

Teacher Professional Development or Grouth of Rural Elementary Education School-based Training Mode Research

【作者】 张春海

【导师】 王坦;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国新一轮基础教育改革于2001年展开,此次课程改革提出许多新的教育理念。新课程计划成功与否,教师的素质、态度、适应与提高是一个关键因素。目前我国教师在数量和质量上都不能满足教师专业化的要求。农村中小学教师的素质已成为制约基础教育整体水平的瓶颈,因而要通过培训,特别是校本培训来提高他们的素质。对于校本培训的概念及其特征的正确认识与把握是校本培训实施与成功的基本前提。“校本”实际上主要包括三层含义:为了学校,在学校中,基于学校。“培训”是一种教师在职的并持续整个教师生涯的培养和训练的过程。校本培训是指在教育行政主管部门和师资培训机构的指导与支持下,由学校发起组织,以学校教育教学发展和改革所面临的各种实际问题为中心,充分利用校内外的各种资源,注重教师教、学、研的时空统一,有效实现教师专业发展的培训模式。通过本论文的研究,首先,可以有效地落实校长作为校本培训第一责任人的作用,强化教师的校本培训意识。其次,通过开展研究,构建开放的校本培训体系,探索有效的校本培训方式。第三,通过开展研究,加强对校本培训的制度化、规范化建设。中小学要有近远期校本培训计划,有切实可行的校本培训方案,有符合本校实际的校本培训内容,并强化培训措施,注重培训的实效性。第四,通过开展研究,可有效地提高广大一线教师的教育创新能力和教育教学能力、提升本校教师的教育科研水平。教师专业发展是与教师专业化紧密联系在一起的。实际上,二者也是互为条件与结果的,即教师专业化是促进教师个体专业不断发展的历程,而教师专业发展则是教师专业化的主题与目标。在狭义层面上,这两个概念是有区别的。“教师专业化主要是强调教师群体的、外在的专业性提升,而教师专业发展则是教师个体的、内在的专业性的提高”本论文研究采用的是教育科学研究的行动研究法,即立足于现实教育实际,在胶州市中小学开展校本培训工作的大环境下进行的行动研究。同时,参考有关文献,在资料的搜集上,尽量做到广泛与丰富。本论文通过对一处县级市中小学校本培训的探讨、研究、分析,总结出对农村中小学校本培训普遍适用的方式方法,取得的成效及不足,以及今后开展校本培训的建议。“培训有模,但无定模,贵在创模;无模之模,乃为至模”。尽管校本培训是一种新的培训模式,但事物总是在不断发展变化的,因此,我们应根据教育的不断发展变化使教师不断遭遇新挑战的趋势,不断变革教师培训观念,努力创造出更好、更新、更适用的校本培训模式,让校本培训融入教学实际,成为引领教师发展,主导教学进步的重要组成部分,使校本培训成果直接内化为教师的教育教学行为,转化为教育教学效益。

【Abstract】 The new round of elementary education innovation started in our country from 2001, in which a lot of new educational ideas have come into being. Whether the new course program is successful or not depends on the teachers’personal quality, attitude toward teaching, the ability to adapt to the new situation and their self development. At present, the quality and quantity of teachers in our country cannot meet the requirement of teacher professionalization. The quality of teachers in rural primary and secondary schools has become the bottleneck problem which restrains the development of elementary education. Therefore, the professional training, especially school-based training is in great need.The proper understanding and interpretation of the concept, that is, school-based training, is the precondition for its successful application into practice. The meaning of“school-based”involves three levels: for the school, in the school and based on school”. And the process of“training”lasts through the teachers’whole career life. In a whole, school-based training is a training pattern which is guided by the educational management departments and teaching training institutions and launched by schools. By solving the practical problems confronted in the course of teaching development and reform with the aid of all the resources inside and outside school, the teachers’professional development can be finally achieved, for the unity of teachers’teaching, studying and researching is the main concern of the pattern.The main tasks in this study are as follows: firstly, to clarify the role of headmaster as the first person responsible for school-based training and strengthen the awareness of school-based training among teachers; secondly, to construct the open system in school-based training program and explore the more effective training patterns; thirdly, to set up essential systems and criterions for the training. It is also necessary to make practical training plans and projects in accordance with the situation of the school for the near and far future in primary and secondary schools. The effect of measures taken in training should be emphasized as well. Lastly, the research tends to promote the classroom teachers’creative ability in teaching and researching. The individual teachers’professional development is closely related with teachers’professionalization, with the latter as the condition and the former the theme and purpose.The researching method adopted in this study is action research, which is based on the realistic education environment, to be specific, under the situation when the school-based training is under way in all primary and secondary schools in Qingdao. At the same time, the present author collected and referred to abundant materials in the course of study. Through one case study of primary and secondary school at county level, the paper arrives at the generally used ways and methods in conducting school-based training in rural primary and secondary schools, points out the efficiency and deficiency existing in the process of training, and puts forward some corresponding suggestions.“Training should follow a model, but there shouldn’t be any fixed and stable model. It is advisable to create models. The model without fixed shape is the ultimate one.”Although school-based training is at its infant stage, it is developing very fast. We should adapt ourselves and meet every new challenge in the educational transformation and development. School-based training is expected to play a leading role in promoting teachers’professional development and their teaching quality. The training result will be melted into the teachers’everyday teaching activity and bring about benefits to the rural primary and secondary school education in the end.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】574

