

The System of Transfer of Mortgaged Real Property

【作者】 旷彬科

【导师】 苏号朋;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自罗马法以来直至近现代,抵押权始终是各国民法中最为重要的担保物权制度。抵押权制度极为繁杂,本文主题为抵押不动产的转让制度,这是抵押权制度的一项重要内容。研究抵押不动产的转让制度具有重要的理论价值及实践意义。物权法的基本范畴和需解决的基本问题可归纳为“静态秩序、动态安全”,而抵押不动产的转让制度涉及到抵押权的基本原理和制度价值、不动产的权利变动规则、抵押权的追及力、抵押权的物上代位性、涤除权以及第三人保护制度等诸多理论问题,把物权法“动态安全”的核心价值体现得淋漓尽致。此外,在司法实践领域,因抵押人未经抵押权人同意而转让抵押不动产所导致的诉讼案件大量存在,尤其是房地产按揭中因购房者自行转让已抵押房屋所引发的纠纷日益增多,故而研究抵押不动产的转让制度对于司法实践亦具有重要的指导意义。需要指出的是,我国现行民事立法对于抵押不动产转让制度的相关规定很不完整,而且刚刚颁布的《物权法》对此问题的规定也是不够完善的。有鉴于此,笔者比较和借鉴了大陆法系各主要国家的立法例,从理论分析、实践经验以及中国正在进行的物权立法等多个角度,对该项制度进行了比较系统的研究,重点论证两个方面:第一,不动产抵押设定之后,抵押人是否有权利自由转让抵押不动产?第二,若允许抵押人自由转让抵押不动产,那么我们应设计出怎样一种制度体系来平衡抵押权人、抵押人以及受让人之间的利益关系?具体而言,正文共分四个部分,主要内容如下:第一部分,抵押不动产转让制度之概述。本部分首先对于抵押不动产的转让问题进行了概括性介绍;其次,从比较法的角度,考察了大陆法系各主要国家(包括德国、法国、日本、瑞士等)的相关民法学说及立法例,通过比较分析可知,大多数国家均允许抵押不动产的自由转让,但是对于转让过程中如何平衡抵押权人、抵押人、受让人三方当事人的利益,各国规定则不尽相同。第二部分,抵押不动产转让的理论基础。从三个角度对于应当允许抵押不动产自由转让的理论基础进行分析,重点论证了抵押权的追及力与抵押不动产转让价金的物上代位性。第三部分,抵押不动产转让中三方当事人权益的保护与平衡。在肯定了应当允许抵押不动产自由转让的前提下,进一步分析了抵押不动产转让中如何保护抵押权人、抵押人以及受让人之权益并进行利益平衡的法律制度,共列举了目前各国存在的五种主要学说和立法例,并逐一加以评析。第四部分,中国物权立法中抵押不动产转让制度之评析。本部分首先对于中国现行不同位阶的民事立法中关于抵押不动产转让制度的法律规定进行了梳理,并逐一加以评述;在此基础上,提出了进一步完善的具体建议。

【Abstract】 From Roman law to modern law, mortgage has been the most important real right guaranteed in the civil law of all countries.The issue of this paper is the system of the transfer of mortgaged real property, which is an important item in mortgage system.There is great theoretical value and practical significance in the research of the system of the transfer of mortgaged real property. The basic category and the essential issue needed to resolve in real right law can be concluded as“to maintain the static and to secure the dynamic”. While the system of the transfer of mortgaged real property deals with many theoretical issues, such as the fundamental principles and systematical value of mortgage, the rule of right variation of real property, pursuance force of mortgage, subrogation of mortgage, the purging right and protection on the third party, all of which embody the core value of real right law’s“to secure the dynamic”. So it has great theoretical value. Moreover, in judicial practice there are plenty of suits resulted from the mortgagor transferring the mortgaged property without the consent of the mortgagee, especially in the situation of the mortgage system in real estate in which the buyer making bold to transferring the mortgaged house. Therefore it is of great instructive significance to have a deep research into the system of the transfer of mortgaged real property for the judicial practice.It is necessary to point out that the concerning legislation on the system of the transfer of mortgaged real property in our civil law is not integrated; the same is the newly adopted Real Right Law. Whereas, through the comparing with and referring to the various legislations of the main civil law countries, the author makes a systematical research on the system from the angles of theoretical analysis, practice and the processing real right legislation. There are two emphases. One is whether the mortgagor is entitled to freely transfer the mortgaged real property after the mortgage is established, the other is how to design a system to balance the interested relationship among the mortgagee, the mortgagor and the transferee if the mortgagor is allowed to freely transfer the mortgaged real property.There are four sections in the paper. The content is as follows: The first section is a summarization of the transfer of mortgaged real property. At first it has a brief introduction of the transfer of mortgaged real property. Then, in the view of comparative law, it illustrates the concerning civil law theories and legislations of some civil law countries (including Germany, French, Japan and Swiss etc.). Through the comparison we know that most countries allow the free transfer of mortgaged real property, but they have different provisions on how to balance the interests of mortgagee, mortgagor and transferee.The second section is the theoretical foundation of the transfer of mortgaged real property. There is an analysis on the theoretical foundation of whether allowing the transfer of mortgaged real property or not on the basis of legal theories. The most important issues are pursuance force of mortgage and the subrogation of mortgage sale cash.The third section is the protection and balance of the three parties in the transfer of mortgaged real property. On the premise of allowing the free transfer of mortgaged real property, it further analyzes how to protect the interests of the mortgagee, mortgagor and transferee and how to balance the interests. In this section it illustrates and comments on several categories of theories and legislations.The forth section is the comment on the transfer of mortgaged real property in China’s real right legislation. At first it summarizes and comments on the provisions on the transfer of mortgaged real property in the civil legislation of different levels. Then it makes a comment on Article 191 of Real Right Law and gives specific suggestions on its further perfection.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】263

