

On Regulation of Anti-Monopoly Law for the Abuse of Intellectual Property Right

【作者】 郝珺

【导师】 彭礼堂;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 经济法, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 知识产权是法律赋予的合法垄断权,一般是作为反垄断法的适用除外存在的。但是,知识产权这种独占权往往会使权利拥有者在某一特定市场上形成垄断或支配地位,限制了该市场的竞争,尤其是在某些情况下,知识产权人可能会超出法律允许的正当范围,滥用其依法获得的正当权,通过不正当地行使知识产权,非法限制竞争,从而违反了反垄断法。知识经济时代,知识产权在经济和社会发展中的地位越来越重要,相应地,知识产权领域中的滥用问题也日益突出,对知识产权滥用进行反垄断法规制正是针对知识产权滥用而采取的一种限制措施。本文基于知识产权和反垄断法的相关理论,从经济学和法律角度,借鉴西方国家反垄断法律制度的最新成果,讨论了知识产权领域反垄断法律问题。中心议题是知识产权滥用的反垄断法规制,并结合我国实际,分析了我国建立与知识产权滥用有关的反垄断法的意义,并提出了立法建议。本文主要分四章进行讨论。第一章,运用所有权和知识和产权的相关理论,论述了知识产权的专有性和社会性特征,引出利益平衡下对知识产权滥用的限制问题。第二章,从经济学、法哲学两个角度探讨了知识产权权利限制的理论基础。第三章,对滥用知识产权行为进行了分类,并分别论述各种行为国际通行的规制方法,并在此基础上提出各国立法对我国的启示。第四章,说明了我国建立与知识滥用有关的反垄断法律制度的意义,阐述了我国规制知识产权滥用的立法现状,并提出了相关的立法建议。

【Abstract】 Intellectual Property right is a legitimate monopoly. Generally speaking, Intellectual Property possibly makes the proprietor hold a dominant market position, some proprietor of Intellectual Property right abuse the dominant market position for benefit. As we know, antimonopoly law’s purpose is to protect competition, so anticompetitive acts will be published by antimonopoly law.Based on the analysis and appraisement of the theories of Intellectual Property and antimonopoly law, from the perspectives of economics and law. This paper discusses the interaction between Intellectual Property and antimonopoly law, with the focus being on studying on antimonopoly issues of Intellectual Property rights.The main discussion is divided into four parts. In chapter 1,I introduce the improvement of the Legal system of Intellectual Property. and so on. In chapter 2, I discuss the definition of abuse of Intellectual Property Right. Utilizing intellectual theory and property right theory, I discuss the theory of Intellectual Property. In chapter 3, I study on the antimonopoly issues of abuse of Intellectual Property right, concentrating on the restriction of antimonopoly law. I expound the relation between Intellectual Property and antimonopoly law. I research to abuse of a dominant position, which is a topical act of abuse of Intellectual Property. Then, I examine the legitimate act of Intellectual Property and abuse of Intellectual Property. Besides, I introduce legal rules on controlling mergers. In chapter 4, I describe China’ s legislation on antimonopoly in the realm of Intellectual Property. I introduce the present situation and the signification of antimonopoly issues to be brought forward in China.

  • 【分类号】D923.4;D922.294
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】254

