

Design and Implementation of Ethernet Access on Digital Set-top Box

【作者】 夏华锋

【导师】 刘卫忠;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 有线电视数字化在全国各地大中城市正如火如荼的开展,作为数字电视终端设备的数字机顶盒也得到蓬勃发展,其已不只是一台用来接收数字电视节目的转接器,用户还可以通过机顶盒享受视频点播、上网浏览、电子邮件、游戏互动等等综合业务。基于此需求,作者在数字机顶盒上设计实现了以太网接入功能。本文依据项目研发过程展开,依次从硬件设计、软件设计和系统集成几方面探讨。在硬件设计部分,首先对数字机顶盒技术做出了简单介绍,着重介绍了作者研发中的基于STMicroelectronics公司STi5516芯片的数字机顶盒平台。然后介绍了目前国内市场上流行的嵌入式以太网接入的解决方案,并着重介绍了作者采用的基于DAVICOM公司DM9000A芯片的嵌入式以太网接入方案。最后从硬件电路连接、地址空间及控制时序的配置两方面来介绍具体的硬件集成。在软件设计部分,作者从底层开始,首先探讨了所选用的以太网控制器驱动程序的设计,该部分的主要函数参考linux源代码中该控制器的驱动程序而完成。然后探讨了嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈的设计实现,目标是在完成ARP、ICMP、IP、UDP、TCP基本协议的基础上设计成一个可根据需要扩展的协议栈。最后在完成硬件架构和底层软件的基础上,设计了基于以太网接口下载升级机顶盒应用程序的应用层软件。在系统集成部分,作者介绍了在实际开发调试中所作的一些主要测试项目及测试方案,并对系统实现的功能、性能进行了分析,还对该系统中有待完善的地方做出了说明。

【Abstract】 As the development of digital CATV(Community Antenna Television) in our country, the terminal equipment, set-top box is developed greatly . Set-top box is not only a switcher used to receive digital television programs, but also can be used to enjoy VOD(video-on-demand), surf online, Email, interactive games and so on. Therefore, set-top box with Ethernet access function is implemented.This paper is described according to the process of project research and development, including hardware design, software design and system integration.In the part of hardware design, it describes set-top box technology firstly, especially the set-top box platform based on STi5516 of STMicroelectronics Corporation. Secondly, it describes popular solutions of embedded Ethernet access in the industry, especially the solution based on DM9000A of DAVICOM Corporation. Lastly, it describes the hardware integration from circuit design and the configuration of address and bus timing.In the part of software design, firstly, it describes the driver design of Ethernet controller. Most of functions in the driver are developed according to the sound code of linux. Secondly, it describes the realization of embedded TCP/IP stack. The aim is realization of an open stack based on the realization of such protocols as ARP、ICMP、IP、UDP、TCP. Lastly, on the base of realization of hardware platform and bottom software, it describes the development of application software, which realizes the upgrade of application data via Ethernet.In the part of system integration, it describes the test items and test projects in the process of development and debug. And it analyses the function and performance of the system. Furthermore, it explains the aspects waiting to be perfect.

  • 【分类号】TP393.11
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】309

