

Research on the Performance Management System of Hunan Unicom Customer Service Manager

【作者】 邓棕元

【导师】 周晖;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国改革开放的进一步深入,电信业的行业竞争日趋白热化,快速增长的国内电信市场成为全球瞩目的竞争焦点。中国电信业在发展和开放、引入竞争机制等方面所取得巨大的成就,广泛为世界各国所关注。11年来,中国联通在发展中迅速壮大,到现在已经颇具规模。中国联通截至2007年6月30日,公司移动用户总数达到15163.2万户,市场占有率为30.7%;中国联通作为我国第二大移动通信服务运营商,拥有容量最大的CDMA网络以及世界第二大CDMA用户群。中国联通在新形势下就必须进行业务转型,以及商业模式、运营机制、管理手段等方面的创新,才能适应新一轮的行业竞争。湖南联通面对日益复杂的竞争态式,本着外树形象、内强素质的管理理念,从企业长远发展的战略高度,对系统内部的员工绩效管理,特别是绩效考核工作进行了积极的探索和实践,对于激发员工的积极性与创造性,提高企业经营绩效发挥了积极的作用。然而,置身于经济全球化的大潮中,湖南联通公司的员工绩效管理机制还很不完善,还存在诸多缺陷,亟待进一步改进。本文在绩效管理理论的指导下,重点分析当前湖南联通客户经理绩效管理模式,找出其中需要改进的地方,并且建立一套有助于推动公司发展的新的绩效管理体系。论文将从“通过提升员工个人绩效水平入手,进而提高整个组织的绩效水平和管理水平”这一角度出发来探讨湖南联通如何有效实施客户经理绩效管理的问题。在研究架构的设计上,本论文将遵循绩效管理的相关理论,根据湖南联通客户经理绩效管理的实际状况进行分析,找出存在的问题,从客观的角度分析原绩效管理模式,并就原模式存在的问题进行诊断,进而利用研究结果得出相关结论,进行改进设计,最后在实践的过程中发现并解决问题,推动客户经理绩效管理体系的进一步完善和绩效管理水平的不断提升。在具体的绩效管理体系改进中,本文从绩效管理的一般原理出发,深入探讨员工绩效管理与组织战略的关系,探讨了绩效考评体系设计的目标及特点,绩效考评体系设计流程,绩效考评体系的主要内容,方法选择及指标设计。得出以客户经理岗位工作分析为基础的以关键指标体系,以目标管理为核心的绩效评价指标体系。最后探讨了客户经理绩效管理的实施及绩效管理的效果评价中的具体问题,进行绩效管理体系的再诊断,并提出持续改进的建议。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, telecom industry is on the leading edge of the national economy, and the telecom market growing at a high speed has been the competition focus all over the world. The achievement, development, and open to competition of China telecom industry have been gained more and more attentions. In last 11 years, China Unicom has developed a solid foundation through furious competition. The total subscribers of China Unicom has reached 1516,320,000 till June 30, 2007, and the market share is 30.7%; China Unicom is the second mobile operator and the second CDMA subscriber group in the world and its CDMA capability is the biggest one. With the competition becomes fiercer, innovation of business mode, operation system and management methods is the only way to survive.Under this situation, Hunan Unicom focuses on brand building outside, employee quality improvement inside. Therefore, it has done many researches and practices about the employees’ performance management system, especially on the selection of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and performance evaluation and etc. All these researches and practices played a very important and positive way in the employees’ working enthusiasm and innovation, which is also very helpful to enhance the efficiency of group operation. However, there are still some disadvantages in the current performance management system.With the guide of the theory of performance management, this article applies itself to analyze the current performance management system of Hunan Unicom Sales Manager, trying to find where the problem is and building a new system which is benefit to the development of the company to get over these issues. How to improve the personal performance management of Sales Manager in order to improve the performance management of the whole organization is where this article starts.From the design of research structure, this thesis is based on the relevant theories of performance management, together with the current situation of Hunan Unicom, trying to find out where the problem is. Then provide the diagnoses of existing issues with the respect of objective analysis, using the research result to get the conclusion to solve the existing problems. To improve the performance management with the continuous adjustment and revising in practice.In the detailed ameliorating plans, it discuss the relationship of employee performance management and strategic organization from the point if basic theories. What’s more, it has discussed the target and features of performance evaluation system, the designing flow of this system, methods and index choosing. The system after research is with Sales Manager working analysis as the key index, and with the target management as the core. It also refers to the issues happened in the implementation of Sales Manager Performance Evaluation with the re-diagnoses and ameliorating suggestions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】F272;F626
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】398

