

【作者】 刘玉兰

【导师】 毛锐;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 世界史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 童子军是一个世界性的青少年组织,于1907年在英国建立,创始人是罗伯特·贝登堡。起初,童子军只是一个英国国内的青少年组织,后来迅速发展成为世界性的青少年组织,而且是迄今为止世界上规模最大、范围最广、影响最大的青少年运动组织。她到现在整整有100年的历史了,从最初的22名儿童,发展到现在有2800万多在册成员,遍及全世界五大洲216个国家和地区,地球上曾有3亿多人参加过童子军。贝登堡是“世界童子军之父”,他创立并领导了童子军走向成功。他的童子军教育理念即“生活的准备教育”思想,是童子军运动走向成功的理论指导,是童子军的灵魂。童子军优秀的教育思想和优良传统,对我国今天的青少年教育工作有着重要的现实借鉴意义,但国内学术界尚缺少对贝登堡及其教育思想的研究,所以本人选此题目为世界史硕士学习毕业论文,感到颇有一定的价值。本论文侧重对贝登堡的“生活的准备教育”思想以及它与童子军的建立和发展的关系的探讨,即“生活的准备教育”思想是世界童子军建立和发展的源泉,童子军的成功就是“生活的准备教育”理念的成功,这成功推动着世界历史的进步。全文共分成三个大的部分,运用历史分析的方法,按如下思路进行探讨:一、论述贝登堡“生活的准备教育”思想的形成。从两个方面分析得出:这一思想的形成是贝登堡个人成长因素和当时的社会背景因素两个方面综合的结果;它的形成经过了萌芽(贝登堡在军旅中的实践体验)、初步形成(贝登堡建立第一支童子军进行试验摸索)、形成(建立全国统一组织、规定童子军规程)、成熟(建立统一的世界性童子军组织、提出“生活的准备教育”理论)四个阶段。二、“生活的准备教育”思想与童子军的建立和发展。童子军的建立和发展,是贝登堡为童子军确立的教育理念即“生活的准备教育”思想指导的结果。“生活的准备教育”思想体系包括三个主要组成部分:教育目的,教育内容,教育方式。即以培养健康、有品格、有责任感、能服务他人和社会的未来公民为目的;以品格、体格、手艺、服务训练为内容;以户外活动、游戏,野外生活实践为手段。“生活的准备教育”思想体系有着务实、寓教于乐,寓教于实践的特点,切中家庭、社会、青少年本身三者利益和需要之焦点,因而得以在英国和世界上迅速发展。这种理论和教育模式开创了一条青少年教育的成功之路。三、贝登堡的“生活的准备教育”思想评价。童子军教育理念即“生活的准备教育”思想的特点,推动了世界历史进步。一是推动了世界政治的进步。二是推动了世界青少年教育事业的进步,三是为中国的青少年教育工作提供了有益借鉴。

【Abstract】 The Scouting is a worldwide youth organization, which is founded in 1907 in British by Robert Baden-Powell. In the beginning, it is a national youth organization of British, but now, it is the world’s biggest youth organization with the widest scope and greatest impact. Today, she has a history of 100 years, from 22 boys to 28 millions of registered members throughout 216 countries and areas around the world. More than 300 million people had been participated in the Scouts. Baden-Powell is the father of the Scouts. He set up this organization and led it to success. His educating philosophy is“be ready for life”, which is the theoretical guidance and also the soul of the Scouts. The outstanding educating thought and tradition is important for the youth education today. But the domestic academic community still lacks study towards Baden Powell and his thought, thus the writer choose this as a title, and think it is of value.This paper focuses on the thought of“be ready for life”and its relationship with the establishment and development of the Scouts. That is, the success of the Scouts is the success of education ideology of“be ready for life”, which enhances the improvement of the world. With the methods of historical analysis, this article is divided into three major parts: I. Discuss the formation of“be ready for life”. Analysis is drawn from two aspects: Baden-Powell’s personal growth factors and the social background both count a lot: the initial thought( the experience of Powell in the army), initial formation( establishment of the first group of the Scouts), formation( establishment of a unified national organization and the rules ), mature( establishment of the unified global Scouts organization and the development of“be ready for life”) , and altogether, there are four stages.II“Be ready for life”and the establishment and development of the Scouts. The former is the theory condition for the latter. There are three major parts in“be ready for life”: educating aim, contents and methods. The aim is to nurture healthy, up straight, responsible citizens to serve others and the society. The contents are character, fitness, skills and training services. The methods include outdoor activities, games, and field practice. The system of“be ready for life”has its own characters: first, it’s practical; second, it combines education with recreation and practice, which is focused on the need of family, individual and the society. This mode is a new way to the education of the youth. III. Its influence to the world history. The success of“be ready for life”enhances the development of the world. For one thing, it enhances the political progress of the world. For another, it enhances the youth education of the world. Last but not least, it provides us with favorable experience in youth education.

  • 【分类号】K561.45
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】321

