

Reform and Some Advices of the Combined Punishment for Several Crimes

【作者】 张红梅

【导师】 徐岱;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 数罪并罚制度,是刑罚适用的基本制度之一,也是当代世界各国刑事法律制度的重要内容之一。数罪并罚制度包括数罪并罚的原则和方法。纵观各国刑事立法的规定,数罪并罚原则有四种,即:并科原则、吸收原则、限制加重原则和折衷原则,各种原则均有其利弊。单纯采用某一种原则的国家很少,采用并科原则和限制加重原则的相对较多。我国现行刑法采取了以限制加重原则为主,吸收原则和并科原则为补充的折衷原则以及“先并后减”和“先减后并”的并罚方法的数罪并罚制度。本文从理论方面分析了当前的数罪并罚制度存在的不足之处,并从实践方面指出了其缺乏操作性以及在适用过程中造成的量刑不公等现象,从而证明了对其进行立法完善的必要性。立法建议主要是从数罪并罚原则方面着手,论述不论主刑还是附加刑的并罚均采用以并科原则为主、吸收原则为辅的新的数罪并罚原则的必要性、可行性,以及对同种漏罪作一罪处罚的实践依据。同时完善相关法律条文方面的衔接。

【Abstract】 Combined Punishment for Several Crimes ruled by 1997 Criminal Law of PRC,is quite scientific, generally goes with the fight against crimes, but with developing of the market economy, there are more and more kinds of crimes, as well as with the transformation of the people’s opinion about penalty, some imperfection such as unpractical and unreasonable exposed obviously in the legislation, and directly affected judicial practices .The author tried to analyze it from theoretical and practical level and proposed some corresponding legislative suggestions , it would be beneficial for the penalty system.What’s the Combined Punishment for Several Crimes?The Combined Punishment for Several Crimes is one of penalty suitable basic systems, also is one of contemporary various countries criminal activity legal regime important contents. The Combined Punishment for Several Crimes origins from West’s Roman law, including simultaneous punishment for several offenses principle and method.There are doctrine of accumulation Punishments, the absorption principle, the limit aggravation principle and the compromised principle all over the world.As each principle has two sides,few countres’adopt only one and thus doctrine of accumulation Punishments and the limit aggravation principle become the vanious countries choice.The legislation about Combined Punishment for Several Crimes in China .With emphasis elaborated the insufficiency which t The Combined Punishment for Several Crimes exists. Be to have adopting being condemned to death penalty or life imprisonment to absorb principle in several crimes, punishment adopts to the Principle of Limitative Aggravation to having expecting liberty , punishment adopts to join section principle to fine. There are two kinds of methods mainly about Combined Punishment for Several Crimes. One is "reduction after combined sentence" and the other is "reduction after combined sentence".Defection of the Combined Punishment for Several Crimes.First, the heterogeneous punishment against freedom and combined punishment is chaotic, at present there are five viewpoints, and no one gets the advantage obviously, obtains the recognition, in reality procedure also is each does what he thinks is right, the damage law solemnity.Second, the accessory punishment and punishes lacks of practicing. "Criminal law" Article 69 2 section stipulation, This stipulation quite is some general, how in the logarithm crime has punishes at the same time the accessory punishment and punishes also does not have to stipulate explicitly or the related judicial interpretation, also the procedure is different in reality.Third, the same crime in Combined Punishment for Several Crimes is unfair. After court decision declares and befor carrying out the Punishment is finished newly puts the blame on and front crime adopt method "reduction after combined sentence" to join the combined punishment for several crimes. Either creates the misdemeanor heavy fine, either creates the grave offense to punish lightly.Fourth, limit aggravation principle exists serions defections both in theory and practice: I Limit aggravation principle theoretically flaw.1st. Everybody equality constitution principle and the equality are suitable the criminal law with the law in front of the principle is not adaptive. 2nd, adapts the principle not symbol with the responsibility for an offense punishment.3th, against with the penalty’s function and goal.4th, compares with the accumulative offense system, the limit aggravation principle appears suitably lightly.II in limit aggravation principle practice insufficiency. 1st, Looked from the computational method, not only the limit aggravation principle has bargains back and forth the suspicion, but also entrusted with judge the oversized freedom to decide after deliberation the power, easy to multiply the judicature to be corrupt. 2nd,there are some different opinions bout the numb of“above”and“below”on Criminal law article 69; whether includes this number existence dispute.3rd, Because limit aggravation principle being suitable, will cause to leak the crime to discover sooner or later has the difference with the prison term, formed in fact is not equal, appeared the discretion of punishment unfair phenomenon which the same crime punished differently. Carries out front the penalty finished discovered leaks the crime to be suitable the simultaneous punishment for several offenses principle which aggravates with the limit, the sum total prison term is lower than two crimes to announce sum of the punishment; Carries out after the penalty finished discovered again leaks the crime, only makes the number crime to process, but not and punishes, the sum total prison term was equal to two crimes announce sum of the punishment.Reform and some advises .Based on the limit aggravation principle existence insufficiency, proposed carries on the legislation consummation and the suggestion to the current simultaneous punishment for several offenses system. And has proven this legislation suggestion reason.1st, uses to the principal penalty and the accessory punishment take and the branch principle primarily, the absorption principle as the auxiliary simultaneous punishment for several offenses principle.2nd, after decides the announcement to solve homogeneously leaks the crime, does not make the simultaneous punishment for several offenses, makes a crime to punish severely. Also no matter penalty whether carries out finished, will abolish the original decision, around two times will solve the delinquent account unification will make the new decision as the discretion of punishment basis, in the prison term which and will decide front which already carried out the prison term anew decides to deduct. Front 3rd, carries out to the penalty finished again intentionally the crime, must compare the accumulative offense severely to punish again.Reason: First, necessity and practicability. Misdemeanors would be punished lightly, felonies would be punished severely. 1st, it is necessary for preventing and punishing crimes to adopt the branch principle in the penalty, a criminal who make several crimes is more dangerous than others, whose subjective malignant is deeper than normal person, the possibility of anti-social action is big, it is difficult to transform. 2nd, it is suitable and the branch principle implements the need which the crime punishment adapts. Second, it is feasible to use the branch principle. 1st, uses and the branch principle and the current advocate width strict aid the criminal judicature policy to echo. 2nd, it is feasible in the penalty execution, because has commutes a sentence, the parole system may let it release ahead of time. 3rd compares with the foreign present penalty has the feasibility, conforms to the international environment. Not only Anglo-American law system uses the branch principle about combined punishment for several crimes, in some country of Romano-Germanic family used it too. Second, elaborated from four aspects to homogeneous has leaked the crime simultaneous punishment for several offenses the insufficiency and makes the rationality which a crime punished severely.Some questions about correlation between laws. The article complies with the life imprisonment carrying out a death sentence , the fixed-term imprisonment term of imprisonment , reduce the penalty sentence by, the conditional release waits for penalty system applying , the angles such as punishing and applying to minor crime must imprison punishment committing a crime again during carrying out a death sentence to have assumed that the synchronism that other relevance law knows revises and improves and perfects.After combined punishment for several offenses system revision, in order to realize the law and the penalty engagement and the coordinated unification, needs to carry on the synchronized revision and the consummation to the correlation law. Carries out the life imprisonment criminal offender to the simultaneous punishment for several offenses to be suitable strictly commutes a sentence, the parole condition. When necessity may attach decides it’s lifelong not to have to commute a sentence or the parole system. The set term of imprisonment lowest beginning prison term is invariable; the highest prison term enhancement is 20 years. The reduction commutes a sentence; increase parole being suitable, and suitable extension parole test time. Because commutes a sentence violates the rate of recidivism is higher than the ticket-of-leave man. Carries out to the penalty finished again intentionally the crime, must punish severely according to the accumulative offense. Is suitable the non-imprisonment punishment massively to the subjective malignant not big misdemeanor.

【关键词】 数罪并罚立法完善并科原则
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】498

