

A Study on the Fulfillment of the Value in Ideological and Political Education

【作者】 江耀琴

【导师】 张德鹏;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 价值实现是思想政治教育的重要内容、目的和归宿。研究思想政治教育价值实现问题,无论对思想政治教育理论体系的完善,还是对思想政治教育自身价值的实现,都具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文从思想政治教育价值实现的相关定义出发,围绕思想政治教育价值实现的条件、途径、特点和规律四个方面,尝试探讨思想政治教育价值实现问题。全文由四个部分组成:第一部分,厘定思想政治教育价值实现问题的相关概念。在这部分,本文首先归纳了思想政治教育的含义,并在此基础上对思想政治教育价值做了界定,然后,着重分析了思想政治教育价值的实现的含义。第二部分,探讨思想政治教育价值实现的条件。本文主要从客体和外在两个方面来探讨:内在条件分为理论条件的准备和“教育”的有效性,外在条件分为人的条件和社会的条件。第三部分,分析思想政治教育价值实现的途径。本文首先指出根本途径——实践,然后分析基本途径——灌输引导和接受选择,最后指出实现的具体途径——增强思想教育工作者自身综合素质、优化思想政治教育环境等。第四部分,总结思想政治教育价值实现的特点和规律。本文主要从阶级性和社会性相统一、科学性和价值性相统一、国际性和民族性相统一三个方面来阐述思想政治教育价值实现的特点;从神形统一律、虚实转化律、真善美统一律、同步递增律四个方面来总结思想政治教育价值实现的规律。

【Abstract】 In the field of the study of the ideological and political education, the issue of the fulfillment of value is not only one of the importance contents, but also the objective and final destination. It is of supreme significance either to the perfection of the theoretical system or to the fulfillment of value.This thesis begins from the relative concepts about the fulfillment of the ideological and political education value; then it analyzes the conditions, channels, characteristics and laws in the fulfillment of value so that it can have an overall discussion on it. This thesis consists of four parts:The first part deals with the identification of the relative concepts of fulfillment of value. The thesis first induces the implications of ideological and political education, on the basis of which it defines the meaning of the ideological and political education value. Furthermore, it accents the definition of the fulfillment of the ideological and political education value.The second part analyzes the conditions of the fulfillment of value from the internal and external aspects. Internal conditions include theories and effective education, whereas external conditions include people and society.The third part discusses the channels to the fulfillment of value. It firstly points out the ultimate solution, which is practice; then it analyzes the fundamental solutions, which are instillation, guidance, acceptance and selection. At the end of this part, it points out specified solutions, which are class education, management education and so on.The last part analyzes the characteristics and laws in the fulfillment of value. It analyzes the characteristics from three aspects; then it continues to discuss four laws in ideological and political education.

  • 【分类号】D64
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】823

