

The Research of Regulation Reform on Chinese Logistics

【作者】 董海峰

【导师】 杨忠孝;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国发展物流业只有短短十多年时间,效果也不十分明显,与近三十年发达国家物流业迅猛发展形成了较大的反差。新中国成立后的很长一个时期内,政府对此行业采用了最严格的管制模式,即国家垄断经营。其原因在于交通运输业作为物流业的基础行业部门被认为是关系到国计民生的重要行业,而这一管制模式不可避免地影响到交通运输业向更高阶段的物流业发展。2001年中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)后,交通运输业的基本组成部门——航空、海运、铁路、公路、水路货运基本向外资开放,国外物流业巨头纷纷抢滩中国市场。政府面临的问题是,既要扶持民族物流业赶上发达国家水平,又要促进国外物流企业带动我国物流业的发展。于是,以创造一个良好的政府管制软环境为目标的物流业政府管制模式的改革与物流业法律制度改革成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。良好的管制模式的选择与管制法律的制定不仅需要考虑效率性,更需要考虑管制法律价值,即是否具备正当性。因为管制的经济动因存在公共利益和行业集团利益两种利益驱动,前者是为了纠正“市场失灵”后采取的政府干预经济的方式,符合经济发展规律;而后者则是少数行业利益集团通过争取管制地位,阻碍新的竞争者进入,以获取更高的利润。不同的利益驱动机制所导致的管制模式与管制制度的设计将会有根本性的差异。因此由于经济管制动因一定程度上会出现偏差,管制法律价值正在于需要解决管制的程序正当与实质正当性。管制法律应当通过法律独有的规范和程序,最大可能地保护公共利益而非行业集团利益。从正当性角度看,管制法律制度的有效性问题,实际上是保护公共利益的有效性。美国和欧盟的管制制度的变革实际上就是管制法律价值取向在这两类利益驱动间的摆动。关于管制问题的研究方法,存在多角度研究的特性。从宏观角度看,即包括法学的方法,也包括经济学的方法。从法学角度看,管制实质是国家干预经济后产生的社会关系,符合经济法调整的特征,因此管制法律应当作为经济法的重要研究对象。管制实际上是国家利用行政、民事、商事等多种法律手段干预经济,管制法律制度的研究包括管制原则、管制体制、管制程度等各个层面。主要管制法律制度包括市场结构管制(市场准入法律制度)、行为管制(价格法律制度)、执法效率等具体法律制度。目前,我国物流业的主要组成行业——航空、海运、铁路、公路、水路货运等行业分别属于垄断、寡头垄断、完全放开三种市场状况。本文认为,根据市场性质,通过对不同交通运输现行的具体管制法律制度进行分析,垄断的铁路行业的效率是最低,实际竞争效果也是最差的;寡头垄断的航空和海运行业尽管在市场准入上已经打破垄断,但在实际经营资源的分配还是处于政府控制状态,因此竞争的潜力没有发挥至最大;而完全放开的公路和水路运输市场又过于分散,信息传递制度有欠缺,导致经营资源无法利用市场机制向优势企业集中。因此,垄断和寡头垄断行业如何进一步打破垄断、完全放开行业如何进一步加强管制以及政府如何提高管制效率是物流业管制制度构建的重要内容,并且,不同性质的行业也需要改进其具体管制法律制度,以达到管制目标。

【Abstract】 China logistics industry began to develop from recent years, and effect also not obvious. With a flourishing and fast development of logistics industry in the developed countries, there is a tremendous anti- bad between China and these countries. In fact, transportation industry as the base of logistics industry was regulated strictly during a long period after China establish, because it relates to nation security and people’s livelihood. The most strict control mode, which only state-owned enterprise can obtain the operation license, was adopted. This regulation mode inevitably came with a negative influence on the development of logistics industry. After China joined WTO in 2001, transportation industry which contains civil aviation, marine,rail,water,road freight section was open to the foreign investors. Numbers of foreign logistics tycoon gets into Chinese market in succession. The situation China face is not only that we must support domestic logistics industry to catch up high level of developed countries, but also that we need foreign logistics business to arouse our logistics industry. So we have to reform existing regulation law system. For creating a good regulation environment, we have to consider regulation law value, namely whether justification. Because the economy reason of regulation exists public interests drive and group interests drive. The former is for rectifying the market failure through government intervention, which comply with economy pattern. And the latter is that the interest group endeavor to get the monopoly position and obstruct a new competitor into to market for obtaining higher profits. Because the economic reason of regulation appears deviation, the regulation law value is justification, includes justification of the entity and justification of the procedure. Justification of the entity and justification of the procedure of law making and enforcement will protect public interests rather than group interests. The justification attachs with the efficiency of regulation law system, which substantially can consider as another expression of justification. From what we view on the regulation history of the United States and EU, the regulation law is continuously swing between two kinds of interests. Because China is in the transition period from planned economy to market economy, there exists inertial of planned economy in addition to the group’s interests. So we have to pay attention to the justification of regulation law. On studying method, the regulation is a common object of economics and law. There is not only an interaction relation, but also a particular emphasis on the research of these two science. The emphasis of economic law is regulation principle, regulation mode, regulation degree etc. the concrete level carry on a research. Chinese logistics industry mainly consists of civil aviation, marine, rail, road and water freight. The rail is a monopoly market, the civil aviation, marine is a oligopoly market. The road and water is a highly competitive market. According to nature of markets, analysis is focused on three concrete law systems which is the market structure regulations(license regulations), behavior regulations(price regulations), efficiency of law enforcement. So we can conclude whether the regulation attains the target or not. Then we bring out our reform suggestion which is how to break monopoly further, how to strengthen the regulation of competitive market and raise the efficiency of law enforcement.

【关键词】 物流管制法律
【Key words】 LogisticsRegulationLaw
  • 【分类号】D922.296
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】314

