

The Use of Weblog in English Writing Teaching in Vocational School: An Explorative Study

【作者】 邹爱民

【导师】 陈茂庆;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 英语, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪,因特网的进一步发展为英语教学引入了更多的便利因素:技术使得学习资源更丰富、更多元,从而便利了教学活动的进行;人与人之间的沟通更为便捷,这方便了学习者之间的文化交流。博客(Weblog)技术就是新兴因特网技术的主要代表之一。一般来说,一个博客就是一个网页,通常由简短而且经常更新的张贴文章构成。博客具有多媒体和高互动性特征,而且能在几分钟内建立,它的出现对英语写作教学具有重大的意义,已经吸引了不少研究者的注意。现有的相关研究主要着眼于教师个体或群体叙事和反思方面,另外也有一些研究是关于针对学生群体的英语学科教学,但大多集中在大学层次的英语教学。对如何将博客技术应用于中职学校的英语教学,尤其是英语写作教学,这方面的理论和实践研究仍不多见,实证研究尤少。中职学生在英语教学与学习方面具有不同于普通高中学生(更不用说大学生)的鲜明特点。鉴于中职教育鲜明的职业取向,中职英语教学应该具有更强的实用性和交际性。作为网络出版和传播工具,将博客应用于中职英语写作教学,能帮助学生在交际中学习、在学习中交际。在我国重新重视职业教育的今天,如何有效地利用博客这样的新兴、新颖并且在青少年中具有众多用户群的传播手段来促进中职英语写作的学习和教师的教学,更好地实现中职英语教学目标,取得更好的教学和学习效果无疑是一个具有较大研究意义的课题。本研究从认知心理学的态度理论和班杜拉的学习者“自我效能”等理论出发,对如何将博客技术应用于中职英语写作教学及其可能获得的效果进行了实验研究,在研究方法与研究选题上具有一定的创新性。研究的实验对象为2005年9月进入上海市行政管理学校的两个自然班级。利用博客,研究者对实验班级进行了为期半年的英语写作教学和训练,而对照班级没有接受这样的实验刺激。通过对以上两个班级实验刺激前后统计检验比照,本研究发现:相对于对照班级而言,使用博客进行英语写作教学和训练大幅度提高了实验班级同学对英语写作的认知、情感和行为得分并从整体上增加了学生的英语学习自我效能。研究者认为,对于属于“网络一代”的中职学生,充分利用低成本和低技术门槛点的博客辅助进行中职英语写作教学可能是提高中职学生对英语写作的兴趣(从而对英语学习本身的兴趣)、拉近中职英语课堂教学与现实应用之间距离的较好的途径之一。

【Abstract】 As we are entering into the 21st century, the Internet has seen further growth, providing more conveniences in English learning and teaching by providing even more rich and diverse learning materials and facilitating human communication. Weblog (or blog) is one of the major online publishing and communication application that have pushed such development.Generally, Weblog can be seen as a kind of Web page consisting of usually very brief and constantly updating posts by the Weblogger. Easy to be built, multimedia and highly interactive, Weblog’s educational significance is apparent, and thus has been used and researched by an increasing number of educators, of whom many are English writing teachers. Current research mostly focuses on individual teachers’ use of Weblog as a pedagogical narration and retrospective tool. Although there are researches on English teaching for students in group, they are mostly concerned with college or university students. Little research attention has been cast to the application of Weblog in English teaching in secondary vocational schools, particularly in English writing teaching. Practicality and communicativity characterize English teaching in vocational schools. Weblog enables vocational students to learn English by writing, publishing and communicating in English in real life situations. Thus, as a massively used tool popular among young Internet users, Weblog’s implication in English teaching shows obvious advantages, especially so in a time when vocational education regains its emphasis in China.The current research, drawing upon theories in cognitive psychology and Bandura’s learner self-efficacy theory, examines the application and its effect of Weblogs in vocational English writing. Innovative in using an experimental method for such purpose, the research examines and focuses on vocational English writing teaching, comparing the cognition, effect and intention levels in English writing learning of the experimental class and the control class.The research finds that as apposed to the control class that were not taught with Weblog, the experimental class shows a higher level in their cognition, effect and intension in English writing learning and in self-efficacy. The research suggests that for the "Net Generation" vocational school students, a Weblog-assisted English writing teaching may be a good way to improve their English writing, and thus ultimately vocational English as a whole.

【关键词】 博客中职英语写作教学自我效能
【Key words】 Weblogvocational Englishwriting teachingself-efficacy
  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】496

