

Research and Realization of the Common Required Course Network Teaching Platform on Streaming Media Technology in Normal College

【作者】 樊郁徽

【导师】 陈伟杰;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国高校招生规模不断扩大,许多高校的学生人数都在很短的时间内增加了一倍或者数倍。随着办学规模的不断扩大,高校办学条件却并没有与之相配套,很多高校都面临着教学资源不足、教学条件和师资条件等缺乏的情况,教学质量都出现明显下降。为了提高教学质量,大部分高校都采取了集中优势资源在专业课教学上,而对公共课教学的投入却没有明显改善。在我国,师范类高校又是高校中的一个较特殊的群体,所培养的学生都是未来的教师,因此,对师范生进行教学时更强调知识面要广,基础要牢,教师技能要强。在这个前提下,师范类高校中公共课的教学才显得更为重要。为了能够更好的提升师范类高校公共课的教学质量,笔者在对安徽省内的几所师范高校公共课教学现状进行分析的基础上,提出了建设基于流媒体技术的师范类高校公共课网络教学平台的想法。在从理论和技术上进行了可行性分析后,进而试着进行了平台的开发,完成开发后又在实验学校——淮南师范学院进行了一年的教学试行,最后通过对教学情况的进行分析与总结,从实践中验证了该平台在公共课的教学中能够起到提升教学质量的作用。本课题的研究除了对师范类高校的公共课教学有着促进作用,可以作为课堂教学的有效补充,还可以作为师范生教师技能学习的第二课堂,促进师范生全面和谐发展。

【Abstract】 With the development of our national college, the student number is doubled or even increased several times in recent years. However, colleges are poorly equipped. Teaching qualities are dropping obviously due to the shortage of teaching resources. Poor working conditions, and lack of experienced staff. So most colleges apply the superior resources to specialized subjects and put little investment into common required courses.Normal colleges are special colleges in our country and their purpose is to foster potential teachers in the future. Thus, normal college students are supposed to have wide range of knowledge, firm rudimentary knowledge and flexible teaching skills. Therefore, common required courses play on important role in normal colleges.To improve Common Required Course’s teaching, the author inquires into the present CRC teaching. Situation in several Anhui’s normal colleges, and then proposes to build the network teaching platform on streaming media technology. Then after the analysis of its feasibility and operation for one year in Huainan Normal University, the opening-up proved to be effective according to the later analysis of the teaching situation.This research topic is not only to encourage CRC in normal colleges, to complement research teaching, but also to promote the all-round development as the second classroom for all the normal college students and the staff members.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】242

