

The Research and Application of Embedded Operating Systems Based on Soft Core Processor

【作者】 訾国伟

【导师】 丁晓明;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 嵌入式操作系统(Embedded Operating System,简称EOS)是专用于嵌入式系统的操作系统。按照实时性,分为实时操作系统(Real-Time Operating System,简称RTOS)和非实时操作系统。μC/OS-Ⅱ和μClinux是这两种操作系统的代表。Altera公司的NiosⅡ是目前应用最广泛的软核处理器(soft core processor)。μC/OS-Ⅱ已经被Altera公司移植到NiosⅡ处理器上并集成到NiosⅡ集成开发环境NiosⅡIDE中,μClinux也由第三方的Microtronix公司移植到NiosⅡ处理器上,但仅用于商业用途,不支持软件定制,而且不能支持NiosⅡIDE 5.0后续版本。本文研究了上述两种嵌入式操作系统在软核处理器NiosⅡ上的移植问题,提出了使用μClinux原发布包移植μClinux到NiosⅡ处理器的方法。该方法使用μClinux原发布包取代了商用的MicrotronixμClinux发布包,在两种主要的NiosⅡ开发板上分别成功移植了μClinux的两个最新版本,使得在NiosⅡ平台开发基于μClinux的应用程序摆脱了NiosⅡIDE版本的限制,而且可以使用各种稳定版本的开源μClinux,为在NiosⅡ平台上开发复杂的非实时性应用提供了软件平台。本文对移植到NiosⅡ开发板上的μClinux进行了多进程测试。测试使用操作系统原理中经典的生产者/消费者模式,利用信号量实现了嵌入式平台上的进程同步。本文还在μC/OS-Ⅱ上通过为SD卡集成μC/FS文件系统,完成了NiosⅡ平台上SD卡的软件开发;利用μClinux提供的DM9000A网卡驱动,实现了一个简单的嵌入式Web Server,还使用USB摄像头完成了对μClinux的USB驱动的测试。通过实验证明在移植嵌入式操作系统后的NiosⅡ处理器平台进行软件开发有驱动接口丰富、支持软件定制和裁剪、代码公开的优势。

【Abstract】 Embedded operating systems(EOS) are operating systems which are used for embedded systems. There are two kinds of operating systems by real-time character: real-time OS and non-real-time OS.μC/OS-II和μClinux stand for these two operarating systems. Nios II of Altera is the most widely used soft core processor.μC/OS-II has been transplanted into Nios II processor by Altera and merged in Nios II IDE.μClinux has been transplanted into Nios II processor by Microtronix, while is is used for commercial purpose and doesn’t support software custom-made, and it is not available for version after 5.0 of Nios II IDE.This paper focused on EOS transplanting question and address a method of transplantingμClinux into Nios II processor withμClinux original packet instead of MicrotronixμClinux packet. The paper referred to the success for transplantingμClinux’s two versions into main two Nios II development boards. It resulted in more convenient for application ofμClinux based on Nios II platform because software development wiped out Nios II IDE version problem and every version ofμClinux is available. So the transplanting offered a software development platform for complex non-real-time application.This paper also did muti-thread test on transplantedμClinux. A classic OS question: producer/consumer mode was used for the test and semaphore was used for thread synchronism on embedded system.Besides, the papper completed SD card software development onμC/OS-II withμC/FS file system merged into Nios II IDE. And it accomplished an embedded web server with DM9000A network chip driver included byμClinux and finish USB interface test make use of USB camera and USB chip on Nios II board.The work proved that Nios II platform transplanted with EOS has some advantages: many driver, custom-made and openness for codes.

【关键词】 操作系统Nios IIμClinux移植
【Key words】 OSNios IIμClinuxtransplant
  • 【分类号】TP316;TP332
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】274

