

The Situation and Study of Inheriting and Development of Chinese Traditional Music in Ordinary College Public Art Education

【作者】 冯晓莉

【导师】 郑莉;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 普通高校公共艺术教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是一个有着有悠久文化历史的文明古国。在漫长的岁月中,劳动人民创造出了丰富多彩的传统音乐,它是我们民族文化的重要组成部分,有着极为丰富的史学与美学价值以及多元特征,为普通高校公共艺术教育提供了丰富的文化资源。重视本民族音乐文化传承,认识和了解其他民族音乐文化已经成为当代国际音乐教育发展的重要趋势,普通高校公共艺术教育的目的是通过艺术课程的学习,提高大学生的审美与鉴赏能力,拓宽其文化视野。目前,我国普通高校公共艺术教育尚处于发展与完善阶段,将传统音乐的教育纳入其中对于培养大学生热爱本民族文化从而热爱中华民族将具有十分深远的现实意义,它不仅有利于民族音乐的传承,也是对普通高校公共艺术教育的有益探索。把音乐作为一种人文学科,音乐教育作为美育的一种重要途径,来认识音乐素质的培养对人的发展所起的作用。结合《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》以及《学校艺术教育工作规程的精神》(2001年—2010年),尽快改变普通高校音乐教育相对薄弱的状况,提高大学生的音乐艺术素质。呼吁全社会都来重视音乐艺术教育、重视大学生的音乐艺术修养,是各界领导干部和我们音乐工作者责无旁贷的使命。本文分绪论、正文、结论三部分。绪论部分阐明选题的目的、意义、创新点及探究方法。正文部分是本文的主体部分,从理论上阐述了我国普通高校公共艺术教育与传统音乐传承之间的关系。正文分三部分:第一部分阐述在普通高校公共艺术教育中加强传统音乐教育的重要意义;第二部分论证在普通高校公共艺术教育中传统音乐教育的传承现状;第三部分通过问卷调查与访谈结果的分析研究,论证在普通高校公共艺术教育中加强传统音乐教育的策略。结论部分对中国传统音乐在普通高校公共艺术教育中的普及现状及原因进行总结,从宏观与微观、理论与实践等各方面,针对中国传统音乐文化在普通高校公共艺术教育中的普及提出一些管窥之见,同时也浅谈自己通过研究后而引发的思考。

【Abstract】 China is an ancient country which has long history. People create a lot of beautiful traditional music that is an important part in our national culture. It has esthetics value and multiple characteristic, offering a bound of cultural resources for common university. Paying attention to national musical culture and understanding other national musical culture have become the most important trend of development of modern international music education. Public art education’s intention is to improve the ability of student by art courses. Nowadays, China’s art education is just beginning. It’s meaningful for student to love national culture. It is helpful to the development national music and research of public art education.This thesis uses a lot of methods such as questionnaire, comparative analysis, induction and deduction, etc. to investigate the present situation among eight universities and colleges in four districts of Jin, Ji, Lu and Yu. It reflects some universal problems and phenomena existing in music education, and some suggestions are submitted. The author tries to summarize the exclusive feature of music in art science on the basis of integration of experience for music education and function of it. And, treating the music as a kind of humanistic subjects and an important way of aesthetical education, the author has the opinion that we should cultivate the musical quality for human’s development. As leaders of all relevant circles and workers of music, we should carefully carry out "the Determination of the State Council of Central Committee on Deepen the Education Reform and Forging Ahead with the Quality Education" and "the Attitudes Towards the Work on Art Education in Schools and Universities" (2001-2010); change the relatively weak situation of music education in universities quickly; improve the musical qualities of college students; try to call on the whole society to pay great attention to the education of art and the art-cultivation of college students.This article includes three parts. The first part interprets the intention, meaning, innovation and research method. The second is the main part of this article, interpreting the relationship between public art education and the development national music, including three parts: the first part interprets the consequence of national music; the second part verify the situation of national music; the third part interprets the strategy to improve national music in public art education by questionnaire. The third part summaries the reason, from thery to practice, inducing my consideration.

  • 【分类号】J60-4
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1714

