

The Application of Meta-cognitive Strategies to the Teaching of English (Oxford Shanghai Edition) in Senior High Schools

【作者】 郝少荣

【导师】 张春龙;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,元认知和元认知策略受到了诸多研究者和教育者的关注,同时元认知和元认知策略也是本文研究的出发点。元认知是指一个人对自己认知过程的认识和掌控,而元认知策略则指学习者用来掌控自己的认知和语言学习的方法,属于学习策略的一种。“培养学生形成适合自己的学习策略,并具备调节自己学习策略的能力”是《上海市中小学课程标准》所确定的目标,教会“学生如何学习”、发展学生自主学习能力成为二期课改的重心。而国内外许多研究表明,学生自主学习能力的发展主要体现在元认知调节水平——对学习过程的计划、监控、管理、对学习结果的评价、学习策略的使用和自我调整。因此元认知策略训练成为培养学生自主学习能力的一个关键因素。本文调查研究了上海市民办上宝中学高一年级学生元认知知识和元认知策略运用的情况。143名学生参加了此项调查研究。调查研究采用George Schraw&Rayne Sperling Dennison编制的元认知意识量表(MAI)作为调查英语学习者使用元认知策略的工具,又以学生中考入学的英语成绩作为衡量学习水平的标准。本文采用描述性数据分析法分析学生的元认知知识和使用元认知策略的情况,调查表明目前高一学生的元认知知识匮乏,元认知策略应用不足,学生缺乏对自己学习进行管理的观念和自主学习能力差。然后以调查结果为依据,对两个班同学做了对比实验来验证系统的元认知策略训练是否可以有效促进学生的英语学习。对实验班的同学进行了三方面的训练:(1)培养学生学习动机和丰富元认知策略知识;(2)培养良好的英语自我监控调控能力(如制定英语学习计划、预习和复习,反思自己学习的进步和不足等);(3)提高学生自我评价的能力。实验分三个阶段进行,经过近一年的培训,发现实验班学生在以下几个方面表现显著优于对照班:(1)树立了自己对英语学习负责的观念;(2)基本养成了预习和复习的学习习惯;(3)学习计划能力、自我监控能力和自我评估能力都有了较大提高;(4)自主学习意识和能力明显提高。本文由五章构成。第一章阐述了元认知策略在高中英语教学中的重要性,包括:(1)元认知及元认知策略的文献综述,着重对元认知,元认知策略的定义和结构做了回顾;(2)高中英语教学的问题和改革走向;(3)元认知策略培训的必要性。第二章是关于元认知策略的理论基础及研究现状,主要包括人本主义和建构主义对元认知理论发展的贡献,学习策略的定义及学习策略培训的相关研究。第三章介绍了新版牛津英语中的元认知策略的体现、进行元认知培训对师生的要求和内容以及自我效能感对培训的作用。第四章说明了对高一学生元认知调查的内容、结果和启示。第五章重点介绍了系统培训学生元认知策略运用的内容、方法、过程及结果。在结束语中指出了本次实验的局限性和进一步研究的建议。

【Abstract】 In the past two decades, "meta-cognition" has become a buzzword in psychological research, and educators have recognized the significant role of "meta-cognitive" processing in influencing how successfully learners acquire knowledge and understanding. Meta-cognition essentially means cognition about cognition. It refers to both people’s awareness and control, not only of their cognitive processes, but of their emotions and motivations as well; Activities such as planning how to approach a given learning task, monitoring comprehension, and evaluating progress toward the completion of a task are described as meta-cognitive strategies. "Developing effective learning strategies suitable for students and promoting their abilities to regulate the learning process" are the top aims of English teaching explicitly suggested in Shanghai Primary and Secondary School Curriculum Standard; thus teaching students how to learn and fostering their learning autonomy come to be the focus of Shanghai Second Curricular Reform. Many researches indicate that the significant difference between successful and weak learners lies in their regulation of learning, therefore, meta-cognitive strategies, which allow students to plan, control, and evaluate their learning, have the most central role to play in facilitating students’ autonomy.This study was conducted in Shanghai Shangbao High School, where 143 senior one students aged 16 to 17 took part in the survey examining their meta-cognitive knowledge and strategies. The Meta-cognitive Awareness Inventory developed by George Schraw & Rayne Sperling Dennison of Nebraska University was employed as an instrument to check their related knowledge and strategies, meanwhile students enrolling marks in English examination were also taken into consideration. Findings show that the students are poor in meta-cognitive knowledge, proper learning strategies, awareness of self-management and learning autonomy.In accordance with the findings in the survey, an experiment was carried out in two intact classes to verify whether explicit meta-cognitive training significantly improves English language learning. The instructions were conducted to the experimental class as follows: (1) Boosting students’ motivations for strategy training and enriching their meta-cognitive knowledge. (2) Fostering excellent self-monitoring abilities in terms of planning, prevision, reviewing, and self-reflection upon progress. (3) Increasing their abilities to self-evaluate learning. Regarding the above three specific purposes of the experiment, three phases of training were conducted respectively. After a one-year training, results came out to be encouraging and promising. The students in experimental group performed better than those in the control group in (1) self-responsibility for English learning; (2) regular previewing and revision; (3) improvements of the abilities to plan, monitor and evaluate learning; and (4) increases in the awareness and abilities of independent learning.This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One presents the importance of meta-cognitive training in high school English teaching, it includes a literature review regarding meta-cognition and meta-cognitive strategies centered in the definitions and models, the current trends in English teaching and necessity of conducting this study. Chapter Two discusses the theoretical basis of meta-cognitive strategies and the methods of strategy training; it also gives an overview of the contributions of Humanism and Constructivism to the development of meta-cognition, the definitions of learning strategy and relative researches in this area are also explored. Chapter Three introduces the meta-cognitive strategies embedded in senior high school textbooks (Oxford edition), it also involves the requirements toward teachers and students and the functions of self-efficacy. Chapter Four describes the survey conducted to senior high one students, data are collected, findings and implications are analysed. Chapter Five is dedicated to the training programme, the design of the experiment is presented, together with the materials and data collected. In the ending chapter, limitations of this experiment are also discussed.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1187

