

On the Feasibility of Homosexual Marriage

【作者】 沈奕利

【导师】 冯泽辉;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 传统婚姻定义为“男女以夫妻方式合法结合”,这一定义在人们思想中根深蒂固。但随着西方同性恋运动的发展,不仅同性恋现象得到越来越多西方国家的认可,同性恋者要求获得合法婚姻关系的呼声也越来越高。一些国家和地区实现了同性婚姻合法化。在中国,由于传统伦理道德观念的限制,同性恋这一现象本身还未得到人们理解。病态、变态、犯罪依然是同性恋的代名词。社会上广泛存在着逃避、歧视、打击同性恋的行为。因此,同性恋婚姻合法化在中国实现的道路将更加漫长而艰辛。福柯的生存美学是一种新型的伦理学,一种生存实践和道德实践。它从个人伦理道德,从关怀自身的角度出发,在不伤害别人的前提下,运用自我的技术来关怀个体的生活命运,反抗世俗规范的限制来实现人生的最高追求—自由和幸福,并在实现自身快乐的同时带给他人和社会幸福。本文运用生存美学理论,通过同性恋现象的普遍性和合理性的论述,证明同性恋是人们生活方式多样化的一种选择,是一种独特的生活风格,是个人艺术化生活追求,也是社会文化多样化的一种表现。作为追求个人幸福的方式之一—同性恋婚姻,也是同性恋者应该享有的平等权利。同时,本文列举出传统的婚姻制度和观念给同性恋者自身以及社会带来的一系列问题,强调了包容同性恋现象,实现同性恋婚姻合法化的重要性和紧迫性。同时本文提倡合理运用生存美学观点,让同性恋者学会认识自我,关怀自我,教育自我,从而创造美好生活。社会大众也应该创造更加包容的社会氛围,让社会变得更加美好和谐。本文共分为三大部分。第一章介绍生存美学理论的基本要义和同性恋现象的正常性。第二章介绍同性恋婚姻的可行性。这部分共分成四个小节,分别介绍传统婚姻带来的一些社会问题,并从生存美学角度论证同性婚姻是对自我的一种关怀,也是对传统伦理道德的挑战,以及介绍同性婚姻的益处,最后针对人们对同性恋婚姻的一些顾虑予以解答。第三章介绍一些西方国家处理同性恋关系问题的经验,以及中国在对待同性恋方面的进步。

【Abstract】 Traditional marriage is defined as a union united by a man and a woman as husband and wife, which has been deeply rooted in people’s mind for long. However, with the development of western homosexual movements, not only is homosexuality recognized by more and more western countries, but also homosexuals’ appeal for legalized same-sex marriage storms louder than ever. Finally, homosexual marriage is legalized in some countries and regions.In China, due to restrictions of traditional morality and ethics, homosexual phenomenon has not yet been understood by the public. Morbidity, abnormality and criminality are still synonyms for homosexuality. Actions of avoiding, discriminating and attacking homosexuals are commonly existent. Therefore, the road to legalization of homosexual marriage in China will be longer and tougher.Foucault’s Aesthetics of Existence is a new ethic, a practice of existence and morality. Based on the perspective of individual ethics and "the Care of the Self, it requires people to use "Technologies of the Self to care about their own destinies, to revolt against the regulations and the bondages of traditional ethics so as to realize the ultimate goal of life—freedom and happiness, provided that it brings no harm to others, but rather fulfills individual happiness and meanwhile benefits others and the society.Through the illustration of the normality of homosexuality, this thesis adopts the theory of the Aesthetics of Existence to demonstrate that homosexuality is people’s personal choice of way of living, a unique lifestyle, a pursuit of an artistic life and one of the ingredients of the multi-cultural society. As a way of fulfilling personal happiness, homosexual marriage is an equal right which should be enjoyed by homosexuals without any exception. In addition, this thesis points out that there are many problems brought to homosexuals as well as the society by the traditional marital thoughts and regulations. It stresses the importance and urgency of understanding homosexuality as well as legalizing homosexual marriage, and meanwhile, helps homosexuals learn to know, to care about and to educate themselves to create a better life by appropriately making use of the Aesthetics of Existence. And the public should also make great efforts to create a tolerant social environment to make the world more beautiful and harmonious.This thesis contains three chapters.Chapter one introduces the main ideas of the Aesthetics of Existence and normality of homosexuality.Chapter two is centered on the feasibility of homosexuality, which is divided into four parts. First, the problems brought by traditional marriage are introduced. Then comes the narration that same-sex marriage, a way of caring about people’s selfhood from the perspective of the Aesthetics of Existence, challenges the traditional morality and rules. Third, the merits of homosexual marriage are listed. And lastly, some people’s existent practices and doubts of homosexual marriage are presented.Chapter three states some western countries’ experience of handling homosexual relationships and China’s own development on this issue.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期
  • 【分类号】C913.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】2872

