

Exploitation and Research on Project Management with B2C Electronic Airline Ticket in China Southern Airlines

【作者】 吴洪秋

【导师】 徐建中; 李晓霖;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 项目管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 项目管理是近年来发展起来的管理学科的新领域,是伴随社会建设和管理大型项目的需要产生的。在当今信息社会和知识经济中,人们造财富的途径和方法已由过去以重复进行的生产活动为主,逐步转向了以项目开发和项目实施活动为主的模式。在许多领域中,项目开发与实施已经成了最主要的生产经营方式,如电子商务开发领域。电子商务开发是高风险的项目,成功率很低,人们致力于改善这种状况,而且可以看到在有助于提高开发效率的开发方法、开发工具这些方面得到了飞快的发展。但随着项目规模的不断扩大,项目开发过程中的进度管理、成本管理、风险管理、质量管理变得越来越重要,人们也认识到技术的改善并不能代替管理的作用。进度、成本、质量、风险管理是电子商务项目管理的核心管理要素,直接决定了项目的优劣、成败。本文以中国南方航空公司B2C电子机票项目为背景,结合项目管理的相关理论,主要从三个方面阐述了项目管理知识与方法在软件开发项目实践中的应用过程:首先,对电子机票项目的需求进行了分析,在此基础上从项目管理的角度提出做好项目工程,关键要对项目的进度、成本、风险和质量进行全过程的管理与控制,即四要素管理。其次,结合实际项目,分章节对进度管理、成本管理、风险管理和质量管理四个方面进行了深入的研究和实践,分别使用关键线路法、挣值分析法、风险量化法、全面质量管理等技术和方法,对电子机票项目管理的重要过程和主要方面实施控制与管理。最后,在理论研究和实践的基础上,提出完善项目管理的四点建议:1.明确项目需求、价值和目标。2.提高计划执行准确率,加强基础数据积累和分析。3.实现项目人力资源灵活调度。4.强调项目团队的知识共享。

【Abstract】 As a new domain of management subject, Project management come forth to fulfill the requirement accompanying with society construction. In the age of information and knowledge economy, people turn around to gain fortune by means of project exploitation and implement especially in Electronic Commerce domain in stead of undertaking production activity again and again.The exploitation of electronic commerce belongs to the project which is difficult to make good winning with high risk. Many useful methods、facility are created to ameliorate the efficiency of exploitation. People are convinced of that technique improvement can not take the place of management. It is a serious challenge for enterpriser to carry through efficient management in order to accomplish successful project in the light of pre-concerted cost, schedule and quality. The issues belong to all stages of the lifecycle, which include previous stage, ongoing stage and late stage.Schedule、cost、quality and risk are the important elements in electronic project management. The thesis focuses on the exploitation of electronic airline ticket in china southern airlines by means of project management.At first, the author analyzed the requirements. In the thesis, the author analyzed requirements, costs, resources, progresses and risks of the project and clarified the management activities at all stages of the project. All conclusion of above are based on the project management theories, and link with the author’s experiences of electronic airline ticket practice.The author described the methods of management, which concern to the practicability evaluation, demand survey, requirement analysis, system design, system implementation, project schedule and control, team organization and communication, and risk management etc. The author also confirmed the function of each sub-system and the process of construction in next step. The principle and method of electronic commerce system programming were also definite.At the end, the author also bring forward four advice to consummate project management such as definite requirement、value and target, strengthen data accumulation and analysis, agile translation, emphasize on the knowledge share in the team.The exploitations of EC project belong to labor denseness domains which depend upon people’s labor in a creative way. As we know it is very difficult to exploit a successful project.The thesis studies thoroughly how to manage a project successfully via the practice analysis. The results of the study can benefit and will be a good reference to project management of other domestic enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F562;F724.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】483

