

Effect of Application of Organic-Inorganic Mixed Fertilizers on Growth of Crops and Soil Nitrogen Supply

【作者】 王艳博

【导师】 沈其荣; 黄启为;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过菠菜盆栽和大田试验、水稻盆栽试验和番茄盆栽试验,研究了有机无机肥料配施对作物产量、作物吸氮量、作物品质、土壤矿质氮以及土壤微生物量碳等的影响,旨在揭示有机无机肥料配施的作用机制,为有机无机肥料的推广施用提供理论依据,获得了以下结果:1.本试验条件下,有机无机肥料可以促进菠菜、水稻和番茄的生长,生物量/产量分别达到4.64 g·plant-1~5.86 g·plant-1,75.4 g·pot-1~103 g·pot-1,622 g·plant-1~672 g·plant-1,比对照分别平均增产52.7%、46.4%和46.3%,比单施无机肥分别平均增产25.7%、12.1%和25.8%。可见有机无机肥料配施后能获得比单施无机肥料更高的产量。2.菠菜、水稻和番茄收获时,各处理可食部分吸氮量分别为10.9 mg·plant-1~29.6 mg·plant-1,20.8 g·kg-1~24.8 g·kg-1,655.3 mg·plant-1~1269 mg·plant-1。有机无机肥料配施处理吸氮量分别平均比未施氮肥高87.2%、36.2%和26.6%,与单施无机肥相比分别平均增加38.0%、18.6%和10.6%;氮肥利用率分别比单施无机肥增加5.5%~26.8%、8.2%~18.0%和15.7%~38.7%。可见有机无机肥料配施有利于提高作物吸氮量和氮肥利用率。3.与单施无机肥处理比较,菠菜收获时有机无机肥料配施处理硝酸盐含量平均降低28.7%,Vc含量平均增加18.9%;与单施无机肥处理相比,有机无机肥料配施处理番茄硝酸盐含量降低34.5%,糖酸比增加1.39倍;与未施氮肥处理相比,水稻经过有机无机肥料配施后粗蛋白质含量平均增加20.9%,吸磷量和吸钾量也都有不同程度的增加。可见作物施用有机肥和有机无机肥料后由于改善了作物的营养供应状况,因而获得了较好的品质。4.本研究各种作物收获时有机无机肥料配施矿质态氮含量均高于单施无机肥处理,增幅达2.32%~88.9%;微生物量碳数量也多于单施无机肥处理,增幅达6.02%~38.2%。结果表明,与单施无机肥相比,有机无机肥料配合施用可以调节和改善土壤氮素供应状况,能提高土壤对氮素的“缓冲”能力,改善土壤供氮特征,获得较为平稳的土壤氮素供应过程。

【Abstract】 Pot and field experiments were carried out to study the effect of application oforganic-inorganic mixed fertilizers on growth, yields, and quality of crop and soil nitrogensupplying characteristics. The results obtained are listed as follows.1 Biomasses of spinach, rice and tomato were increased by 52.7%, 46.4% and 46.3%respectively in the application of the organic-inorganic mixed fertilizers compared with CK(no fertilizers applied) and they were also increased by 25.7%, 12.1% and 25.8% comparedwith the treatments of chemical fertilizer alone, respectively. This demonstrates that theorganic-inorganic mixed fertilizers can have a better effect on the growth of crops even thanchemical fertilizer.2 Nitrogen taken up by crops in the application of the organic-inorganic mixedfertilizers were 87.2%, 36.2% and 26.6% higher than those of CK, respectively, and 38.0%,18.6% and 10.6% higher than those of the treatments with chemical fertilizer alonerespectively; nitrogen recovery rates in the application of the organic-inorganic mixedfertilizers were 5.5%~26.8%、8.2%~18.0% and 15.7%~38.7% higher than those of thetreatments with chemical fertilizer alone respectively.3 The application of organic-inorganic mixed fertilizers decreased the nitrate contentof the spinach by 28.7% and increased Vc by 18.9% compared with the application ofchemical fertilizer alone; Phosphorus and potassium uptake and the protein of rice inorganic fertilizer and organic-inorganic mixed fertilizer treatments were higher than inchemical fertilizers alone to a different degrees. Compared with the application of chemicalfertilizer alone, the organic-inorganic mixed fertilizer treatments decreased the nitrate by34.5%, and increased the ratio of soluble sugar to organic acid in tomato by 139%.4 Soil mineral N and soil microbial biomass C of the organic fertilizers andorganic-inorganic mixed fertilizers treatments were 2.32%~88.9% and 6.02%~38.2%higher than those of the treatments with chemical fertilizer alone respectively during theharvest time of crops. Application of the organic-inorganic mixed fertilizers could better synchronize the soil nitrogen supply with the requirement by crops and thus, greatlyimprove the soil nitrogen supply, and maintain a good model of soil mineral nitrogen forthe requirement by the crops.

  • 【分类号】S147.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】783

