

Progression and Implications of Japan’s Moral Education in Its Education Reform

【作者】 王映哲

【导师】 程早霞;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自1868年明治维新起的一个多世纪,日本进行了多次大规模的教育改革。第一次教育改革,弃旧图新,借鉴西方教育模式与内容,在学校道德教育中增设“修身课”,注重对国民道德修养的培养。战后第二次教育改革,为了赶超西方而实施唯智育教育,导致20世纪80年代起青少年道德荒芜现象严重。第三次教育改革重新将德育放到学校教育的首位。新世纪伊始,日本又开始了新一轮的教育改革,道德教育的重心放在道德素养、能力与综合素质方面,目的是造就能够活跃在国际舞台上的日本人,为新世纪培养合格人才。新世纪,我国道德教育亦面临着严峻的挑战。国际化、信息化时代挑战着人们的世界观;市场经济价值的多元化与功利化,强烈地冲击着人们的价值观。青少年道德教育已成为整个社会关注的焦点。本文通过研究发现,日本道德教育的推行得力于政府的全面掌控和大力支持,主动适应社会的发展是日本道德教育的突出特征。借鉴日本道德教育的经验与教训,结合我国高校德育所面临的实际,笔者提出构建适应新时期社会发展的“多渠道、全方位”高校德育模式的几点启示。

【Abstract】 Japan has launched several large-scale education reforms since Meiji Restoration in 1868. The first education reform added Moral Course to school moral education and focused on cultivating Japanese moral character, viewing western education models and contents. The second after World War II executed intellect-oriented education to catch up with and surpass the West, resulting in the severe phenomenon that teenager moral lied waste since 1980s. The third again put moral in the first place of school education. At the beginning of 21st century, Japan started a new round of education reform, focusing moral education on moral character, ability and comprehensive quality. The purpose is to cultivate Japanese who can engage in international affairs and to bring up qualified talents for the new century.In the new century, our moral education has also confronted severe challenges. With the coming of international and informational era, plenty of information rich in contents and diversified viewpoints has rushed in and challenged our outlooks on the world. And our values have been pounding at by the pluralistic and utilitarian Capitalist economic values. Therefore, teenager moral education has attracted the attention of the whole society.It has been found in this thesis that Japan’s moral education gain benefits from the overall control and the great support of its government and active adaptation to the development of society is its prominent feature. Considering their experiences and lessons and combining with our factual situation, the author has come up with some suggestions on constructing multi-channel and all-aspect moral models in our universities fit in with the social development in the new era.

  • 【分类号】G41;G531.3
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】750

