

Screening of the Alkaloids of Berberis Anhweiensis Ahrendt and Determination of the Thiosulfinates Content in Allium Cepa L

【作者】 胡明华

【导师】 侯喜林; 胡昌奇;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 中药学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 小檗科植物安徽小檗Berberis anhweiensis Ahrendt,民间以其茎枝和根入药,能治疗痢疾,胃肠炎,咽喉炎,急性眼结膜炎,疮疖痈肿等病症。百合科葱属植物洋葱Allium cepa L,具有很高的经济和医疗价值,在欧洲被誉为“菜中皇后”。本文研究了安徽小檗的生物碱成分并对其进行了活性筛选,同时研究了不同产地洋葱中总硫代亚磺酸酯类化合物的含量。具体研究结果如下:1.对安徽小檗的酸水提取部分进行硅胶柱色谱分离纯化,并通过波谱学方法,鉴定出6个原小檗碱型生物碱,分别为小檗碱、巴马汀、dehydrocapaurinine、药根碱、非洲防己碱和jatrorubine。这6种生物碱均为首次从安徽小檗中分得。其中巴马汀的含量比大多数小檗科其他植物高。2.利用稻瘟霉生物活性筛选模型,测试安徽小檗生物碱成分的抗真菌活性。通过观察样品引起稻瘟霉分生孢子或菌丝形态生长异常或生长抑制的情况,发现其中化合物(Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅵ)有较强的抑制活性,它们使稻瘟霉孢子菌丝体最小变形浓度(MMDC)分别为12.5、50、100μg·mL-1。这是本模型首次用于安徽小檗活性成分的筛选。3.使用分光光度法,利用L-半胱氨酸和DTNB快速检测不同产地新鲜洋葱的鲜榨汁及氯仿提取物中硫代亚磺酸酯的含量。两种提取方法均显示,上海、南京、泰安产的洋葱中总硫代亚磺酸酯含量存在显著差异;三个产地均表明,鲜榨汁和氯仿提取液中总硫代亚磺酸酯含量存在显著差异。新鲜洋葱和洋葱干物质中,总硫代亚磺酸酯含量分布规律相同,均显示山东泰安产洋葱的鲜榨汁中总硫代亚磺酸酯含量较高。

【Abstract】 Berberis anhweiensis Ahrendt is one of the Chinese medicine material gathering drug, which could cure dysentery, gastroenteritis, pharyngolaryngitis, conjunctivitis and so on. Allium cepa L is honored as the empress of vegetables in Europe gathering drug and edible.This paper studies the alkaloids in Berberis anhweiensis Ahrendt, the screening of bioactive constituents from Berberis anhweiensis Ahrendt and the determination of total thiosulfinaes in fresh onion and onion extract from different producing area. The results are as following in this paper:1. Six protoberberine alkaloids were isolated and identified as berberine, palmatine, dehydrocapaurinine, jatrorrhizine, columbamine, jatrorubine by silica column chromato--graphy and spectral analysis. The six protoberberine alkaloids were at the first time isolation from Berberis anhweiensis Ahrendt. The palmatine content in this plant is higher than in other Berberis plants.2. To apply conidia of Pyricularia Oryzae for the screening of bioactive constituents from Berberis anhweiensis Ahrendt. By detecting deformation of mycelia germinated from conidia of P.Oryzae P-2b, three bioactive compounds (I , II, VI),the MMDC(minimum morphological deformation concentration) of which is 12.5,50 and 100/μg·mL-1 respectively were screened from this plant. This bioassay method was efficiently applied to the primary screening of bioactive compounds from Berberis anhweiensis Ahrendt.for the first time.3. Thiosulfinafes are the best known biological active compound of onion. It has described a simple spectrophotometric assay for the determination of total thiosulfinaes in fresh onion and onion extract from different producing area using cysteine and DTNB. In two extraction methods, there exist significant difference among the content of the total thiosulfinaes in onions from Shanghai, Nanjing; and in different origin, there exist significant difference between the content of the total thiosulfinaes in the fresh juice and the chloroform extract.In fresh onion and the dry matter of onion, the content distribution is the same, which the content of the total thiosulfinaes is higher in fresh onion juice of Tai’an.

  • 【分类号】R284
  • 【下载频次】160

