

On English Vocabulary Teaching for Secondary Specialized School

【作者】 牟军

【导师】 张逸;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本篇论文主要研究了中等专业技术学校(简称中专)的英语词汇教学。在查阅了国内外词汇教学的一些文献资料的基础上,论文首先对国内外外语教学法主要流派进行了研究,对英语词汇教学的发展历史和现状进行了综述。明确了目前词汇教学的研究现状;其次,对中专学生英语词汇学习情况进行了问卷调查,找到了中专学生英语词汇学习过程中存在的一些问题,同时也分析了中专英语词汇教学普遍存在的误区。通过以上的研究,针对中专学生的具体情况提出了词汇中心教学法、构词法教学和联想法学习的理念,以学生所容易接受的语言知识主线:以从语音—词汇—语法等基础知识的掌握到口、笔头运用能力的发展为轴心来开展教学活动。试图探索中专词汇教学更高效、更系统的教学模式与方法。教学实验历时一个学期,选择三个平行班级,其中A班级仍然传统的词汇教学法,即语境教学法和间接教学法相结合;B班级用构词法教学和联想法学习单词;C班级采用词汇中心教学法。通过实验数据分析对比的出结论:词汇教学首先应该在语境中进行;词汇中心教学法是较有效的方法,但在教学过程中需根据实际情况采纳其他不同的方法和技巧;不同情况下使用不同技巧将大大提高教学效率。根据本次实验的结果,笔者提出了一些如何在中专英语教学中进行词汇教学的建议。

【Abstract】 This paper aims at discovering a more effective approach to teach vocabulary in secondary technical schools. Based on the literature of vocabulary teaching, this paper first summarizes the history and the theory of English vocabulary teaching. Second, it carries out a survey on the vocabulary learning strategy in a secondary technical school by questionnaire to pinpoint some problems about the students’ vocabulary learning. Based on the findings of the survey, the present researcher makes some experiments on vocabulary teaching in a secondary technical school with a variety of methods, such as vocabulary-centered method, word-building method and associative method. All these teaching methods focus on vocabulary learning as well as learning some basic language knowledge and developing comprehensive competence of using language.The experiment lasts one whole term and three classes are selected for the experiment: Class A adopts the traditional teaching method, namely, using both context method and indirect teaching method. Class B uses word-building method and associative method. Class C selects vocabulary-centered method. By analyzing the data colleted the present author draws a conclusion: Vocabulary teaching should be carried out in context; it would be better to combine vocabulary-centered method with some other ways or techniques; and it would be more effective to use different teaching techniques in various situations. Some suggestions are put forward on English vocabulary teaching in secondary specialized school at the end of the paper.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】403

