

【作者】 胡颖

【导师】 张建林;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 软件开发历来普遍存在着项目延期、费用超支甚至软件难以交付的严重问题,这些问题被业内人士统称为“软件危机”。针对这一问题,软件工程领域在软件设计、工具及开发方法的等方面均进行了改良以试图降低开发中的项目风险,然而收效甚微。随着软件工程研究的进展,上世纪80年代Boehm将风险管理的概念首次引入了软件界,并引起了广泛的关注。研究者们开始意识到软件项目与其他项目一样需要进行风险管理,而导致软件危机的根源正是由于软件项目和产品没有对风险实施有效的管理——软件项目风险管理的研究自此展开。软件工程领域对于风险管理的研究主要集中在其过程、工具和方法上。实现风险管理理论设计上的过程和方法需要一定的管理工具的支持,然而目前大多数软件项目风险管理工具的应用面相对都比较狭窄,如各种类型的风险分析工具和仅供风险咨询的交流平台,即使是功能完善的风险管理软件也存在着无法实现风险交流的缺陷,相对来说,对于全面的风险管理系统的研究比较少。而软件项目风险管理活动的实际情况是:存在着大量需要存储和处理的不同类型的风险数据,这些不同类型的风险数据之间又存在着许多的逻辑关系,不可能仅靠一张风险列表就可以完成所有的管理操作;与此同时,软件项目风险管理过程也是一个有组织的过程,需要软件开发组织内部进行有序的风险交流;另外,软件企业也需要对风险管理经验进行积累以实现风险学习活动,从而提高风险管理能力。因此,有必要建立基于风险数据库并在WEB上分布的软件项目风险管理信息系统以实现软件项目开发中全面有效的风险管理。基于此,本文将在以往研究成果和实际调查研究的基础上,设计出一套完善的风险管理过程机制并配以合适的软件项目风险管理方法和工具,在此基础上将其软件化,设计出一个集风险识别、分析、计划和控制等软件项目风险管理基本功能为一体的,同时可以实现风险交流和风险学习的基于网络的软件项目风险管理信息系统,并在软件项目风险管理活动流程和系统功能分析的基础上利用统一建模语言(UML)对该系统进行建模。

【Abstract】 Software engineers have always been facing the problems of schedule, budget or the quality of the software product, those problems are called "software crisis". Though many considerable improvements have been made in terms of design, tools and development process endeavoring to decrease those risks, but the situation was not changed much. With the development of software engineering, in 1980s Boehm introduced the theory of risk management into software development area. After that, researchers gradually realized the importance of applying risk management into software projects. Having been aware that none risk management was the root cause of software crisis, people started to conduct risk management research in software industry.Current research of risk management in software industry basically focuses on process, tools and methodology. And the realization of the designed process and methodology of software risk management more or less relies on the support of related management tools. However, the current management tools of software risk management could only fulfill some basic functions, such as all kinds of risk analysis tools, information platform for risk consulting, or even some outstanding risk management software could not perform risk communication. Little research of comprehensive risk management system has been conducted. The fact is that during the software risk management process there is numerous different types of risk data that has a great deal of logic relations with each other having to be stored and managed. And the management operations cannot be completed by a single list of risk factors. Meanwhile, carrying out the software-project risk management is also a systematic process, which demands an ordered risk communication channel within the software development team. Also, the software companies need to accumulate risk management experience to improve their risk management capabilities. Therefore, it is necessary to build a software project risk management system based on risk database and WEB distributing, in order to fulfill the comprehensive risk management in software development projects. According to that, based on the previous papers and practical investigation, the author has designed and softwarizaed a set of effective process mechanism for risk management working with appropriate software risk management methodology and tools. The research result of this paper is a risk management system for software projects based on WEB, with the functions of risk identification, analysis, planning and controlling and the capabilities to realize risk communication and risk learning. Based on the software risk management process and system function analysis, the system has been modeled in UML.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期
  • 【分类号】F407.672
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1217

