

Study on the Abuse of Intellectual Property in the Technology Transfer by Multinational Corporation in China

【作者】 马力

【导师】 郑友德;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 经济法, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 跨国公司是对华投资的主要实体,通过在华设立独资企业或与国内企业合资、合作,为我国经济发展和技术进步起到了巨大的推动作用。随着经济全权化的到来和我国加入世界贸易组织,开放市场的各项承诺逐渐落实,跨国公司进入中国的步伐越来越快。这些跨国公司资本雄厚,技术先进,拥有巨大的市场影响力。他们在中国积极实施知识产权战略,通过专利布局,组建技术(专利)联盟,推行技术标准,抢占了市场竞争的制高点;又在随后的技术转让中对我国企业采取种种限制措施,维护和扩张了自己的市场优势地位,在一些行业中形成了垄断。这种典型的知识产权滥用行为,严重危害了我国公平竞争的市场环境,损害了我国企业和消费者的合法权益,阻碍了我国企业的技术进步和国家科技实力的整体提升。跨国公司在技术转让中滥用知识产权,其实质就是垄断核心技术,维护垄断地位,赚取垄断利润。这也是跨国公司滥用知识产权的内因;而我国以反垄断法为核心的规制知识产权滥用法律体系的缺失,是在华跨国公司敢于滥用知识产权的外因。这一被动和尴尬的局面必须改变。加强国家和企业在知识产权建设方面的投入,拥有更多具有自主知识产权的技术是解决问题的根本途径;建立和完善以反垄断法为核心的规制知识产权滥用法律体系是实现这一目标的有力保障。

【Abstract】 As the main unit of investing China, the multinational corporation greatly prompts the development of China’s economy and technology by means of setting sole owned enterprise, equity joint venture and contract joint venture. Because China’s promises of opening domestic market for WTO members come into reality one by one, the multinational corporations are being more active to invest in China. As we all know, these corporations often affect the concerned market dramatically with their giant capital and advanced technology. They actively apply their IP strategy, which includes arrangement of patents, union of patent technology and spread of technology standard, to occupy the advantageous market point. Moreover, the multinational corporations have monopolized some industries in the process of keeping and enlarging their market advantages through various restrictions in technology transfer to China’s domestic enterprises. This action is a typical abuse of IP, which seriously injuries the fairness of market competition and the legal benefit of the Chinese enterprise and consumer, and hinders China to increase her science and technology power. On the one hand, the substance of abuse of IP in technology transfer is just to monopolize the core technology for monopoly profit. On the other hand, the absence of China’s anti-trust law, which regulates the abuse of IP, also leads to the multinational corporation’s abuse of IP. It’s time to change the present situation. The fundamental resolution to this problem demands the Chinese enterprise to increase investment of constructing IP and own more technology with independent IP. And, to make and perfect the anti-trust law is the guarantee of regulating the abuse of IP.

  • 【分类号】D922.294;D923.4
  • 【下载频次】438

