

The Belief of Epistemology and It’s Relationship with Self-regulated Learning of College Students

【作者】 马杰

【导师】 司继伟;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 认识论信念是近年来元认知研究领域的一个新主题,它涉及到人们对知识和学习的本质、形式、过程、条件以及合理性等问题的认识,是带有个人特色的哲学思考。它是由一套相互独立的信念系统组成。就学生学习活动的认识论信念而言,学生的知识观也即学生对知识本质和知识获得的信念是其核心内容。探讨认识论信念的内容、起作用的机制以及影响因素,不仅有助于来了解个体的内在认知特性,而且也为建立、完善及校正信念以及预测个体的行为、营造适宜的学习气氛、创设良好的学习环境和学习型社会提供依据。最近一个时期,自主学习也越来越引起教育研究领域的重视。我国学者庞维国主张应从横向和纵向两个角度来定义自主学习。从横向角度是指从学习的各个方面来综合界定自主学习,即如果学生本人对学习的各个方面都能自觉地作出选择和控制,其学习就是充分自主的。从纵向角度界定自主学习是指从学习的整个过程来阐释自主学习的实质,即学生在整个学习过程中能主导自己的学习。自主学习思想在我国教育界的提出,一方面反映了我国教育研究领域的新成果,另一方面又对我国的教育教学改革提出一系列新的带有根本性的问题。可见其重要性及在理论界的普遍认可,深化对它的研究,明确其内涵、影响因素及在教育过程中的地位和意义是非常有意义的。纵观对认识论信念已有的研究,大部分是西方国家研究者以西方学生作为研究对象的,我国学者的研究并不多见,已有的研究主要是针对具体学科,且主要以中小学生为研究对象。而对自主学习能力的研究国内外都比较多,但对学生认识论信念与其自主学习能力的关系的关注,学术期刊检索显示,国内外相当罕见。本文介绍了认识论信念及自主学习的界定、发展及研究现状,在此基础上,对大学生认识论信念及自主学习的影响因素及两者关系进行了系统研究。首先我们对针对中学生的《认识论信念量表》及中学生《自主学习能力量表》的相关语句作了修改,使之符合大学生的情境,然后从济南四所高校抽取大学生为被试进行预测,对量表进行修订,然后以修订后的问卷为工具,进行正式施测,对大学生的认识论信念及自主学习的影响因素及两者的关系作进一步的探讨。结果表明:1、我国大学生的整合-建构认识论信念在性别上存在边缘显著,而零散-接受的认识论信念在性别上不存在显著性差异,总体上大学生的认识论信念在性别上成边缘显著性差异,女生得分高于男生,自主学习能力不存在性别差异。2、大学生的认识论信念在专业上存在显著性差异,文科学生得分高于理科学生,自主学习能力在学习结果方面存在专业差距,文科学生得分高于理科学生。3、大学生的认识论信念在年级上存在显著差异,四年级得分最高,其次是二、一、三年级,大学生的自主学习能力在年级上也存在显著性差异,四年级得分最高,其次是一、二、三年级,且四年级得分显著高于三年级。4、大学生的认识论信念与自主学习之间存在显著的正相关,大学生的认识论信念越积极,其自主学习能力越强,认识论信念能很好的预测学生学习的自主性。本文进而得出以下教育启示:1、高校教师在教学中应重视并了解大学生的认识论信念。2、在学生学习中,高校教师应重视培养机械认识论学生学习的自信心,及时与学生交流,提高学生自我效能感,促进其自主学习。3、教师应提高高校课堂教学的质量,改变教学模式,促进学生自主学习。

【Abstract】 The belief of epistemology is a new subject studied in the metacognitive field. It involves people’s perception of the nature、form、process、condition of knowledge and its rationality, which is a peculiar individual philosophical thought. It is composed of a set of interdependent belief system, among which students’beliefs of knowledge is the core of the system. To explore the content、functioning system and influential factors of the belief of epistemology, is not only helpful to know of the individual internal perception characteristic, but also helpful to establish、improve、emend belief and predict individual behavior, and also helpful to provide basis for creating a desirable learning atmosphere.In recent period, autonomous learning gradually arouses the emphasis of the educational field. The researcher Pang Guowei proposes to define autonomous learning from the angle of landscape and lengthways. The angle of landscape refers to comprehensively define autonomous learning from all the aspects and dimensions. That is, if one student can consciously select and control all the aspects of his learning, we’ll conclude the student is fully autonomous. The angle of lengthways is to illustrate the nature of autonomous learning from the whole learning process, i.e. a student can direct his own learning. The proposal of autonomous learning in our country reflects the new achievements of domestic educational field. Autonomous learning has been listed into the“95”project as an important research content, from which we can realize the importance and significance of deeply exploring the subject of autonomous learning.By reviewing the study of beliefs of epistemology, most researches are done by western scholars against their students and few experts at home get involved in it,while there are many studies of autonomy home and abroad. Concerning the study of the relationship between beliefs of epistemology and autonomous learning, only one dissertation done by Wang Tingting can be found out.The thesis introduces the definition、development and present situation of beliefs of epistemology and autonomous learning, based on which, it systematically studies the influential factors and relationships of them. First, we revised some words and expressions in both Wang Tingting’s and Pang Guowei’s test tables under the help of psychological experts. The revised questionnaire is finished by four university’s sampled students. The investigation result shows as follows:1、Generally, the Chinese college students present obvious sexual differences in terms of beliefs of epistemology, that is, girls got higher marks than boys. However, there are not sexual differences on autonomy.2、As far as the students’major is concerned, arts students got higher marks than science ones on beliefs of epistemology, while on autonomy, there are also not major differences.3、From the angle of grades of the students, both of them present obvious differences. The order of the grades from the high to the low on the beliefs of epistemology is senior, sophomore, freshman and junior and the corresponding result of autonomy is senior, freshman, sophomore and junior.4、the relationship between beliefs of epistemology and autonomy is positive relevance, that is, the more positive the students’beliefs of epistemology is, the stronger of the students’autonomous learning ability. We may conclude that the students’beliefs of epistemology can properly predict their learning autonomy.The enlightenment that we can get from the thesis is as follows:1. College teachers should give more emphasis on knowing of the students’beliefs of epistemology.2. In the process of students’learning, college teachers should focus on fostering students’self-confidence and communicating with them immediately so as to improve students’self-efficacy and promote their autonomous learning.3. Teachers should try to improve the class teaching quality, change the teaching model and finally promote the students’autonomy.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】1341

