

Research on Japanese Consumer Law and Policy

【作者】 吴克宇

【导师】 屈茂辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 经济法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 日本消费者政策法形成于1968年制定的《消费者保护基本法》,于2004年6月作了重大修改,名称也改为了《消费者基本法》。原法作为“消费者保护政策”执行保障的重要法律却因没有规定“消费者的权利”、“消费者合同的适正化措施”等成了落后于时代要求的法律,因此消费者团体及律师协会等多次要求修改。日本过去遇到和已解决的消费者问题,正是我国现在面临及需要解决的问题,日本现在遇到而正研究解决的消费者问题,则可能是我国未来将要面对的问题。研究日本“消费者问题的演变与消费者政策轨迹”,从社会历史的角度探讨消费者问题与消费者政策的关系以及日本消费者政策法的基本理念、原则、制度以及消费者行政组织、行政手法形成的过程与背景;研究2004年《消费者保护基本法》修改的背景与过程,从社会现实的角度探索消费者政策法变化的动因与背景、社会团体要求将消费者的意见反映在消费者政策上的博弈与平衡。研究《消费者基本法》修改的主要内容及修改后的全文。日本消费者政策法具有费者权利法、消费者行政法、消费者行政组织法、消费者权益保护基本法四个基本特征。日本消费者政策法为中国消费者法及消费者政策法的立法模式提供了样版,为消费者权利性质的认定提供了理论依据与实证依据,对消费者行政组织体系的建立及行政手法的采用具有现实的指导意义。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, I shall attempt to focus on the importance and the necessity of the theory and practice of the Chinese consumer law based on my study and research of the essence, the content, and the characteristics of the Japanese Consumer Law.The Japanese Consumer Law came into being in 1968 and revised in 2004. Its name was changed to Essentials of the Consumer Law. The original consumer law was legislated as "the policy to protect the consumers," but not stipulated as law to guarantee the "rights of the consumers" and "the rights of the consumers were not protected in the form of a legal contract;" thus being outdated and the consumer groups and the legal society thought it imperative to have the new legislation. The Chinese and Japanese consumer laws have their similarities. Due to the rapid economic development, the development stage in China today is somewhat similar to the yesterday of Japan’s economical evolution despite its differences in time and the development stages. While what Japan faces today would become the problems China will face tomorrow.In this thesis, I have given a thorough analysis of the "consumer trends and its problems versus the consumer law legislation" by way of tracing the history of the development of the Japanese consumer law. From a social and historical perspective, this thesis gives primary emphasis on the fundamental concept, principles, policies, and consumer organizations, and the process and the background of the birth of the new consumer legislation. In the mean time, I have given account of the process and background how the new consumer legislation came into being and the changes in consumer policy in Japan. The essence and the significance of the Essentials of the Consumer Law , in my opinion, stipulate that Japanese consumer policy is itself a reflection of its consumer law; its clauses in the consumer organizational law reflect the four fundamental principles of the essentials of consumer legislation in Japan. Of course, the consumer rights and obligations, the challenges the consumers face in today’s consumer society are also dealt with.In this thesis, I have drawn the conclusion that the consumer legislation and consumer policies of Japan have set an example for the Chinese consumer law and legislation; thereby laying a solid foundation in theory and factual statistics for Chinese consumer law-makers; thus helping China in its formation of consumer protection organizations and the making of practical consumer protection policies and laws as a whole.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D931.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】328

