

Development of Open Architecture NC Test Platform Based on Field Bus

【作者】 张旭明

【导师】 陈吉红; 周会成;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 高速高精数控技术的研究是高性能数控技术研究的基础,要进行高速高精数控技术的研究,首先要有面向高速高精运动控制的测试、分析平台。本文针对高速高精加工对数控系统的要求以及现有数控系统的不足,为高速高精运动控制算法的测试及分析设计了基于总线的开放式数控系统测试平台。本文主要完成了以下的工作:首先研究了数控系统测试平台整体结构,搭建测试系统的硬件平台并设计基于Linux系统的软件平台,验证了基于上、下位机的数控系统体系结构。高速高精运动控制实验需要开放的控制算法接口,本文设计开放式运动控制接口,将运动控制算法向用户开放,通过此运动控制接口,用户可以测试、调整高速高精运动控制算法以达到最佳性能。此外,软件运动控制的研究也为今后实现全软件数控系统做出铺垫。控制设备与伺服系统的通讯方式是基于串行数据传输的,本文研究并应用了基于现场总线的通讯技术,采取了基于CAN总线通讯方式,提高测试平台的数据通讯能力,增强系统的可靠性,并在软硬件方面实现全方位的开放。现场设备的运动控制以及系统控制性能的分析都需要采样系统的支持,高速高精系统对采样系统提出更高的要求。本文开发高频采样系统,集采样、存储以及分析功能于一体,弥补了现阶段国内采样卡系统在数据高频连续采集和存储方面的不足,为高速高精运动控制实验提供了分析平台。最后,本文基于工程实际设计实验,验证测试平台的可行性。

【Abstract】 High-speed and high-precision (HSHP) research is the foundation of the research on high performance NC technology. In order to study on HSHP NC technology, testing analyzing platform facing on HSHP motion control is needed first. Therefore, aiming at the demands required by HSHP machining of NC system and the drawbacks of existing NC system, this paper focuses on researching on HSHP technology and designs an open architecture NC test platform based on field bus for experiments of HSHP motion control algorithm. The following is the main content.First, NC testing platform which also works as proof scheme for up-down architecture NC system is studied, Hardware structure of the experiment platform is constructed, and software platform based on Linux system is introduced into the experiment platform.Open interface for testing motion control algorithm is needed by HSHP motion control experiments,this paper designs open architecture motion-control interface by which motion-control algorithm is opened to users, so users can easily test and adjust algorithms for the best performance. Furthermore the research on motion-control is considered as the foundation contributed to the implement of whole software NC system in the future.Communication between control system and servo system is based on serial data transfer. So communication technology based on field bus is studied and applied to meet the communication need. A communicant method based on CAN field bus is adopted to improve data transmitting capability of HSHP experiment system. Open architecture of the system is achieved by using field bus for communication; the reliability of the testing platform is also improved.Sampling system is required by motion control of field apparatus and analyses for the performance of the control system. And higher qualities of sampling system are demanded by HSHP system. So High-frequency sampling system is developed. Sampling function, storing function and analyzing function are integrated in this system. The accomplishment of this system cuts down the shortages in high frequently continuing sampling and storing of native sampling system,and provides an analyzing platform for HSHP experiments.Finally, Experiments based on practical projects are designed to proof the feasibility of the NC testing platform.

  • 【分类号】TG659
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】350

