

Study on Ecology Benefit of Land Arrangements Based on the Method of Emergy Analysis

【作者】 许璐璐

【导师】 刘友兆; 宋奇海;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 土地是我们人类赖以生存的最基本的生产和生活资料,随着世界经济的发展和城市化进程的加剧,耕地这一重要的生产资料由于受到人类不断的蚕食在迅速的减少,为了保障耕地总量动态平衡这一战略目标的实现以及保障我国粮食安全,土地整理已经逐渐成为重要技术手段之一。近几年,土地整理在全国各地的广泛实施,已经取得了相当大的成绩,不但增加了有效耕地面积,保证了耕地总量动态平衡,而且提高了耕地质量、改善了农业生产条件、降低了生产成本、提高了农民收入、调整了农业生产结构。但是,整体上还处于初级阶段,大多数地区土地整理的目标仍主要是扩大耕地数量,尚未进入可以保证土地的可持续发展、保证生物的多样性以及生态平衡目标的现代意义的土地整理阶段。而我国当前土地整理中许多不适当的工程措施引起了水土流失、生物多样性的下降、生态稳定性下降、土壤板结、生物栖息地环境退化等一系列问题,导致自然生态系统的逆向演替,形成负的生态效益。根据土地生态学的生态平衡理论,土地生态系统中的任何一种因子的变化都会使自然界原有的土地生态平衡被打破,一旦这个平衡不能被自身的功能恢复,将会诱发一系列自然灾害,因此,在土地整理活动中,研究和引入生态效益研究就显得非常重要。基于此,本论文采用理论研究与实证研究、文字叙述与图表说明相结合的研究方法。在研究土地整理及生态效益内涵与理论的基础上,系统分析了土地整理与生态环境之间的关系,并从水资源、土壤、植被、大气、生物等多个方面总结了土地整理对生态环境可能造成的影响,为全面分析土地整理生态效益提供了理论基础。然后运用能值理论,从土地整理前后自然环境系统投入的无偿能值变化情况入手,结合研究区的实际情况,选择生态因子,通过能值转化率,计算土地整理前后各生态因子的太阳能值含量,从而得出土地整理的生态效益的能值量,并运用能值货币比率将其转化为货币值。在实证研究中,选取了溧水县洪蓝镇的土地整理项目,结合能值分析方法对项目区土地整理前后的生态因子进行计算,并得到土地整理生态效益。研究结果表明,项目区土地整理产生的生态效益为1.94×105$。其中:产品生产中系统无偿能值的投入量增加的最为显著;02的释放、C02的吸收、表土的形成、营养物质循环的维持、涵养水源的价值增加的较为显著;土壤保持的价值增加不是很显著。由结果可以看出洪蓝镇的土地整理项目对项目区生态环境起到了一定的改善作用。

【Abstract】 Land is the most essential means of livelihood and production for human existence and development. With the development of economy and the accelerate process of urbanization, farmland, the important production material, is sharply decreasing as a result of human’s continuous nibble. In order to realize strategic goal of the farmland total dynamic balance and ensure grain safety of China, land arrangement has gradually become one of important means of land protection.In recent years, the wide implementation of land arrangement has made a big achievement in the whole country. It has not only increased the effective farmland area and guaranteed the farmland total dynamic balance, but also improved soil quality and productive conditions of agricultural. In addition, it has also reduced cost of production and raised peasant’s income, while adjusting the agricultural structure. Overall, land arrangement is still in early stage however. In most area, adding land quantity is still the task of land consolidation. It has not yet stepped into the advanced phase of farmland arrangement, which features to guarantee sustainable development of land, biological diversity and ecological balance. There still are many improper engineering measures in the current land arrangement of China. As a result, a series of problems have arisen, including water and soil loss, decline of biological diversity and ecological balance, soil harden, and deterioration of habitat environment. Finally, the nature ecosystem is led to converse development, forming negative eco-efficiency.Based on the land ecological theoretics of ecological balance, the change of any ecological factor will break intrinsic ecological balance of the land ecosystem. Once this balance could not be restored by nature functionally, it will induce a series of natural disaster. Accordingly, research on eco-efficiency is very important in the land arrangement activity.This paper adopted the method with combination of theoretical exploration and real example research, character depiction and chart account study. Depending on the research of land arrangements plus connotation and theory of eco-efficiency, the text systematically analyzed the relationship between land arrangements and ecological environment. And it summarized the possible effects of land arrangement on the ecological environment from a variety of aspects including water, soil, vegetation, atmosphere, biology, and much more. That will provide theoretical base to overall analyze the eco-efficiency of land arrangements.The text used the emergy theory. Started with the free energy change of natural environment input before and after land arrangement in addition to actual conditions of research area, it chose ecological factors according to actual conditions of research area, and computed the solar emergy of each ecological factor via solar transformity. Consequently, we educed the emergy value of eco-efficiency by land arrangement, and translated it into currency value with emergy-dollar ratio.We chose Honglan Town in Lishui Country as our land arrangement project for empirical research. This article computed solar emergy of ecological factor before and after land arrangements and eco-efficiency of land arrangements with the emergy theory. The results indicated that, ecological profits of land arrangements is 1.83×105$ in the project region. Hereinto, the input increase of the systematic free energy value in farm production is the most significant. The value increase of O2 release, CO2 absorption, surface soil formation, sustain of nutrients circulation, water source self-restraint is relatively remarkable. On the other hand, the value increase of soil conservation is not very remarkable. From the results we can conclude that, the land arrangements project played an important role in improving the ecological environment of Honglan Town to a certain extent.

【关键词】 土地整理生态效益能值生态因子
【Key words】 land arrangementeco-efficiencyemergyecological factors
  • 【分类号】F301.2
  • 【被引频次】32
  • 【下载频次】872

