

Study of Real Estate Investment Trusts Law

【作者】 王熙喜

【导师】 顾功耘;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 笔者近期从权威部门获悉,中国证监会目前正在起草REITs法律条文。2007年4月,联华信托和中信证券已开始试点。在一年前(2006年)的4月25日,中国人民银行副行长吴晓灵在住房金融体系国际研讨会上就曾宣布,中国打算拓宽证券市场,开展国内REITs(real estate investment trusts)。本文从我国发展REITs的实践意义出发,指出REITs可为房地产开辟庞大的新的融资渠道,为中小投资者提供稳健收益率高的投资产品。在研究了REITs的法律界定之后,探讨了REITs一般运行机制,包括法律关系、运营模式以及REITs结构的发展。其中流动性与税收机制是发展的难点和要点。在借鉴各国已成形的REITs法律制度中,笔者认为在投资的资产类别、股利分配政策、资产负债比例、资产结构限制、股权结构限制等方面,是国外REITs60多年发展的沉淀,中国可以借鉴,另外,基金价值评估(会计处理)可参照美国的经营基金(Fund from Operation,FFO)。论文还对房地产投资信托制度之风险规避机制及技巧进行了探讨。笔者对美国REITs高杠杆债务风险产生的经济、法律原因进行了剖析,并介绍了美国的法律对策,REITs重组中可采用一些技巧满足法律要求,如发行仅次于债权的优先股。本文在指出我国REITs发展的可行性条件和法律障碍之后,提出构建中国REITs法律环境的几点建议,对现行的法律设计、税收制度作了分析,认为发展我国REITs运作模式的选择:契约型封闭式优先。在经济过热、资产价格泡沫膨胀风险之下,监管层倾向于收紧房地产投资信托基金的红筹上市途经。不过,在国内融资渠道充分发展的情况下,需要高杠杆融资的REITs在国内推出是自然而然的事,是金融创新的方向。本文认为,法律和政策没有到位,是REITs无法推出的根本原因。一旦政府下决心推出,所述问题都会迎刃而解。

【Abstract】 Wu Xiaolin, deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, declared on April 25, 2006 at the International Symposium on Residential Housing Finance System that China intends to broaden its securities market and launch its domestic REITs.Five REITs have been listed in Hong Kong, among which GZI REIT (0405) is the first REIT ever listed in Hong Kong (in December 2005) that encompasses Chinese domestic properties (located in Guangzhou). And CRCT has listed in Singapore which also encompasses Chinese domestic properties ’ in 2006. These two provide us with two kind of REITs constructions that listed overseas.In composing this article, consultation has been made with the law firm Paul Hastings, legal counsel, to GZI REIT Asset Management Limited (manager of GZI REIT), and the law firm King & Wood, legal counsel to HSBC (GZI’s joint global coordinator). REIT systems of the US, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia are compared with each other, and proposals have been made with respect to the creation of REIT-related legal system in China. As a capital-intensive industry, the real estate industry demands substantial amount of funds, operates over long periods of time and carries high risks. It is a pillar industry in China. As a financial product, REITs can reduce banks’ exposure to risks, meet the public’s need for investment tool, improve the liquidity of real estate that produce long-term yields, improve informational transparency of the real estate industry, and upgrade the financial system of China to respond to international competition.The successful listing of GZI REIT demonstrated that it is possible for Chinese developers and investors to list REITs in Hong Kong after solving issues in regulation, foreign exchange "control, law and taxation. Meanwhile, corporate restructuring is necessary to meet the standards for listing in Hong Kong.By learning from REIT-related legal arrangements of other jurisdictions and taking into consideration the realities in real estate development in China, reasonable rules can be made with respect to such issues as the categories of assets for investment, dividend distribution policies, debt/equity ratio, capital structure restrictions, and equity structure restrictions.After careful consideration of the REIT legal system to be established in China, the author is of the opinion that in establishing the REIT system in China, priority should be given to the contractual form of REITs and private placements may develop into corporate form. Analyses are made of current legal rules and tax regime, and a tension is spotted between the trust system and the practice of public placement of REITs in China. Lastly, discussion are made regarding the mechanism and techniques for risk avoidance in REIT practices. Insights are given to the economic and legal causes that give rise to risks associated with highly-leveraged debts in REITs in the US and solutions available under US law. Some techniques may be adopted in connection with the restructuring of REITs to meet relevant legal requirements.

  • 【分类号】D922.282
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】353

