

The Sociological Research on Peasant’s Behavior in Settling the Civil Dispute

【作者】 李鸿雁

【导师】 姚兆余;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 社会学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪80年代以来,随着我国以政府为主导的法治现代化进程的推行,法律开始大量地进入乡土农村,并对农村的家庭、婚姻、邻里关系等方面都进行了全面的规范。但在农村,纠纷发生以后,农民既有通过诉讼的方式来解决纠纷,又有通过民间方式来解决纠纷。因此,了解当前中国乡土农村社会纠纷现状,分析在乡土农村人们选择不同纠纷解决方式的原因和存在的问题,从而为乡土农村大量纠纷的顺利解决与和谐农村的建设,提供有价值的思路,是具有极其重要的意义。本文是以社会学理论和方法为指导,以农村纠纷中农民的行为选择为切入点,在对江苏省淮安市X镇农村调查的基础上,了解农民纠纷的情况,分析农民对纠纷解决方式的选择,总结出农村纠纷解决中农民的行为选择特征,即农民倾向民间方式解决纠纷,着重分析了农民倾向民间方式解决纠纷的原因及其中存在的问题,认为由于各种因素的制约使得农民倾向“偏好”方式解决纠纷,并为农村法制现代化进程中,法律与习俗之间的关系提出自己的看法本文共分为六个部分。第一部分为绪论,包括本研究问题的提出,并在对以往相关研究进行梳理的基础上,提出了本研究的目的及创新性。第二部分介绍了本研究的理论基础、研究方法和核心概念。第三部分是研究样本的基本情况,包括本研究调查点的概况和调查样本的基本情况。第四部分描述了农民对不同解决纠纷方式的选择、总结出农民总体上“偏好”民间方式解决纠纷的行为特征。第五部分,分析了农民“偏好”民问方式解决纠纷原因,认为既受到农村居民的性别、年龄、文化程度、经济收入等个人特征因素的影响,又受到农村社区文化和习俗的影响,还受到法律制度文化的影响。第六部分,在上面分析的基础上得出本文的结论,并为农村法制现代化进程中,法律与习俗之间的关系提出自己的看法

【Abstract】 As the development of the modernization ruling of law, legal popularity in rural areas has been gained since the 1980s, namely, national laws began to enter into rural areas which give a comprehensive restriction to the life of countryside, including family issues, marriage problems, and neighborhood relationships, etc. It is of crucial importance to have a clear idea about the present situation of the civil disputes in China rural countryside, and to analyze the reasons of people’s different preferences and choices in dealing with the civil disputes, which will hopefully give some insight into how to settle the social disputes successfully in the countryside and how to achieve a harmony countryside.The present thesis is guided by the knowledge and methodology of sociology and will start from the peasant’ preferences in dealing with the civil disputes. Based on the survey of some parts of the north countryside in Jiangsu province, the paper will analyze the characteristics of peasants’ choices and behaviors in settling the civil disputes. The research revealed that peasants prefer to resolve the disputes in the civil way, and then the paper continues to analyze why such preferences are used and what effects are achieved. The author arrives at a conclusion that due to the complicated situation of our country, that is to say, because of kinds of factors, peasants prefer to the civil way in the process of settling the civil disputes, offering Some relative policy and measures on achieving a harmony countryside.The present thesis consists of six parts. It starts with an introduction in Part one, mainly about the research questions and the research background. Also it points out the objectives of the research and its creative features. It goes on to have a literature review in part two, mainly about the theoretical basis, methodology and the key point of view. In part three there is a case study, mainly about the general situation of the sample and its location. Part Four illustrates the choice and preference and characteristics of peasants in dealing with the civil disputes based on the typical case studies. Part Five gives a deep analysis about the various reasons why peasants are prone to resolve the disputes in the civil way, including the personal characteristics and system and cultural aspect. Part six presents the conclusion derived from the analysis in the body part of the thesis and points out suggestions for how to promoting rural countryside to legal.

【关键词】 农村纠纷民间方式法治化
【Key words】 Rural communitycivil disputecivil waycustomlegal popularity
  • 【分类号】C912.82
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】418

