

Construction Project Cost Management Based on Bill of Quantities Pricing Mode

【作者】 程峰

【导师】 梁昌勇; 陈莉;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 项目管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 建设项目造价管理一直是建设项目管理的核心目标之一,建设项目造价的高低,直接影响建设项目投资成本的高低,决定了建设项目的投资效益。《工程量清单计价规范》的颁布施行,是我国工程造价管理向现代工程造价管理模式转变的重要契机,是我国传统建设项目造价管理范式向现代建设项目造价管理范式转变的集中体现。但由于各种原因及限制条件,使得《规范》的实施并未达到如期效果。矛盾集中体现于几个关键问题:工程成本及合理低价的界定,基于清单计价模式的工程承发包阶段造价管理问题,项目施工期间造价管理及竣工结算阶段造价管理。基于此,本文从工程量清单计价的基本原理入手,主要研究清单计价模式下工程成本和合理低价的界定,并给出了界定工程成本与合理低价的方法;在分析我国工程承发包现状的基础上,重点研究了工程承发包阶段评标的方法及工程担保机制的运用,并给出了基于价值工程的评标方法;对于项目施工期间的造价管理,主要研究了合同管理、项目变更管理、索赔管理及进度结算管理;项目竣工后的造价管理,重点研究了竣工结算的审查,介绍了竣工结算的审查方法;最后,以一个实际的工程案例对本文提出的一些观点和方法进行了验证。

【Abstract】 Construction project cost management has always been one of the core objectives of construction project management.Issue and implementation of Code of valuation with bill quantity of construction works marks a shift to modern mode of cost management and embodies a switch to modern paradigm of costmanagement.For a variety of reasons and constraints, the implementation of Code does not turn out satisfactorily. Controversial issues arise in several aspects: project cost and definition of reasonably low price, cost management based on bill pricing mode in the course of contract signing and during the time of caring out and clearing place project.Starting with the basic principles of valuation, this paper analyzes the definition of project cost and reasonably low price on the basis of list-pricing mode, and gives the way of distinction about the project cost and the reasonable low price; then by an analysis of China’s status quo works contracts, the paper studies the stage of evaluation methods and the use of security mechanisms, and gives the evaluation method based on value engineering. Research on cost management here centers on contract management, project change management, claims management and progress of clearing management while research on cost management after project completion focuses on review of settlement, Introduced the investigation method of completion settlement. Finally, the paper verifies the proposed views and methods through a practical project case.

  • 【分类号】F284
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1060

