

Reform of Maths Test in Junior High School

【作者】 刘莉

【导师】 纪明泽;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,我国正在进行新一轮的课程改革,课堂教学也在发生着根本的变化。学生成为了课堂的主体,教师成为课堂的组织者和管理者,学生各方面的素质在课堂中得到了锻炼。但是,我们的评价手段,相对于教学改革的力度,明显滞后。测验是教学过程中的一个重要环节,也是教育评价的一个重要手段。测验能反映学生阶段学习的掌握情况和学习能力的提升情况,是最为有效的评定学生学业成就的方式。然而,大量形式单一、内容枯燥的测验不但没给教学带来积极的作用,而是用一个又一个残酷的分数极大地打击了部分学生的学习热情和学习信心。因此,在新一轮基础教育课程改革理念的指导下,努力探索符合课程标准及课改要求的测验模式,是新时期教学改革的一项重要任务。论文通过对深圳市罗湖区几所初中测验情况的调查,寻找测验改革的理论与现实依据,大胆提出测验改革的基本思路,从试题编制到评卷手段,并列举了一些典型的试题例证,以帮助中学教师理清思路,探索测验改革的可操作性措施,进而实现测验应有的作用。论文分为四个部分:第一部分,调查深圳市若干初中的数学测验情况,包括测验的编制情况,实施情况,测验结果的分析和处理等等,归纳目前测验存在的主要问题,并分析问题形成的主要原因。第二部分,探讨测验改革的理论依据,通过查阅文献资料,结合我国新一轮课程改革的课程标准,从知识技能、方法过程、情感与价值观三个领域来分析测验的测量目标。第三部分,分析初中数学测验改革的基本思路。在课程改革背景下,基于对测验的认识,从测验步骤、改革要点两个方面来阐述初中数学测验的改革。第四部分,展开数学测验改革的项目例证。在新的课程理念要求下,数学测验应该大力开发探索题和开放性题。本章重点讨论了探索性试题、开放性试题的类型及例证。

【Abstract】 At present, a new round of curriculum reform is going on in China. Some fundamental changes have taken place on Classroom-teaching. With the main body being the students, teachers have become the organizer and administrator of the class. Thus, comprehensive characters of students have really been improved from all angles in the class. However, comparing with teaching process, evaluation of course teaching is obviously weak. Test is one significant step of teaching, as well as one important means in education evaluation. Test helps reflect students’ mastering status of knowledge and the improvement status of learning ability. Therefore, such test is the most effective way to evaluate the achievement of the student. Meanwhile, dull and single test does not improve teaching, but depress students by one and another cruel credit. So, in reforming new basic course teaching, it is one of the most important tasks in the stage.By investigations in several junior high schools in Luohu District finds academic basis for the reform, and a brave thought is produced including testing subject selection, reviewing test paper and listing out typical test questions. The finds help teachers clear their thinking and help research available measures for test reform.. This paper consists of four parts:Chapter One: investing mathematic testing situation in junior high schools such as edit test, test execution, result analysis and treatment of test; summarizing and analyzing present problems in existence.Chapter Two: looking for theory basis in various authoritative documents, the new course teaching standard instructs to analyze test purpose from three parts such as acknowledge skills, growth process, emotions and values.Chapter Three: basic thought for mathematics teaching reform in junior high schools. There will be a new idea on test based on new courses. Keys of curriculum reform are demonstrated on knowing procedures and emendation.Chapter Four: mathematics examples under the mathematics test reform. According to new course standards, mathematics test shall develop searching examples and opening examples. This chapter emphasizes the types , examples and various kinds of searching-mode questions and opening questions.

【关键词】 初中数学测验改革测验改革
【Key words】 Mathematics in Junior schooltestreformtest-reform
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】276

