

From Classical Game Theory to Quantum Game Theory

【作者】 刘正钊

【导师】 万小龙;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 博弈论是一门研究理性人策略选择的学科,在经济学,社会学等领域有着广泛的应用,被誉为“社会科学的数学”。近年来随着量子理论研究的发展,出现了博弈论与量子物理的新兴交叉学科——量子博弈论。本文首先介绍经典博弈论,并由此引入量子化的博弈模型,结合近年来国内外对量子博弈研究的最新成果对量子博弈作了较全面的介绍。通过比较的方法体现出量子博弈的优越性,进而对量子博弈在哲学上所带来的新问题进行探讨。全文分为引言,四个篇章和结束语六个部分。引言部分中对博弈论的研究对象,内容,目的和方法作了介绍,说明了量子博弈论研究的基本依据和所带来的进步。第一章全面介绍了经典博弈论的相关概念,简要回顾了博弈论的发展历史,对博弈的种类进行了划分,介绍了博弈论中的纳什均衡和囚徒困境等重要概念和问题。第二章介绍了量子信息论,量子纠缠等量子博弈论所需的背景知识,介绍了量子博弈论的由来。第三章对量子博弈作了详细的介绍,讨论了PQ翻硬币模型中量子博弈所带来的优越性。之后对经典的囚徒困境作了量子化模型的分析。本章的最后部分简要总结了量子博弈论的研究意义。说明量子博弈论并非仅仅是经典博弈论的量子形式描述,而是一种全新的博弈形式。第四章讨论博弈问题的哲学意义,结合囚徒困境从理性与道德,合作与进化方面对博弈论的哲学意义作了分析,之后对量子博弈论做出了哲学反思。结束语对于全文作了简要回顾,指出量子博弈论目前的研究仍在起步阶段,对其面临的问题和今后的发展趋势作了简要的陈述。

【Abstract】 Game theory is a subject studies on the rational strategy movement, it is widely used in economics, sociology and many other areas, regarded as "the mathematics of social science". In recent years, for the development of quantum physics, a new intercross area of game theory and quantum physics had born, that is quantum game theory. This thesis will give a presentation of game theory and quantum game theory, and incarnate the advantages of quantum game by compare them in some classical game model. Moreover, a discussion of philosophy meaning in game theory and quantum game theory will be given in the last part.In preface part, there will be a presentation of the aims, main ideas, objects and research approaches of game theory, explain how would quantum game theory came into been and the possible progress made by it.In chapter one, it will be a brief look back into the history of game theory, define the types of different games in several point of view, introduce Nash Equilibrium and Prisoner Dilemma, which are quite important in game theory.In chapter two, there will be an introduction of quantum information theory and quantum entanglement, which is background knowledge of quantum game theory. It will also present how the original ideas of quantum game theory came into been.In chapter three, there will be some details of quantum game theory. The advantage brought by quantum strategy in PQ penny flip model will be discussed. And the analysis of quantumize the model of prisoner dilemma will be presented. A summarization will be given for the last part of this chapter, indicate that quantum game is not just quantumization of classical game, but a new kind of game.In chapter four, it will present some philosophy thinking over game theory; discuss the philosophy meaning of quantum game theory.In the ending part, there is a short summarize of the whole article, present the problems of quantum game theory, and talk about the future direction of it.

【关键词】 博弈量子博弈纠缠信息
【Key words】 gamequantum gameentanglementinformation
  • 【分类号】O413
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1943

