

Research of the Ergonomics Application Methods in Car Interior Package Design

【作者】 王福成

【导师】 张君媛; 樊晓浒;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 车辆工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 首先,通过对全新整车、车身、人机工程设计三个典型流程和设计方法的介绍,阐述了人机工程设计所处的整车开发阶段、车身设计与内外模型设计的相互关系,内外模型设计中必须考虑的人机因素及其设计原则和方法等,明晰了人机工程设计的流程与工作内容。其次,深入研究了车身内部布置工具的基本原理、相关标准、设计参考值及评价指标等,包括百分位的选择、H点的确定与座椅调节范围、操纵方便性、眼椭圆、汽车内部空间尺寸确定、上下车方便性、视野设计。并进行了实际车型的应用设计。另外,还较为详细地介绍了UG NX和RAMSIS两种人机工程设计自动化软件。最后,在实际工作过程中,总结归纳了一套主观评价方法和项目,对于车型人机工程设计的模型评审、样车评价及设计更改均有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 1 IntroductionAfter more than 50 years of construction and development, China’s automobile industry has become the leading power of automobile production and consumption in the world. In particular, with the rise and rapid development of independent brand’s vehicles, we pay more attention to the development processes and the technical requirements of hard points’layout.Modern car’s design always stresses people-oriented, so safety, comfort, environmental protection and energy saving have been the design theme and target in car design. Ergonomics layout design is not only relate to the effective use of internal space and improve car’s comfort and safety performance, but it will also impact internal and external modeling results, and further affects the vehicle’s overall performance and marketability. So ergonomics’application and research during car design and development process occupy an important position.This paper seeks to according to ergonomics theory, domestic and international standards, regulations, technical requirements in the design, and development work in the accumulation of data and practical experience to progress the theory and real vehicle design of the car ergonomic layout design major projects, and provide design experience value and evaluation indicators, in order to provide a theoretical basis for the development and design of new style vehicle.2 Methods and processes of inner auto-body layoutThrough the three typical processes such as modern vehicle developing process, body development process and using ergonomic to progress inner auto-body layout, describe ergonomic layoationship between design, anut design in which stage of the process of vehicle development, the reld the importance of working steps.3 The study of inner auto-body layout tool and its application methodForeign ergonomics standards, regulations, and design software and systems, but in the domestic, due to the relevant standards and regulations is not perfect, there is no suitable human data, successful application of mature software and the lack of design experience, so this paper, based on the foreign standards and regulations to study and analysis the ergonomic design.3.1 Selection of percentilePercentile show the percentage of people that whose body’s basic data is applicable in the using objects, in other words, show the normal distribution of accumulated probability in the body size data. Without the size of three-dimensional human body model H-point. However, as car market is the trend of globalization was proposed to 95% percentile of SAE-3DM body to facilitate the design and analysis.3.2 The determination of H-point and the adjustment scope of seatH-point is easy to operate and with the comfort of sitting inside dimensions of the relevant benchmark is to ascertain the oval eyes in body position in the benchmark, and to determine the driver’s hand but it encompasses the interface reference point, the man-machine design is the most important one of the key hardware.This paper focus on the H-point, the relationship between H-point and R-point and the H30 determination. Put forward that according to the requirements of car’s style make to driving posture, human physiological structure determined by the range of comfortble angle of the joints and congenial H-point position line by 5% and 95% percentile of human model, identified the layout of the human body model, which reached the prefore and final of the H-point and seat adjustment stroke.3.3 Handling convenient performanceDriver’s hands but it encompasses the interface refers to the driver to normal driving posture of the seat belts are sitting in the seat with one hand and hold the steering wheel, one hand to the largest space but it encompasses the interface. In the road, various pieces of control gear that drivers used should be deployed in the range that driver’s hands could reach, but it encompasses the range. General H points above 178-203 mm is the hand manipulating the comfort point. In addition, the manipulation of various pieces of proposed lighting controller and the priority of the request.3.4 Eyellipse Driver’s eyellipse is the different build according to their own wishes driver seat adjustment will be agreeable to the location, and in normal driving posture seated, in their eyes location in the body coordinates the statistical distribution of graphics, graphic statistical distribution was elliptical-shaped, so it is known as the driver eyellipse. Driver eyellipse study the establishment of performance automotive vision provided the vision of the origin of the scientific benchmarks. And 97 edition eyellipse and 02 version eyellipse were compared.3.5 Inner space dimension of carIn the work process of car’s ergonomics layout, the dimension of their vehicles within the defined space occupies an extremely important position. Designers will always focus on the ride comfort, security, handling comfort, combination with a convenience to alight on the main factors to be considered in light of the types of car designed by the existing car style, compete style and the style which has been the experience of the automotive interior space dimension repeatedly deliberated, in order to meet the requirements of the modeling the definition of design models.3.6 Easiness on up and downDoor’s shape and location of car body side panel as well as opening the door a direct impact on the number of the crew off convenience. Alighted on the convenience of door beams and the height threshold height, door opening and the relative position of seats, as well as the relative position of four-wheel cover, the layout of the door pillar.3.7 Vision DesignThis paper briefly describes the setting standards of deciding the center of dashboard plane, driver’s up vision and A column obstacles angle. 4 The study of ergonomic design and evaluation method of Hafei’cars4.1 Brief introduction of ergonomics design softwareVehicle Layout Design Module (NX General Packaging) is a set of advanced automotive internal layout design software. It provides a vehicle design engineers design guide and accelerate the internal layout of the vehicle design and evaluation of this design is consistent with SAE standards or local regulations. The basic functions of computer-aided the human crew digital system (RAMSIS) which is use for driver simulation is that real human model, anthropometric typology, human average growth model, posture simulation, Mission animation effects, Interference Detection, Comfort analysis, Vision analysis, surface Model, with the CAD system integration, 3-D measurement system and database system.4.2 Application of Ergonomic design in the Hafei’CarsBased on the theoretical guidance for Hafei’cars carried out a series of ergonomics analysis. Such as H-point setting, hand reach envelop setting, inspection of engine room cover and luggage compartment cover, UG NX analyse the application of the 97 Eyellipse and 02 Eyellipse impact on vehicles’vision, A column obstacles angle, traffic lights vision.4.3 Ergonomic subjective evaluationIn the process of developing a new model of the stage should be carried out within the ergonomic design of the static subjective evaluation, found problems in a timely fashion to rectify them, and that design. In car-like stage, in addition to the need for ergonomics design projects, the actual measurement, but also for static and dynamic subjective evaluation to the actual determination of different feelings and human-machine and the development of the practical effects of future improvement measures. In practical work, for this purpose the corresponding subjective evaluation form, divided into seats, manipulation, vision, indoor living space, five large projects Vehicle feeling, and invited a considerable experience in personnel evaluation.5 ConclusionAccording to the research of car ergonomics design methods and processes, body internal layout tools theoretical research, design and related real vehicle models data collection, I summed up a number of ergonomic layout design and evaluation of the required data and the key projects, on the design and development of similar models have certain guiding significance.

【关键词】 人机工程设计布置评价
【Key words】 ErgonomicsPackageEveluation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】U462;TB18
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1243

