

Model Construction of Teacher Education on Inquiry Learning

【作者】 刘星喜

【导师】 陈永明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 公共管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着研究的深入,人们普遍认为研究性学习不仅是一种课程类型、一种教学组织形式,更是一种学习方式、一种教育理念。当前,中小学校如火如荼地开展研究性学习,标志着以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育在基础教育得到落实。作为培养教师的“摇篮”,师范院校如何站在教育理论研究的最前沿,把握研究性学习理论的最新内涵和发展趋势,把理论运用到师资培育的实践中去,以培养出适应教育改革与发展需要的未来教师,这是高师院校面临的艰巨任务和重要课题。本文的研究背景是从笔者师范院校就学和工作经历出发,认为高师院校学生一味强调接受式学习的传统教育模式不利于师范生自身学习能力的发展,更加不利于师范生胜任中小学研究性学习的教学实践。针对这一情况,笔者认为有必要在高师院校教育模式的改革和探索中,必须正视研究性学习的价值和作用,系统构建和实施“基于研究性学习的高师教育模式”,以作为高师教育模式的重要组成部分,最终培养出具有研究性学习能力和教学能力的未来教师。“基于研究性学习的高师教育模式构建”是研究性学习理论在高师教育中的具体运用和系统创造,也是研究性学习理论在教师教育模式中的一个新发展。本文结合自己多年来在浙江师范大学实施研究性学习的工作实践和经验反思,并通过阅读国内外大量文献,具体论述了什么是基于研究性学习的高师教育模式,如何开展该模式,模式运行的可行性论证,并结合浙江师范大学提出模式运用的案例说明。可见,本论文所提出的问题具有一定的普遍性,给出的方案设计具有通用性,举出的例证具有一定的说服力。围绕这一主题,本文由以下内容组成:首先文章介绍了本课题研究的背景和意义,进行了研究综述,以及本课题研究的思路和方法。第二部分提出了基于研究性学习的理论框架,包括模式的目标、功能、组成要素以及运行原则。第三部分构建出基于研究性学习的高师教育模式的实施框架,包括模式的选题、展开以及评估三个实施阶段的论述。第四部分进行基于研究性学习的高师教育模式的可行性论证,包括现实论证和事例论证。第五部分有重点地分析了浙江师范大学研究性学习的教育实施现状、剖析了存在的问题与不足,并对此提出改进的建议。最后结语部分,概述了研究的结论、创新点和有待研究的问题。

【Abstract】 With the in-depth research, people generally think that inquirylearning is not only a learning courses type, and a teaching organizational form, but also a learning approach, an educational concept. Nowadays, primary and secondary schools in full swing to undertake inquirylearning which marks to cultivate the spirit of innovation, and the implement of capacity to practice with a focus on quality education at the basic education. As the "cradle" of education at teachers, the normal universities and colleges are facing some arduous tasks and important subject, which are how to grasp of the latest trends of inquirylearning, applicant the theory to the practice of teachers to nurture, educate teachers adapt to the needs of development and reforms in the future in the forefront of education theoretical research.From teaching and working experiences in the normal university, the author thought that the blind stress on accepting the traditional education mode of acceptant learning of normal universities and colleges are not conducive to the development of normal students, even more detrimental to their teaching practice in primary and secondary schools. According to this, the author believed that it is necessary to face squarely on the values and functions of inquirylearning during reforms and exploration of educational model for the normal universities and colleges, to build and carry out the "Model Construction of Teacher Education on inquirylearning" as an important component of the model, and eventually develop teachers with the ability of inquirylearning and teaching."Model Construction of Teacher Education on inquirylearning" is a specific application and systematical creation of inquirylearning theory in the Normal Education, and ales is a new development of inquirylearning theory in the model of teacher education. In conjunction with the years’ practical work experience and reflection on the implementation of Zhejiang Normal University, and with reading of literature at home and abroad, the author discussed what is the "Model Construction of Teacher Education on inquirylearning", how to run the model, and the feasibility of running the model with the case using this patterns in Zhejiang Normal University.Around this theme, the paper consists of the following elements: firstly it introduces the background and significance of the research, and reviews the relative researches, and also introduces the ideas and methods of the research. The second part , the research puts forward the theoretical framework which based on the inquiry learning including the objectives, functions, elements and the operating principles of the model. The third part of the research constructs the implementation of the framework of College Teachers Education Model which is on the basis of the inquiry learning, including the three topics, that is selecting a title, developing it and reviewing. And, the feasibility of the model of educating college teachers is proved in the 4th part of this article. The fifth part pay the attention to the analysis of the status of the inquiry learning which implemented in Zhejiang Normal University, and analyzing the existing problems and shortcomings, then putting forward some proposals for improving the inquiry learning. Finally draws the conclusion of the study, outlined the conclusions, the innovative points and the issues to be examined.

  • 【分类号】G652.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】439

