

The Study of National Administrative Supervise System Reform

【作者】 黄毅

【导师】 田湘波;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 政治学理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着各国政府的各项事务范围的扩大,行政权力在一国权力系统中越来越膨胀。因此,如何防止握有行政权力的公职人员违法违纪,成为各国关心的重要问题。因此,对公职人员行使行政权力起着监督、制约作用的行政监察机关的建设,理所当然地成为各国政府、专家、学者乃至民众关心和讨论的热点。我国党和政府历来就重视反腐倡廉工作,在改革开放和现代化建设中,始终坚持一手抓改革开放和经济建设,一手抓廉政建设和反腐败斗争。本文坚持以马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,运用制度研究法、定量研究法、文献研究法及系统分析法等多种研究方法,考察了建国以来我国行政监察体制的变迁、剖析了行政监察体制的现状以及提出行政监察体制改革和完善的初步构想。本文共分为五章。第一章绪论。概述了本文研究的背景及意义,行政监察概念的界定及理论基础。着重总结和评析了这一领域的研究现状,并在基础上提出自己的研究框架及方法。第二章对建国以来我国行政监察体制的变迁作了考察和评析。通过对四个阶段分析,指出:第一阶段是中央人民政府政务院设立人民监察委员会时期,这段时间职责权限都比较大,前期领导体制是一重领导一重指导,后期是双重领导加垂直领导;第二阶段是中央人民政府国务院监察部时期,权限比前阶段增大,逐渐由双重领导体制回归一重领导一重指导;第三阶段是行政监察体制中断时期;第四阶段是行政监察体制恢复和重建时期,这阶段逐步确立了我国现行行政监察体制。第三章着重剖析了现行行政监察体制的现状。指出了其监察职能不彰显的主要症结所在。第四章对改革和完善现行行政监察体制作了初步构想。如建议从外部、内部以及运行机制三个方面对行政监察体制进行改革,外部体制改革和完善具体包括:提高行政监察机关的独立性;扩大行政监察机关部分职权,提高权力的执行力;完善行政监察法规体系等。内部体制改革和完善具体包括:建立科学的行政监察信息系统;健全行政监察监督机制和补救机制;提高行政监察队伍素质等。运行机制改革和完善具体包括:规范执法监察;创建我国的行政监察专员制度等。结语部分对本文进行了总结性的概括,指出了行政监察体制改革和完善的艰难性。

【Abstract】 Administrative power in national power keeps becoming more and more expansive as business scope of governmental affair is expanding. It becomes more concerned for each nation to control government servant grasping administrative power to prevent low violation and anti-discipline. It is no doubt that establishment of Administrative Supervise Department whose main responsibility is to supervise and restrict administrative power comes to the hot discussion topic and focused concerns of every government, scholars and even public. Our government and party have always been paying much attention to anti-corruption and honest administration. In the reform and opening process we strongly adhere to economy improvement as well as anti-corruption and honest administration project. This thesis reviews the changes of administrative supervise system after the establishment of People’ Republic of China, analyze the administrative supervise status and bring out the initial concept of administrative supervise system reform with systematic study method, quantitative study method, documental study method and systems analysis method and based on Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "Three Represents" as the guide.This thesis consists with five chapters. The 1st chapter is instruction which studies the background and significance, gives definitions of administrative supervise, and confirms the theoretical basis. The key point of the chapter is summery and evaluation of field study status, on which the author is based to raise the study frame and methods.Chapter II is about the reviewing and evaluation of administrative supervised system changing after establishment of The Republic of China. The analysis is undergone with four stages. 1st stage refers to the establishment of the Central People’s government Cabinet Committee period, during which the responsibility and authority is great, prophase leadership is single level lead plus single level guide, and anaphase is double level lead and vertical guide. The 2nd stage is the CPG State Hospitals Ministry of Supervision period, during which authority expanded and double level lead returned to single level lead and single guide. The 3rd stage points the stoppage of administrative supervise system. And the last stage covers the recovery and reconstruction period which is the gradual establishing process of out country’s existing administrative supervise system.Chapter III focuses on status of existing administrative system, and highlight main issues of supervise function.Chapter IV describes the initial concept of administrative supervise reform. It suggests that overall reform should be carried out with combination of external, internal and operational mechanism reform. External mechanism reform includes enhancing independence of administrative supervise, magnifying part of administrative supervise authority and enforcing executive efficiency, Internal mechanism reform covers establishing scientific administrative supervise information system, make administrative oversight and redress mechanism sound and improving diathesis of administrative supervise team. What are comprised in operation mechanism reform are regulating law enforcement supervise and creating Chinese administrative supervise commission system.Epilogue give a overall summery of this thesis and points the hardship of administrative supervise reform and improvement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D630.9
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】620

