their behaviors.Potential habitat analysis showed that, tiger potential habitat can be found but had greatly reduced in and around China, which still faces the threats of habitat fragmentation. We used landcover, irrigation, human population, terrain, least sefl-sustainable populaton, and found out there were 20 potential habitat groups in whole south China, which can be considered as the core areas for South China Tiger’s recovery. However, most of these groups still met the drawback of too little protected areas. Setting up new reserves, building the ecological corridors, effective protection and the recovery of wild landcover and prey base would be the effective ways to promote the capacities of potential habitats.

  • 【分类号】S865
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】223

