

Study on the Layout and Setting of Municipal Solid Waste Transfer System

【作者】 邓成

【导师】 陈海滨;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 环境工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 城镇生活垃圾己经成为当今世界最严重的公害之一,如果处置不当,就会占据大量土地、影响城镇美观、滋生虫蚊,垃圾渗滤出的废水还会对水体产生更大的毒害,直接危害人类的身体健康,必须进行科学有效的管理处置。城镇垃圾处理系统由清扫收集、中转运输以及最终处置几环节构成,而其中的收集和中转运输则构成了垃圾的转运系统。转运是整个垃圾处理系统的中间环节,是垃圾源头管理与最终处置之间最重要的衔接部分,研究科学的城镇垃圾转运系统意义重大。而对于我国来说,我国的经济发展虽已取得长足进步,但毕竟资金还不宽裕,如何达到资源的最优配置是本文研究的重点。首先,本文从系统论的角度,对垃圾处理系统、垃圾转运系统及垃圾转运站进行详细的论述,并根据我国城镇特点,提出城镇垃圾二级转运体系的研究思路,将城市中心市区和郊镇分别运用不同的方法分析建模。城镇垃圾转运系统是一个特殊的物流系统,本文在分析比较城镇垃圾转运系统和物流系统的共性与不同之后,重点研究物流系统方法中物流中心的选址模型,并将其运用到城镇垃圾转运系统的选址中。对于情况简单的郊镇,可以直接加以运用;对于城市中心区,设立最优垃圾转运系统的目标函数,结合线形规划和经济学最小成本法,重点研究转运系统的布局和数量规模设置。另外,城镇垃圾转运站的布局和设置还会涉及到其它很多因素,包括土地征用、服务半径设定、站内协调、站外衔接、环境保护等一系列相关问题,在转运站建设时都要考虑,本文也对相关要求进行了一些论述说明。最后,本文选取了中山市大涌镇和福建省石狮市两城镇的转运系统为实例分别进行研究,对研究结果进行系统论证。

【Abstract】 Municipal Solid Waste has become one of the most serious hazards in the world. It will take up much urban land, destroy landscaping, and breed mosquitoes if not managed effectively. And the waste water seeping out into the water system will make the water deteriorated, and endanger human’s health directly. So it must be managed scientifically and effectively. Urban waste management system is made up of cleaning, collection, transferring, transportation and final treatment. The collection, transfer and transport constitute the waste transfer system, which is the middle tache of the waste management system, linking up the waste source collection system with the disposal system. It is of great significance to make a research on the scientific waste transfer system. As for our country, although the economic has developed saliently, the fund for environmental construction is still very short. How to achieve the optimal allocation of resources as much as possible and how to improve the efficiency of funds is the focus of the study.First of all, the system theory is used to make a detailed exposition on the waste management system and the waste transfer system, and the research guideline of city-town two levels waste transferring management system is put forward by using different methods of analysis modeling respectively.In fact, MSW transfer system is a special logistics system. After the comparison of the common and differences between waste transfer system and logistics system, we decide to study the logistics center site of the logistics systems, which can be used to choose the site of towns’waste transfer station. For the simple situation of town in suburb, it can be used directly; as for urban areas, we will establish the best waste transfer system economic target function, study the layout and the number of transfer system installed by using the linear programming and minimize cost economics synthetically.The layout and setting of waste transfer system involves many other factors, including the land acquisition, service radius, internal coordination, external interface, environmental protection, etc. They must be considered in an exact transit system construction, and we have given some suggestion in the paper as well.Finally, in order to explain the study better, we have selected two transfer systems of a town in Zhongshan City named Da-chong, and a city in Fujian province named Shi-shi, to make a research demonstrate the result.

【关键词】 城镇垃圾转运系统转运站布局选址
【Key words】 Municipal Solid WasteTransfer SystemTransfer StationLayoutSiting
  • 【分类号】X705
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】599

