

Research on the Independent Innovation System of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises in China

【作者】 王丽莉

【导师】 朱建新;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,科学技术的发展突飞猛进,国家的竞争力越来越体现在以自主创新为核心的科技实力上,谁在知识和科技创新方面占据优势,谁就能够在发展上掌握主动。民营科技企业具有自觉吸纳科技创新成果的动力和较高的技术创新效率,有迅速捕捉商机、快速应对市场变化的敏锐性和机制上的灵活性,是最具活力的生产力和最具活力的民营机制有机结合的企业群体,在技术创新能力提升和高新技术产业发展中发挥了极其重要的作用。受外资企业的技术垄断和控制技术优势战略,国有企业技术创新动力的严重不足等问题的存在,将民营科技企业推到了提升我国自主创新能力的前沿阵地,民营科技企业已成为增强我国自主创新能力必须依靠的重要力量。民营科技企业自主创新系统是个复杂、动态、开放的巨系统,既是人、财、物、知识与技术积累等企业内部创新要素的投入-产出过程,又是技术创新、制度创新、管理创新与社会环境协同、互动的演化过程。民营科技企业自主创新的最终目的是获得超额创新利润,获得持续快速发展的核心竞争力。论文首先对民营科技企业自主创新系统相关理论进行研究;接着描述了我国民营科技企业自主创新现状与发展趋势;然后确定了民营科技企业自主创新系统的目标、特点,将民营科技企业自主创新的实现途径分为完全自主创新的直接途径和基于合作创新和模仿创新的迂回途径;并对民营科技企业自主创新系统行“结构-功能”分析,阐明民营科技企业自主创新系统的运行机理;最后应用系统动力学的理论和方法对民营科技企业自主创新系统进行建模。

【Abstract】 In today’s world, science and technology develop by leaps and bounds. State increasing competitiveness is more and more embodied in scientific and technological strength, which emphasis on independent innovation. It is recognized that which country has advantages in knowledge and technology innovation will grasp the initiative in development.Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises have driving force to consciously absorb achievements in scientific and technological innovation and higher technological innovation efficiency; they can rapidly capture opportunities; they have flexibility mechanisms and sensitivity to rapidly response to changes in the market; they are enterprise groups which combine the most dynamic productivity and the most vibrant private organic mechanism together. Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises play an extremely important role in technology innovation ability upgrading and high-tech industries developing.Foreign-funded enterprises have strategies of technology monopolizing and technical superiority controlling, and state-owned enterprises are in serious shortage of power for technological innovation, these are the problems are in China now. Therefore, Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises are pushed to the frontiers to improve our country’s capability of independent innovation, and they have become important force we must depend on to accelerate the country’s capability of independent innovation.Independent innovation system of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises is a huge system which is also complex, dynamic and open. It is not only a input-output process of internal elements of innovation, such as human, financial, material, accumulated knowledge and technology, and so on; but also a synergies, interactive evolvement process of technological innovation, system innovation, management innovation and social environment.Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises independently innovating are to make over-profits of innovation, to maintain core competitiveness of sustainable development. This thesis firstly analyzed related theories on independent innovation system of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises; secondly described the status quo and developing trend of independent innovation of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises in China; thirdly determined objectives and characteristics of independent innovation system of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises, put forward three ways for independent innovation of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises, they are direct way of wholly independent innovation, outflanking ways based on cooperation innovation and imitation innovation; fourthly made "structure-function" analysis for independent innovation system of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises, clarify system operation mechanism; finally this thesis used the theory and method of System Dynamics modeling for independent innovation system of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F276.44
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】463

