

Research and Implementation of Mobile IPv6 Handover Performance Measurement

【作者】 徐志荣

【导师】 张大方;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着移动通讯技术的迅速发展和移动设备的不断增多,移动IPv6技术推广应用日趋紧迫。移动IPv6切换是指移动节点从Internet中的一个移动IPv6接入点移动到另一个不同接入点而继续保持通信的过程。移动IPv6切换性能的优劣直接影响到移动IPv6技术能否普及推广。通过切换性能的测量和分析,可以发现切换方法不足,定位切换性能瓶颈,优化切换方法,提高移动网络服务质量,对网络性能的维护具有重要意义。本文选题来源于与法国电信合作开发的移动IPv6切换性能测量系统,通过直接测量的方法对移动IPv6切换性能进行分析研究,目前该系统已完成交付使用。论文的主要工作包括:(1)提出了一种基于双网卡的移动IPv6切换性能测量方法。在同一测量节点上使用双网卡同时进行测量,一块用于无线子网中的被动数据包捕获,一块用于正常数据通信和主动测量。双网卡测量设计解决了现有方法需要在多个节点上进行数据收集的问题,实现了数据的集中采集。使用主动和被动测量相结合,被动测量可获得切换时间和移动节点的切换状态,主动测量可完成网络层到应用层切换性能指标测量,进行3-7层切换性能分析,精确定位移动IPv6切换机制性能瓶颈。(2)实现了移动IPv6切换性能测量系统。系统采用层次化框架结构和模块化设计,系统结构清晰配置灵活,同时具有良好的可扩展性。系统采用双网卡的测量方法,实现了对从网络层到应用层的移动IPv6切换性能的测量。通过任务队列管理实现多任务并行测量,一次可最多可下达48个测量任务同时进行测量。图形用户接口易于操作,且能提供测量结果实时分析显示。通过数据库保存和管理测量数据,实现长期历史数据分析。(3)搭建了一个移动IPv6切换实验床,采用设计的移动IPv6切换性能测量系统对移动IPv6的切换性能进行测量。实验结果表明,移动IPv6切换的两个性能瓶颈是转交地址配置和绑定更新;移动IPv6切换性能可满足一般非实时网络应用要求,但频繁切换会引起网络拥塞,导致实时网络应用无法使用;当前移动IPv6切换性能与无缝切换性能差距较大,仍有很大的改进空间。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of mobile communication technology and continuous increase of mobile equipments on Internet, it is becoming more and more urgent to promote the technology of Mobile IPv6. Mobile IPv6 handover is the process of a mobile node moving from one point of mobile IPv6 attachment to the Internet to another different point of mobile IPv6 attachment. The spread of the Mobile IPv6 technology depends on the performance of the Mobile IPv6 handover. Measuring and analyzing the performance of handover can discover its drawbacks, find its performance bottlenecks, optimize handover method, promote the quality of mobile network service and make great sense to the evolution and maintenance of the network performance. This paper originates from Mobile IPv6 handover measurement system which is developed with the cooperation of France Telecom. It analyses and researches the Mobile IPv6 handover performance through measurement. The system has been applied at present. The main contributions of this paper include:(1) Proposed a measurement method based on two Ethernet adapters for Mobile IPv6 handover performance measurement. It uses two Ethernet adapters to measure handover performance at the same time. One is used to capture the packets in WLAN through passive measurement; another is used to communicate with correspondent node and to take active measurement. Based on the method solves the problem which needs to collect data on a number of nodes and implemented centralized data collection. The method uses the combination of active and passive measurement to measure the handover performance metrics. Passive measurement gets the handover time and the handover state of the mobile node. Active measurement completes the Mobile IPv6 handover performance measurement from network layer to application layer, analyses the handover performance from 3 to 7 layer and positions the performance bottleneck of Mobile IPv6 handover.(2) Implemented a Mobile IPv6 handover performance measurement system. The system uses hierarchical framework and modular design. It has good scalability for clear system structure and flexible configuration. The system uses two-Ethernet adapters-based measurement method. It has ability to measure the Mobile IPv6 handover performance from network layer to application layer. A task queue measurement module to task parallel measurement is designed in the system and can carry out 48 measurement tasks simultaneously. Graphical user interface, which is easy to operate, provides real-time analysis and displays of measurement results. The system supports long-term historical data analysis through the database which preserves and manages the measurement data.(3) Set up a Mobile IPv6 handover measurement testbed, on which the Mobile IPv6 handover measurement system designed by us is used. The following is noted from the experimental results. Two performance bottlenecks of Mobile IPv6 handover is care-of address configuration and binding update. Mobile IPv6 handover performance can fulfill some non real-time applications. But it will cause network congestion and lead network real-time applications can not be used if handover frequently happens. There are great differences between current Mobile IPv6 handover and the seamless handover performance. Therefore, it still needs improving.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】TP393.06
  • 【下载频次】94

