

On Stipulation and Prevention of Litigation Risk in Civil Suits

【作者】 孙亦玢

【导师】 武胜建;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 法律, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 和谐司法要求下的民事诉讼程序,正承受着前所未有的挑战。笔者以敏锐的视角提出,诉讼风险已然降临于法院系统内部,形式各异的诉讼风险是困扰着审判实践的疑难杂症。然而,什么是真正意义上的民事诉讼风险,如何认定诉讼风险,最终如何规制与防范则尚缺乏系统的研究。本论文将对以上问题进行分析与论述,论文内容主要分以下几个部分:首先,本文通过司法实践中的典型案例与真实写照,将当今法院面临的诉讼风险的现实状况进行一番解读,提出了本文撰写目的的缘起。笔者通过对诉讼风险的现状和诉讼风险产生的根源分析,给诉讼风险下了定义:一切能够影响法院审判程序顺利进行,损害法院司法公信力,以及非诚信诉讼导致侵害他人合法权益的危险因素。其次,笔者通过对诉讼风险的类型分析及与之相关的理论考察,进一步得出诉讼风险的认定标准。笔者认为诉讼风险因素的判断标准需要结合诉讼行为有无不当,有无违背民事诉讼基本原则的内容,是否给司法公信力造成损害,是否损害他人合法权益等情节进行综合考量来认定。诉讼风险本身是较为抽象的概念,要将其具体化,是有一定难度的,但是笔者通过诉讼风险与民事诉讼中诚实信用原则的关系,与既判力及禁止权利滥用等民事诉讼基本理论的关系着手分析,提出较为合理的判定标准,具有一定的现实意义。最后,本文揭示了诉讼风险存在的现实危害性,提出防范与规制的必要性及具体规制措施。笔者通过对国外相关理论的比较分析,针对我国目前诉讼风险,提出了适合我国国情的法律规制与防范措施。笔者针对立法上的空白,提出了较为具体的法律规制设想,不仅从民事诉讼基本原则和具体程序性的规制方面设置,还涉及了实体法的救济措施。此外,针对诉讼风险的防范措施也较为全面充分。文章最后还对尚未构成诉讼风险的现实问题提出笔者的担忧,以示众人。在我国民事诉讼领域对法院内部的诉讼风险的研究,尚未系统化,具体化,局限于对当事人滥用诉讼权利及滥用诉权等方面的考察。本文旨在从司法实践出发,将法院目前面临的诉讼风险问题进行综合分析与认定,并希望通过自己不成熟的认定与设想,能为法院系统今后规制与防范诉讼风险有所裨益。本文选题来源于审判实践,采用了理论与实践相结合的写作方法,从典型案例入手,引出问题、分析问题,最终提出规制与防范问题的办法。本文主要的分析方法包括:比较分析法学、实证分析法学等。

【Abstract】 Civil proceedings are now facing the unprecedented challenges in the background of harmonious justice. The author puts forward the viewpoint that litigation risks have come into the interior system of the court. A great variety of litigation risks are the main problem that has being puzzled the judicature. This thesis will explain such questions as what the litigation risk indeed mean, how to define it and what we can do to regulate and control it.The thesis is divided into those parts:First, the author illustrates the litigation risks our courts are facing with some representative cases, and then explain the reason for writing the thesis. By analyzing the condition and the cause of the litigation risk, the thesis defines it as: all factors that can influence the judgment, and damage the credibility of justice or some non well-meaning lawsuits that infringe upon others’rights and interests.Second, on the base of studying the type of the litigation risk and the related theories, the author advances that we should define the litigation risk comprehensively. The following factors can be taken into account: the rationality of the action in the litigation, the basic principle of the civil litigation, credibility of the justice, and others’rights and interests. It is actually difficult to reification the litigation risk because it is an abstract concept. However, in this thesis, by expounding the relation of litigation risks, good faith doctrine, res judicata and the non-misuse of the rights, the author put forward some reasonable criterion, which can be of some practical significance.Last, in respect that the litigation risk has much damage, the concrete measure to prevent it has been brought forward. On the reference of the relative theories in other countries, the author comes up with the regulative measures that adapt to our own situation. The detailed and comprehensive measures involved the basic principles, proceeding control and relief steps substantially, which supply the gap of the current legislation.In the field of civil proceedings, the study on the litigation risk is not systemic and concrete except some scattered research on the abuse of litigant rights. This thesis is coming from the judgment practice, combine the theory and practice, and use the comparative and pragmatic method. With regard to the content, the author start with typical cases, then elicits and analyzes the issue, and lastly provides with regulating measures.

  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】217

