

On Government Administrative Cost and Reconstructing Methods

【作者】 安康

【导师】 刘祖云; 盛邦跃;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 行政管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的经济经历了长达20多年的高速增长,但也使得我国的经济发展承载着越来越重的资源压力,建设“节约型社会”成为当下主题,政府是社会的主导力量,因此节约型社会的建设以节约型政府的建设作为支柱,而建设节约型政府则以行政成本的节约作为其微观基础。由此可以看出,降低行政成本成为建设节约型社会的逻辑起点。所谓行政成本,目前普遍接受的定义是:“政府及其行政过程中所发生的各种费用和开支,以及由此引发的现今和未来一段时间的间接性负担。”政府管理国家与社会的这种职能是政府成本存在的客观基础。但是并非政府成本都是合理的。当行政成本超出了政府管理社会所带来的效应时,可以认定为行政成本过大。在中国,正如学者杜刚建在接受《财经时报》采访时指出的——“中国是全世界行政成本最高的国家”。实证资料也印证了“中国是全世界行政成本最高的国家”,资料显示我国政府行政成本已经呈现处规模过大、增长过快的趋势。因此,对政府成本问题进行深入研究具有重大的意义。本文旨在探求行政成本过高背后更深层的原因,以提出可以有效降低行政成本的措施,为降低行政成本的现实实践提供理论依据。文中以委托-代理理论和横向监督理论两个理论作为平台,从宏观和微观两个角度分析了行政成本过高的成因。宏观地看,人民和政府之间存在着委托代理关系,人民虽为委托人,但是由于“搭便车”的原因,并未行使委托人的权利,作为代理人的政府还具有垄断性,这便促使了行政成本膨胀;微观地看,大政府内部上下级政府、同级政府之间存在着横向监督的关系,但由于政府层级过多、制度不完善等原因,使得政府之间的横向监督缺乏,政府可以以自己意志进行政治、经济活动,这也使得行政成本居高不下。从宏观、微观角度分析了行政成本过高的原因之后,本文提出了治理行政成本过高的两原则—坚持有限与责任的统一,坚持自律与他律的统一,并根据国外治理行政成本过高的先进经验,结合中国的实际情况,提出了治理国内行政成本的途径。本文主要采用了文献资料法、比较分析法、宏观与微观相结合等研究方法。本文按“提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”的思路谋篇布局。第一部分,导论。主要介绍本文的研究背景、意义。综合考察了当前国内外行政成本的研究现状,并在此基础上提出本文的研究意义,创新点和存在的不足。第二部分,“行政成本”概述。分析了行政成本产生的客观基础,并从公共产品生产的特点出发,指出行政成本自身有膨胀性趋势,最后分析了中国当前行政成本的现状。第三部分,行政成本过高的原因分析——委托-代理理论视角。应用委托代理理论从宏观角度(人民-政府之间的关系)分析了行政成本过高的成因。第四部分,行政成本过高的原因分析——横向监督理论视角。应用横向监督理论从微观角度(上下级政府、同级政府之间的关系)分析了行政成本过高的成因。第五部分,降低行政成本的路径选择。提出了降低行政成本的两原则,并根据国外治理经验提出了符合中国实际的治理行政成本的途径。本文的创新之处在于从宏观和微观两种视角、通过委托—代理理论及横向监督理论这两个理论平台,系统性地再审视了行政成本过高的成因,以把行政成本的研究引向深入。

【Abstract】 Although China’s economy have experienced twenty-year development,it is bearing increasingly heavy resource pressure. Constructing "Ecomomical Society"becomes the subject of our time and government is the leading role in society,so constructing the "economical government" is the basis of constructing "economical society" which depend on reducing administrative cost. From this point, we could conclude that reducing administrative cost is the logic foundation of constructing "Economical Society".The definition of so-called administrative cost which is widely accepted at present is the expense and expenditure that occurs during the government doing its execution and the indirect burden caused by the execution now and in the future. The government having function of running the country and society is the impersonality base for the existence of administration capital. but not all the administrative cost are reasonable, when the administrative cost go beyond the effect brought by when government run the society, this kind of administrative cost is considered to be overrun, in China, as Gangjian Du pointed out when he was interviewed by FINANCE NEWSPAPER"china has the hightest administrative cost in the world", and the datas has also proved that, it is showed by the datas that our country’s administrative cost has the tendency of over-big scale and over-fast increasing speed, so it is significant to do deep research on administrative cost.This paper aims to explore the initial reasons of excessive administrative cost and put forward some effective measures to decrease this excessive administrative cost, so that can to some degree provide a theoretical model for decreasing the present excessive administrative cost. Based on the principle-agent theory and lateral supervision theory, the reasons of excessive administrative cost were analyzed from macro- and micro- angel, respectively. At the macro level, there was an principle-agent relationship between people and government, but owing to the free ride phenomenon, people, though as the principle part, seldom exerted well their deserved right, and meanwhile the government, as the special agent part, had an absolutely monopolization status, which potentially spurred the administrative cost push. At the micro level, the effective supervision of each other between national, subordinate and lateral sect, owing to the excessive administrative ranks and imperfect governmental system, was relatively absented, so the government could take part in the economics and political activities only by its will, which was also responsible for the excessive administrative cost. Accordingly, two principles to control the high cost were put forward: insisting on the unification between finites and obligations; insisting on the unification between self-restrain and external control. Moreover some certain measures in fathering the excessive domestic administrative cost were offered by referencing the advanced abroad experiences and combining the domestic realistic conditions.This paper employs many research methods such as reference analysis,comparative analysis,macro- and micro-analysis.In accordance with the principle of "raising problem, analyzing problem and settlingthe problem", including the introductory remarks, the paper is organized and divide intofive parts: The first part is about the research background and meaning. Investigating a basic survey of present government administrative cost research in our country, and on the basis of this, raising the significance、innovation and inadequatency of this paper. The second part consists of concrete analysis of administrative cost. It points out that the objective basis and the expansive trend of administrative cost because of the characteristics of public goods production, in the final of this chapter, the present phenomenon of administrative cost is analyzed. The third part is about the reasons for the higher administrative cost based on principle-agent theory from the macro angel. There are some reason on the basis of lateral supervision theory for the excessive administrative cost in four chapter. In the fifth part, the paper provides two principles on administrative cost control, and some certain measures were put forward by referencing the advanced abroad experiences and combining the domestic realistic conditions.The innovation of this paper lies in analyzing the resons of excessive administrative cost based on prindiple-agent theory and lateral supervision theory from micro- and macro-angel systematically.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】490

