

【作者】 吴红亚

【导师】 苏兵;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 将P2P应用于电子商务成了近几年的研究热点,而信任安全问题不论是在电子商务,还是在P2P技术本身都是急待解决的问题。降低用户的风险,帮助用户选择可信的交易对象,是电子商务发展的充分条件。传统信任模型虽然在一定程度上可以降低交易风险,但是当面对一些策略性的网络欺骗(如恶意节点之间形成共谋群,联合欺骗好节点或信任系统等)时,则显得力不从心。在电子商务中加入信任机制,只能在一定程度上降低交易风险,并不能完全消除这种风险的存在。在分析了现有信任模型的基础上,本文提出了一种基于群体的P2P电子商务信任模型,它将整个网络中的节点划分为三个集合,其中信誉值高的Good集合再由若干信任群所组成,在此信任群之间的交易显得更可信、更稳定。同时在模型中还加入了奖惩激励机制,以信任值为奖惩手段,使得用户为了获得很大的利益必须不断维护自己的信任值。GTM能够有效识别一些策略性网络欺骗,与传统信任模型相比,在网络性能和交易成功率方面也有一定提高,第5章的仿真结果验证了该模型的有效性。

【Abstract】 Recently, building Electronic-Commerce in P2P has become a hotspot. It is important that the problem of trust must be solved whether in Electronic-Commerce field or in P2P network. So it is necessary to reduce the venture of customer, and consequently accelerates the development of Electronic-Commerce. The conventional trust model could work in a certain extent, but it could not resist some skilled deceits, for example, some malicious nodes might collude and cheat the good nodes even the trust system. It would be noted that the trust mechanism embedded into electronic commerce only could reduce risk of exchange in a degree, and could not eliminate risk completely.According to the analysis of existing local trust model, in this paper, we proposed a group-based trust model for P2P Electronic-Commerce. It portioned the whole network into three sets, and the good set of high reputation is divided into some trust groups. The exchange among these trust groups is become more believable and stable. At the same time, this model introduces reward-punishment incentive mechanism with the means of trust value, and the customers must maintain high trust value in order to gain much more profits.GTM can availably identify some kinds of tactical deceits in network. Comparing to conventional trust model, the network performance and success rating of exchange are increased in a degree. Simulations in the fifth chapter validated the efficiency of the trust model.

【关键词】 P2P电子商务信任模型
【Key words】 GroupP2P Electronic-CommerceTrust Model
  • 【分类号】TP393.08
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】332

