

Research on the Reform of Medical Insurance System for Undergraduates

【作者】 卢海英

【导师】 韩映雄;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会主义市场经济深入推进和政府职能的转变,我国政府正在构建各种社会保障体系,城镇职工、农村居民、贫困群体和18岁以下儿童的医疗保障制度已经全面铺开,而大学生的医疗保障却尚未在全国形成统一的制度和措施。目前高校以公费医疗为主的大学生医疗保障制度作为计划经济体制下的产物,已经不能很好适应形势的发展和需要。重建医疗保障制度的呼声接连从高校内部发出,若不予以足够重视,这些问题有逐渐对社会、家庭产生负面影响的趋势,甚至影响到大学生学业的顺利完成。本论文运用实证调查和文献研究等方法,以浙江省六所高校为研究对象,力图通过对六所高校的大学生医疗保障现状、医疗服务情况、医疗保障需求与意愿等内容进行调查和系统研究,以便发现目前大学生医疗保障制度中存在的主要问题和成因。最后,在借鉴国内外高校医疗保障制度实施经验的基础上,结合社会保障制度和教育制度的改革与发展方向提出完善大学生医疗保障制度的建议与对策,从而在理论上填补大学生基本医疗保障制度研究的空白,在实践上为政府等相关部门完善大学生医疗保障体系提供决策参考。本研究认为,应该补充和完善以下政策和制度。一是尽快建立起统一、独立、多层次的大学生医疗保障体系;二是完善医药市场的监管机制;三是政府有关部门要制定相应政策,改善商业医疗保险的经营环境,为其发展给予充分的政策支持;四是建立适度的费用控制机制;五是完善高校弱势群体的医疗保障制度;六是建立健全畅通的经费投入和结算制度。另外,解决大学生这个特殊群体医疗保障与社会的“接口”问题,关键在于逐步向社会医疗保障制度过渡。

【Abstract】 With keeping improving the socialist market economy and accelerating the transformation of government functions, various social security systems are being established in China. For example, the framework of the medical insurance system has been established by and large for urban residents, rural people, the impoverished population and children under 18 years. Unfortunately, this fine system has not incorporated into a perfected system for the undergraduates in the whole nation. As the result of the planned economy system, the medical insurance system for the undergraduates is not in line with the development and requirements of the situation, it should be reconstructed, If omitted; it would lead to negative effect on the student, the family and the society.In order to find out major problems existing in current medical security system, a detailed investigation on currency of medical security, health care and the basic needs has done among six universities in Zhejiang Province by empirical work and literature search. While drawing on the experience of using this system in the universities both at home and abroad, combining the reforming and developing the social security system into the educational system, the thesis relates out some advice and means to make the system perfect. It not only has filled in a gap in this system in theory but also to make across-reference for the government in practice.It should be pointed out that the medical security system for undergraduates needs to be further improved. For instance, Firstly, to set up an consolidated, independent, multi-level system; Secondly, to co-ordinate more effectively surveillance and regulation across the medical market; Thirdly, to set up a mechanism of competition between medical institutions and a market operating mechanism for medicine production and circulation; Fourthly, to establish a better medical service at lower cost; Fifthly, to perfect the medical insurance system for the feeble group in the colleges. Sixthly, to soundly establish a financial outlay devotion and settlement system.In a word, In order to fundamentally and comprehensively solve this problem, an comprehensive and efficient social security system will be in place.

  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】924

