

The Research on the Application of Automatic Identification Technology in Enterprise Logistics Management Information System

【作者】 陈东

【导师】 刘希玉;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当今,随着经济全球化的发展,企业面临越来越激烈的竞争。许多企业都意识到了物流管理的信息化将成为他们成功的重要因素。企业的信息化成为提高企业竞争力的重要途径和手段。特别是近年来,中国加入世贸组织已经走过了很多春秋,我国的经济也得到了长足的发展。由此,我国的物流业迅速发展,物流作为企业的“第三利润源泉”也得到了更多企业的重视。在这样的背景下,很多企业在加快改造、产业升级的过程中迫切的需要利用信息系统实现整个企业物流过程的贯通,以达到快速响应市场变化优化配置物流资源的目的。这些年来,自动识别技术发展迅速,成为一种极为有效的数据采集手段。将自动识别技术运用到企业物流管理信息系统中去,不但可以实现信息的实时采集,还能有效的解决企业物流管理信息系统中信息录入的瓶颈问题。而且可以实现企业财务、人员、物料以及各个部门信息的无缝对接。总之,对自动识别技术在企业物流管理信息系统中的应用研究具有非常重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文首先是对物流、物流管理信息系统,自动识别技术及国内外对物流信息管理系统的研究现状做了介绍,为文章的展开奠定了基础。然后提出了基于自动识别技术的物流管理系统的设计,包括:原材料管理模块、计划管理模块、生产数据采集模块、仓储数据采集模块。自动识别技术就像一条纽带贯穿产品的整个生命周期,实现了从原材料进厂到产成品出厂,乃至整个企业经营活动中信息的实施跟踪与管理。最后,还详细的讨论了将自动识别技术应用于企业物流管理信息系统中去的时候的关键技术,包括:条码的打印技术、条码的图像识别技术、无线通讯技术、RFID技术和遗传算法在货位分配中的应用研究。通过实践证明,运用自动识别技术进行实时的数据采集,克服了以往数据录入中的缺点,有力地提高了企业物流管理水平,为企业带来了良好的效益。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, with the economic development in the whole world, the enterprise is facing more and more drastic competition. Most competitive enterprise has recognized that informationization of logistics management is the key to success. Enterprise information is the important approaches and means that promote the competition ability of the enterprise. Especially in recent years, China has gone through a journey of many years since it become the member of WTO, The economic of our country has been developed a lot. As a result, the logistics industry has developed rapidly and more and more importance has been attached to the logistics as“the third profit headspring”of the enterprise. Under this backdrop, A lot of enterprise needs to use information systems urgently during accelerating the transformation and industrial upgrading to respond rapidly to the changing market demands, optimize the allocation of logistics resources. These years automatic identification technology has been well developed, and it become a very useful measure to collect information. Applying automatic identification technology for LMIS of enterprise, not only can realize real-time information collection, but also can solute the bottleneck in information inputting and identifying. By this technology, the information of any department can realize non-gap connection, such as finance, employee management, material, etc. All in a word the research on automatic identification technology application in the LMIS of enterprise has important academic value and practical significance.In this paper, firstly logistics, logistics management information systems,, automatic identification technology as well as status quo and meaning of the research on LMIS are introduced, Which lays the foundations of the latter chapters. Then the designing projects of the LMIS based on the automatic identification technology, including the Raw material management design, the plans management design, the tag create design, the manufacturing data collection design, the stock data collection design, are put forward in detail. The automatic identification technology as a ligament through the whole lifecycle of the product. The information in all economic activities can be tracked real-time and management, from material inputting to finished product selling. Finally the key technology of the automatic technology application in LMIS has been discussed detailed, include: the print technology of the barcode, the technology of recognition for barcode images,the technology of communicatory ,the technology of RFID and research of the genetic algorithm for goods locations assignment.It has been proved that automatic identification technology overcomes the shortage of information collection, and to some extent elevates logistics management as well as benefits.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】958

