

The Comparison Study of the Regional Geography of China

【作者】 张若皊

【导师】 陈昌文;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 《全日制义务教育地理课程标准(实验稿)》(下文再引用时,简称课程标准)的颁布,使区域地理的教学要求发生巨大变化,同时使区域地理教材的编写有了很大的自由空间。依据新课程标准,人民教育出版社、湖南教育出版社和中国地图出版社分别组织编写并出版了初中地理实验新教材(简称三版教材),在区域地理内容的呈现上表现出各自的特点。本文主要依据《课程标准》对中国区域地理部分的要求,对三版教材中相应内容的表层系统进行比较研究。本文共分为六章:第一章导论主要阐述研究的缘起、研究的内容和意义。本文的主要内容部分是第二、三、四、五章。第二章内容主要是研究分析三版教材中国区域地理部分与《课程标准》的契合度。结论是三版教材均体现了《课程标准》的新理念,并以不同的方式划分、选择和组织不同的区域呈现了《课程标准》所要求的全部内容。本文的第三、四、五章主要从课文系统、图像系统和活动系统这三大教材表层系统来研究三版教材的中国区域地理内容的呈现特点。结论是与以往旧教材相比,三版教材语言生动,形式活泼,内容丰富、时代性很强。教材内容不仅注重区域地理基本知识的承载,更注重引导学生掌握区域地理学习的一般方法。但三版教材之间对比分析,各有不同的特点。从表层系统分析得出,三版教材的课文系统,相对而言,人教版教材较古板,湘教版和中图版较活泼。三版教材的图像系统和活动系统,改变了以往的配角地位,而成为与课文系统并立的重要部分。三版教材的图像系统整体上质量不高,不够美观。比较起来,中图版教材的图像内容相对比较新奇。三版教材的活动系统中,人教版教材的内容繁难,分布较集中。中图版教材的活动则小而活泼且形式多样。湘教版教材中,学习情境设置的多,读图分析的多。但三版教材的活动需要增加小尺度区域的实地调查研究,而不应仅为问题形式的活动。第六章针对本研究中发现的几个问题提出一些解决建议和期望。总之,三版教材区域地理的内容选择及组织形式有很大改进,取得显著成果。但仍需要进一步优化教材内容选择和呈现形式。

【Abstract】 The learning of regional science is an important part of the geography education of high school. How to divide our country into different regions according to different standards and which regions to choose to learn is one of the most difficult problems of the geography education of junior high school. There are lots of big changes in the newly issued "the National Geography standards for Junior High School". The standards leave more space for the writing of geography textbook. In this situation, three editions of geography textbooks for junior high school have been published by People’s Education Press, Hunan Education Press and China’s Map Press.This thesis is about the research of the part of Chinese regional geography in the "the National Geography standards for Junior High School" and the three editions of geography textbooks. And this thesis concludes six chapters:The 1st and 6th chapter is about the reasons and the results of the research.The main parts of this thesis are the rest of four chapters. The 2nd chapter is about the level of the consent of the content of the textbooks to the Geography Standards. The result is all the three editions of the textbooks meet the inquiries of the Geography Standards. In each of the three editions of textbooks, there are different regions divided on different standards, organized and expressed in different ways. The 3rd, 4th and 5th chapters of this thesis are the comparison study of three formal systems of literal system, picture system and activity system. As a whole, the new textbooks have been improved a lot. The language is very lively and emotional. The contents are expressed in various ways and about the latest knowledge. All the textbooks are informative and instructive.There are both advantages and disadvantages in the three editions of the geography textbooks. From the perspective of the three formal systems of the textbooks, the literal system, the edition published by People’s Education Press is much less lively than the other two editions. From the view of the picture system, the textbook published by China’s Map Press has more sorts of pictures to enlarge the perspective of students’ learning of geography. And the last one, activity system, the textbook published by People’s Education Press is more difficult and the textbook printed by the China’s Map Press is diversified and evocative for students to explore new ways to study. And the one printed by Hunan Education press made many different situations to make use of the basic geographical knowledge and theory. Among the three editions of the geography textbooks, geographic element needn’t be listed entirely any more. But still, the new textbooks are necessary to be optimized based on new researches.

  • 【分类号】G633.55
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】901

